Love competition, and when I saw this great deal, had to go looking for a better price. So I approached the Geekbuying rep and got this. Just 200 pieces at this price. Limited to one per account. Simply apply coupon ARSESHADE at checkout and enjoy :)
Xiaomi Automatic Sun/Rain Umbrella USD $17.95 (AUD $22.98) Shipped @ Geekbuying

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only 200. get in quick.
no rainchecksSorry am late to the party…are they any good?
Be free from not just the complicated operation in rainy days, but also the embarrassment of being wet in rainy days.
It says it all. I stupidly bought a $6 one but to be honest, it is a little confusing and does get me red faced on occasions.
Oops sorry TA revoked my vote. Because i looked at the price and thought it was only 30c cheaper which I thought wasn't enough of a difference but I must have misread it. Good work with bringing competition!
I saw it too and bought it at $23.65 :S
revoked my vote.
You're a revoker.
Reported to the mods.
Are these popular around here due to the OzBargain effect, or they're better than similarly pried umbrellas from local stores in terms of quality? How come they're selling like cold beer in a 50°C day, given the fact one has to wait for their delivery for about a month?
Herd Mentality!
How come they're selling like cold beer in a 50°C day,
I don't think you should assure they are, and why is delivery wait such a big issue?
If they aren't better quality than one you can pick up from local businesses, then what's the point of buying one from China and waiting for it delivered for a month? It would be a different story if there were a difference in both price and quality (which I am not sure whether that is the case or not).
I think we can expect a certain level of quality from Xiaomi by this point, and again just because you don't like waiting a month for something, doesn't mean everyone feels the same way.
@Lorindor: "I think we can expect a certain level of quality…" isn't assuring, is it? The point is, no one is debating just the delivery period per se, but I pointed out my issue with this particular product that no one seems to give a personal feedback on its quality so far. I bought several Xiaomi stuff posted here myself, and that's because other OzBargain members already purchased similar products in the past and could vouch for their quality, plus the price was right. In that situation, I was more than happy to wait for a month for the item(s) to be delivered.
I'm not here to assure you and your purchasing decisions, no one is, but I would trust a brand like Xiaomi over the average one at the local shops simply because I haven't seen a crap product from them yet, and I would be gambling just as much with a no-name brand - the only difference being I would have to wait at least a month to receive it.
But the vibe that I'm getting from your response is that because it doesn't have the usual price tag of ~$5-10, it's not worth it, right?
@Lorindor: You seem to be getting obsessive, mate. I don't know if you have a stake in this and that's why you're getting mad here. Buy whatever you want and wait for it for eternity if you want, I don't care. Get on with your life, buddy.
I'm not obsessive or mad, just a bit over reading the dribble that gets posted on deals purely because it's popular.
It's okay if you don't like Xiaomi as a brand, that's fine, but don't overreact and make up rubbish in attempt to put others off.
@Lorindor: As I have mentioned above, I bought several products of this brand before due to their price and reviews. I also pointed out the fact that no one here said that they received this product and could talk about its quality, given that it's $23. The thing is, we are all here for a bargain and can comment on and discuss about any given deal, but you seem to be seeking out my comments and arguing with me, I wonder why. Looks like I have a secret admirer after all. Don't worry, I'll let you know whenever I make a comment in the future so that you'll entertain daddy. ;)
I have 9 woodworm umbrellas still…
I can’t find a good deal on them anymore but they are the best I’ve ever ownedPlease go away. People like you ruin this site.
Yes, worse than brodens.
That’s not nice
competition is what drives bargains, whats the problem exactly?
He's trying to help out mate, no need to complain.
I dunno, I hate users that don’t contribute any deals more
why not? the first xiaomi umbrella was selling around AU$30. now it's AU$23. the 1 dollar makes the difference
Yes, TA should just go get a job he likes and excels at!
TA already does that
Different vendor, different poster, new discount code, lower price. What is there to hate about that?
Reduced prices are desirable. Reading about them is optional.
Thanks TA!
Why this umbrella is so good for $22 as my $10 one is still going good
maybe this is a good gift for someone special to you? a quality automatic xiaomi umbrella
Will this stop me from getting vitamin D poisoning when I go out?
Yes will also prevent all chances of STD's
Because it stops you from getting wet?
Because it stops you from getting S…:)
thx got another one, let the race begin, which one will come first….
Searched thread, watched vid, but still not sure if it does it, when you press the button to fold in the top half of the umbrella, if you press the button again will it open back up without sliding it back down to position? Just thinking if it does that's tops, as you pass people when it's busy walking…
Bought one so guess i'll find out…
No if it's anything like most auto umbrellas you have to "reload" it by pushing down hard on the springs after you have folded the top half before shooting it again.
Was going to hold out until it hit $20.. oh well what the hell.
Hardly use umbrella, bought one for mum.
Thanks TA!
Gee I hope I get my $0.90 extra value I paid on the other deal :(
Now just to see who will get it first U or us?I probably get another one if you can get it to $19.99AU in the next 200 offer ;)
Oi U needs RhiannaArse as next code word?
Does it have bluetooth?
so this thing is like those rain-sensing wipers and it will automatically open up?
Can it survive storm?
ta ta ta
Ive purchased one in the past, and honestly love it.
Quality in build feels really sturdy, no loose threads, and pretty compact.
The fact they say is water proof, is kinda like water repellant, some umbrellas in the past sorta just soak up the water, this feels dry all the time, n water just slips off.
Already purchased a second and tbh, this is temptin me to buy a 3rd as another gift.
I'd recommend one if anything! :D"Born with good bone and durable"
"Safe and beautiful, hidden umbrella beads
Comfortable and intimate, square and circle combines with the automatic umbrella handle"What is really being sold here?(!!)
Comfortable and intimate
Will the umbrella be like this all the time or only when under it?
I gather it's every time you're gripping onto that "good bone
r"."Is it starting to pour, or are you just happy so see me?"
Thanks TA
Not sure why I just bought one
Gotta keep that rain out somehow :)
Gotta keep the rain out when it's a gloomy day, rather than a clear day.
I'll see myself out.
Sold out when I just tried to buy one.
Sold out :(
200 stock and sold out in just over an hour? Come on
Btw my post got TA revved up to do a competitive deal? I am doing well ^^
I'll see if I can get Geek to extend the deal for you guys tomorrow.
Thanks for the support!
Any luck?
Currently 7:30am in China. Give me a few more hours.
Ah, of course. Thanks.
Don't get the obsession with this umbrella except the name. Not that large in size (on paper) and not that cheap for it imo. Me old Shelta was about $20-ish, opens up big with the same push button features, hasn't broken yet!
I have the $10 bunnings one and it's big… Automatically opens when I push the button… ;) and keeps me dry. Covers more than one person easily. Don't understand the hype with these automatic umbrellas…. May be I am old fashioned.
I'll certainly need some ArseShade after all the pounding I've received from the missus lately about my AmEx obsession.
Thanks TA.
need some ArseShade after all the pounding
Arse pounding?
I only subscribed to this thread to see if Clear could come up with some more, and here I am getting messages on my phone about Arse Pounding
Best thread ever
Warning: NSFW
Yup, now I've got a bunch of Scabs. Drat.
Sorry folks no extension on this deal unfortunately. You ran GeekBuying dry and they're out of stock 😂
Should I organise another deal for the FOURTH time? 😉
A Saturday night special?
Not big enough for me ;)