It's a VIVO 40" LCD. It has 2 HDMI inputs, 5ms response time and full HD 1920 x 1080p. Price and specs look good. However, there is 1 review with 2 stars. Interpret that review how you may. Check out… for full specs.
VIVO 40" Full HD LCD - $499 ONLY (150 Available) - Free Delivery

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This is an amazing deal.. U guys must b crazy to think otherwise..
Who's questioning it? That's a very odd first comment.
Apologies. That's my gf. She's new to ozbargain. Got bit too excited.
Hehe, all good buddy :)
Thanks QQPenguin
Thanks for the heads up - I was looking for a bargain like this. 499 is great, I picked one up.
these lcds really are getting dirt cheap
down from 599…damn it!
an excellent price for a second tv…
Thanks QQPenguin, I just grabbed one! :)
Vivo is poor quality.
Worse then AWA from Big W.
Put it next to any other LCD and you will see the difference.
DSE stores have them next to lots of different LCDs, they look fine to me! ;)
I think it's a case of getting what you pay for. Good luck to anyone purchasing this.
Greatwhitehunter - If I wanted to get a 200hz, 3d, LED Backlit LCD . This is a great buy for what it is!
I have the 32", works well for pretty much anything I throw at it.
Also of all the tvs I have, it has the least input lag. Even better than my if you play FPS games it has a fast response?
Anything under 8ms is fine for gaming! ;)
i think he meant input delay rather than lcd response, the latter is generally fine.
Yeah man, play MW2 and what not on it, works great!
I've seen them in the DSE store next to other TVs and they looked horrible. I mean, out of focus and fuzzy. I'm not sure if they do that on purpose to upsell you to a Sony though.
This is a tactic I have seen at JB, not sure if DSE would do the same thing deliberately? Couldn't rule out incompetence though! :p
When they had the 32" for $329 a couple of weeks ago I noticed one store had the $399 model set up properly, and the cheaper one set up to letterbox, so there were black bars & squashed heads on 16:9 content, it was making the dearer set look more appealing to the ignorant.
I looked at these when they were last on special at a higher price, set up correctly & next to comparable sets they looked just fine! ;)
I've read every comment up to here of yours with ;) doesn't instill confidence at least how I interpreted it via text. It sounds like you know what yer talking about then the wink just throws it all off like your just pulling our legs. ;)
but at this price, thats pretty sweet
Would I ;)
Lie ;)
To you? ;)
Some of them are just not set up properly in store. I used to grab a AWA 32" from Bigw in their promotion, it looked terrible in the store but I got one anyway. And I am very happy with it, after playing it around at home, the quality is not bad. Of course can't compare with big brand, but it's worth the money.
I'm no Techie, but the reason why i think it is fuzzy at some stores and not in others is because they use a splitter to split the video signal across numerous TVs. When it is split too many times or that the connection is bad, it makes the TV quality bad - i'm sure you're thinking too much into it when you think a store manager would consider lowering the quality in visuals of 1 to improve the sales of another IMHO.
I've seen these in use and they're pretty good for what you pay for them - then again….i work at dicksmith!
Exactly right. We use 1 SD DVD player split using Coaxial cables to ~15-20 tvs.
Not a good set up at all..Well I'm a bit of a skeptic myself, so this is how my mind thinks, unless I just have a devious mind ;)
Most sales tactics from big retailers are clean and legal.
In regards to the review of the product - It was a once off fault in the product and is no reflection of what the product is like. The warranty for online is the same as you would expect from any Dick Smith store.
This sucka's back up to $729 today, glad I took the plunge yesterday! :D
Consider yourself lucky, it was a fantastic price and 150 units was a very small amount to be selling only.
Yeah, I sure do! Mine's been shipped already too! :)
Mine's still 'in progress'… they took my money though.
@Wampus, I'm sure they'll honour it, especially if they've taken your dosh! ;)
My tracking reports as being at the local depot, so I'm expecting it tomorrow!!! :D
Mine is still 'in progress' as well. Will they give some notice as to when exactly the product will be delivered? I'm worried that it will be sent when I'm at work.
Still 'in progress' here. I'm going to call them and find out what the go is.
EDIT: They've told me there was a 'glitch with my order', and that my order is now 'ready to be dispatched' so I should get it this week.
Anyone else whose order is still on 'in progress', it may pay to give them a call.
geez. will give them a call tomorrow then. sure hope they honor it.
Mine turned up today, very nice TV indeed; especially for the money! The pic qual is excellent, it picked up all DTV & Analogue stations in 2-3mins, & channel changes are quick (about 1sec); sucker will even play DivX/Xvids off a FAT32 formatted USB stick or HDD! Outstanding purchase, not a single downside!!! :D
I hope you guys are as happy with yours as I am; for those still in limbo, don't worry, it's worth the wait! Thanks again for the heads-up QQPenguin! :)
Price has gone down to $548… Still waiting for mine. Dicksmith website still says 'Your order is being processed.' Called yesterday and was told another 2-5 days. Considering it has been over a week now, and still no sign of shipment, I think I would have rather paid the extra $49 and go pick it up in store the same day…
Yeah, looks like my order, despite my phone call, remains 'in progress'…
I'll have to call again and get an ETA.
Well my order status is still 'In progress' even though the TV got delivered this afternoon. Very nice surprise when I looked on the side of the box to fine out that I received the 42" model. Not sure if mistake on their end, or possibly they ran out of stock as they are no longer offering online deliveries. Brilliant purchase in the end! Did call up again this morning, and was told that it had just left the warehouse… I highly doubt it took ~4 hours to get from Sydney to Brisbane. So if anyone else recieved 42" model, let me know as I am curious to how the warranty works, as I have a receipt for only the 40"…
Wow, great score! Congratulations dude, hope you bought yourself a lottery ticket too…coz today's your lucky day!!! :D
Yeah, got mine yesterday afternoon. It's a 42" as well - I'm thinking they must have run out of the original quantity they had on special, but either accidentally on purposefully kept taking payments and decided to honour them with the 42" - hence the delay I'm guessing.
Good point about the warranty. I don't think there will be an issue but might be worth some investigating.
i got a 42" as well. anyone checked out how the warranty would work yet?
Haha I would check… But too busy watching movies on this awesome tv :D
I know there is a previous thread,, however, the same TV was going for $579 with discount. Today's deal is only $499 with free delivery. It breaks the magical $500 mark, so thought it was worthwhile to post. If you can't afford LED or 3D TV, but want to upgrade from your old 'box', this is as cheap (price, maybe not quality) as you'd find it for 40".