No discount codes are needed, simply the lowest possible price at time of posting.
Tried to price match with TGG, but no success…
No discount codes are needed, simply the lowest possible price at time of posting.
Tried to price match with TGG, but no success…
Hardly Normal…
They told me this is below the price they've paid!
CSR sarcastically suggested me it is a very good price, go and stock some!
I, sarcastically in response, suggested him back YOU go and buy from HN rather than paying more to the providers and stock as MANY as you want!
I would have bought it from them and claimed on their price guarantee.
According to this you would be covered:
That's untrue. Good guys ever did the same model for $25 and on top of that further 20% off sunbeam products (not ebay offer), brings down to $20.00 after discount on their official website. That's less than 2 months ago.
I bought same grill from TGG for $20 couple of months ago.
Maybe try JB hifi?
Just price matched at jb today. Funny that JB actually owns tgg. Was actually going to buy from HN. But ran out of stock a week ago. Rang target but only price match toy. Rang jb about price match HN, they said yes b4 I drive there.
Lol whoever denied your price match at TGG is useless, go back and ask another person and they’ll happily oblige. Just quote their campaign “we beat prices”.
Ask the same person to beat it, and then tell them how useless they are after they realise their mistake.
They were selling this same grill for $20 a few months ago.
Cheerful life-affirming fellow aren't you?
I don't understand why you're Angry, Chicken?
Oh no, just a little put off by the "tell them how useless they are" suggestion.
Well if they can’t even uphold their own policy, then they haven’t been trained correctly, therefore being useless for this case. There’s no use advertising a policy if their staff don’t uphold it.
I might have been a bit excessive in the wording, but seriously they shouldn’t blatantly deny a price match if that’s their own policy.
Ok then let me leave you with this, if you’re really considering buying this, then please, go and try to get a price beat at TGG if it’s convenient.
The reason for my comment is that TGG specifially advertises a price beat, therefore to get a better bargain wouldn’t it be in your interest to go there and ask them?
That was what I was trying to get at, even if the wording was excessive.
Hope it helps you out, that’s all I’m on this website to do, is to find the best price possible for people. Good luck :)
It annoys me when these companies advertise something and don't deliver. Do you remember years ago, Hungry Jacks ran the "have it your way" campaign? I ordered a burger but with a different bun, it was some kind of sourdough or whatever from some promo they were running. My order was refused so I asked to speak to the manager. The manager told me it was not their policy to swap buns. "Have it your way" my arse. Don't advertise that "Others may want to build it, mix it or match it to their own style" unless you are going to do it. Idiots.
I should not here that misleading and deceptive conduct is an offence under Australian Consumer Law. It's more than annoying, it's actually illegal. The problem is that if you report it to the ACCC, they don't give AF.
Source of quote:
nice! winning always feel good!
Damn, didn't know that…had to drive to another HN store :(
Look they don’t price match. So get it from HN then.
It's been $20 before, there is no way I'm forking out the extra $5. Thanks OP.
That was then, this is now.
A good price, esp compared to JB @ $43.00 or GG @ $44.95.
Holy crap, the reviews are remarkably good.
This item hit 100 votes earlier in the year, and that was @ $29.
I had one and the "Heathr B" review on PR is what happened to mine. Then it died. For $20-25 it's ok but I wouldn't expect a long life out of it.
same price a few weeks ago. Not normal?
It is very small - only good for supermarket-style sliced bread in the plastic bags. or one sandwich of a narrow loaf.
OTOH, it takes up less space.
these are actually good quality i've still got one at home that's about 3-4 years old, also have one hidden at work
still got one at home that's about 3-4 years old,
Lasting 3-4 years is considered good now? Thats sad.
sign of the times with built in obsolescence in everything
if it doesnt break how are they going to sell you more~
that is why no one is going to invent a marker pen that never runs out of ink
And this is the case despite every marker pen eventually running out of ink cos the physics of the whole thing. This is me being patronising, again.
….replace "runs out of ink" with doesn't stop working
instead of ink it uses "something" else that can rejuvenate/regenerate or doesn't deplete (or depletes very very slowly)
no…i dont know what this something is…if i did i would go out and put a patent on it =)
well it's about 3-4 years old at present and still going strong.
so yeah i feel that's pretty good for $25.
if i get another year out of it thats $5 per year on my investment in toasted sangas for lunch
so what's the problem?
Yeah i reckon you're doing ok. Mind you i have 20 yo toaster, though i'll admit that's been a fire hazard for the last 5 years.
I just feel that 3 years is too early to say much.
Unless you sold 100 of them, and only 1 or 2 came back for the 3-year warranty, that would be worth knowing.
My Breville was about 15yo before the plastic parts started falling apart.
@AngryChicken: It'll probably stop being a fire hazard if you clean it (if it has a hatch at the bottom. Prob hasn't so it has to be replaced)
Ive had one for maybe 8 years and it's still functioning too :) they're so good
sweet i've got a few more years left on mine then
Is this good for frozen roti prata?
i got a mate that cooks steak, chicken and fish on one of these lol
That's like a naan/paratha yeah?
Can't see why not.
just defrost first and wack it on you know
it's perfect, I use it to cook frozen roti, the heat is even. it turns out better than any pan frying
i have been using… for 5 years. Thinking of changing it…
It looks like they were made on the same assembly line.
The K-mart one has a flat plate on top, which I'd prefer top the ribbed one in the sunbeam.
Why do you want to change?
got scratches on the plate, and turning silver… that's why changing it.
how is the cleaning like
Really easy .. most of the time a paper towel will do, when you need a little more just a damp cloth will do the trick.
I've had one of these for 5yrs plus now! Doesn't skip a beat and gets used at least once a week!
I keep buying these every time I get a $20 concierge credit from TGG. The most I've paid is $3.25 for this.
I got one of these in the last TGG sale. Brilliant little press - 3 minutes and perfect cheese toastie. it's a powerful little bugger.
Can you grill a steak on these things?
I have a bigger one of these with two flat plates has lasted 10 years and looks identical.
Its really quick to heat up and cook, perfect for toasties and sandwhiches, but too hot for making tortillas.
non stick looks brand new
Thanks. Got one from HN. Even the salesperson didn’t know the deal. Sticker price $44.
Yep me too. But had to get display item just put it in a plastic bag . Didn't want to come back as not close to store. Rural area.
Got one. Not bad.
Just realised my Sunbeam blender is cactus.
Dead as a doornail.
Used it less than 10 times, but outside warranty.
What a shit.
I have two of these.
First one I bought years ago, honestly can't remember but probably around 5 years, still going strong, very happy with it, I don't remember what I paid.
I bought another one at HN in December for $24, hoping it also has a long and toasty life.
Cheers OP - picked up one today!
Why not?