Half price ALL Libra pads and tampons in Priceline.
If your local Priceline has sold out of your favourite ones, you should be able to price match with BigW, Chemist warehouse, Terrywhite chemist and some IGA stores.
Half price ALL Libra pads and tampons in Priceline.
If your local Priceline has sold out of your favourite ones, you should be able to price match with BigW, Chemist warehouse, Terrywhite chemist and some IGA stores.
These are meant to stop the flow.
Don't be so bloody crude
No men allowed to comment. Period.
@Spooked: How dare you exclude genders, people should be able to make up their own minds about that.
The middle page of my passport says:
"Ne pas apposer de tampons sur cette page"
More like paying what we should be. They are a wrought for an essential item, but a female OzBargainer Should use a cup. They're much more efficient, cheaper & better for the environment.
Are you a female OzBargainer. Do you even cup?
Well yes, I am and none ya!
Well you can't trade them in, but yes there are different sizes lol
When you've bought one have you ever had someone ask if you want fries with it?
Free refills?
All you can drink.
then compost the contents
I just threw up in my mouth
idk it kind of grosses me out, cleaning a cup at work or something. My solution was to go on the pill* continuously for 3 months to minimise periods :D Greener and better for me lol! If I could, I would eat the pill all year long but unfortunately my ovaries decide to shit themselves around the 4 month mark.
*the usual disclaimer about how hormonal pills are not for everyone, speak to your GP
Don't do it, it really screws with your body doing that continuously :(
Why? You get a period when an egg is released and the lining in your uterus sheds because the egg is not fertilised.
Me popping them pills continuously tells my eggs to stay put. Therefore no period.
So when I say my uterus shits itself at the 4 month mark, it decides to bleed really lightly for about 2 weeks. Apparently it is a reaction to the uterine lining thinning out.
2 weeks is too damn long so every 3 months I don't skip the placebos and have my 5 day long period.
Yup I do the same haha, my uterus gives up at 4 months too.
Yes please show us how one should walk around with a cup jammed between one's legs. Photos appreciated.
Thanks for that.
The conversation makes much more sense to me now.
Other alternatives for a female Ozbargainer who is not intending on getting pregnant any time soon can have a mirena IUD and not worry about pills, pads or tampons for 5 years!
5 years per the brochure. 1 year more likely
On what possible basis do you mention this absurd statement bmerigan?
Bringing me grief?
I'm saying if someone thinks they can get 5 years from one, then they could only have gotten that from the brochure. Though in reality, I don't think the brochure claims 5 years either from memory.
No, gynaecologists and obstetricians in Australia most commonly prescribe the Mirena IUD, which is a Medicare funded procedure (with the right indication). It is sold as a 5 year contraceptive device, and the TGA has approved it for the same. In clinical practice it commonly lasts as an effective device for 5 years, providing significant relief for thousands of women. Uneducated statements such as yours face the risk of worrying and potentially preventing women who could benefit from such treatment, when they would otherwise benefit.
Mine is working well so far so good (almost 3 years on). It is licensed for 5 years. Not 100% efficacious at stopping pregnancies or period (as all contraceptives are).
@Griefbringer: ok, well experience in my house was spotting after a couple of months. My uneducated statement was based on experience, from which I came to the conclusion that 5 years was optimistic.
To everyone who is considering it, I still think it's worth a try.
It's a shame to hear that you were not expecting spotting/light bleeding for up to the first 6 months - this is certainly poor education from your prescribing doctor. It is the most common side effect and should be the one that woman expects foremost. It can be concerning to the woman in that she believes the IUD is not acting effectively (as may have been your experience). BY 6 months women should be educated that it will stop, and if it hasn't they should return their gynaecologist for further review. Occasional light spotting throughout the life of the IUD is also expected.
Bloody good deal.
flashback to Carrie's ending
Carrie doesn't bleed here, anymore.
Hurry up, before it's all over red rover!
I believe he used to be white Rover before it got all over
Most of these were recently all $2 each at Coles, I bought about $60 worth and stocked up.
Can we use this other than it's intended purpose. I mean if you are a guy looking to take advantage of this deal.
Disposable sweat bands, inner souls, fast absorbing 'cloths'.
Mini tampons can be used for blood nose.
Hmmm 2 out of the 4 sounds okay. What are inner souls
What are inner souls
Encountered mainly when people go on journey of self discovery. They might take a few pairs of shoes with them and tampons.
if you have a pregnant cat/dog, these will mop up the liquids after birth nicely.
Stuff that
"They are a wrought for an essential item"….err,that might be "rort" actually.
Can't believe that the government still charges GST on an essential like this.
Bloody rip offs
Wasn't there a campaign against that?
There was, but nothing was done about it. I guess the politicians were too saturated with other crap that they were doing at the time.
Upvoted because I read trampolines in the title first.
Thank goodness, you didn't read tramps.
Indeed. :)
Lucky girls.
Isn't it better just to not need female hygiene products?
Or are you in it for the thrill of the discount?
Any OzB'er knows that the discount is much more important than actual need. Need is an afterthought.
True OzB buys now, in case they have female children some day, and that 12 odd years hence, could use the bargain.
Thank you OP i have 3 females in my house, wife and 2 daughters! I smile at males that think they have to comment on something they have never had to deal with themselves as a normal part of life!!! I make fun of most things but i seriously cant see how this could be one of those things to make fun of!!!! When you have 3 females in your house needing the posted products, i dare you to make fun of it to them, i will get a beer and watch as you are bought into reality:)
sorry, you were just 'conditioned' to be subservient, the rest of us aren't :P
You mean sympathetic? Tonywind understands.
You all joke aground, but whoever designed us made the right decision when they gave periods to women, because men would not be able to handle it & would be the biggest sooky la la's. No offense :P
no, he's definitely housebroken :D
men would not be able to handle it & would be the biggest sooky la la's
ok but then I read this from you about paying for fem hygiene products
More like paying what we should be. They are a wrought for an essential item
I don't hear men protesting or petitioning politicians about price of toilet paper, shaving cream and blade refills
If anything, women have it lucky, one week per month you can take a few sickies (i got realllly bad cramps, boss, feel like throwing up) no questions asked.
i dare you to make fun of it to them
When can I come over?
Didn't know that Big W does Price Matching.
I can't find it advertised on their site anymore. I'm nearly 100% sure they do or atleast used to.
bought some tampoons to make Bloody Marry
This deal seems to have leaked early.
Put a tampon on it.
Let the comments flow!