This was posted 7 years 2 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Settlers of Catan 2015 / 5th Edition AU $38.56 Shipped ($34.70 if Already Spending $75+) from eBay Much-Fair


Was searching for more board games after getting hooked onto Splendor & found this one @ AU$38.56, free shipping via UBI Smart Parcel. Seems like it will take a while to arrive but I was happy to wait.

Similar pricing with varying quantity
$38.56 (now more than 10 available)
$38.57 (5 available)
$38.58 (more than 10 available)

Take a further 10% off you're already intending to purchase items from eBay (reaching the $75 spending requirement) via PUNCH.
Original 10% off Sitewide ($75 Minimum Spend) on eBay Boxing Day Deal Post

Mod: Note that the authenticity of this item is undetermined. Buyer beware.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    A very good board game

    • A very good game of chance

      • +1

        While chance plays a role, a great player will win the majority of the time.

        • Which makes it pretty hard to play in a group with novices. The good players set up their pieces and then sit back and enjoy the results. You get to a point very early on when you know who's likely to win.

        • +8

          @Putnum: The good players know that winning is not the objective, but getting the other players hooked is. And thus they step back a little and give advice to the new players if they are interested in it.

        • That's how I would play 🎅

        • +3

          Are you winning if no one wants to play with you anymore after the game?

        • @fuzzybunn: My brother in laws would say yes.

          No I haven't played catan with them, only with friends.

  • +1

    wow there is no reason not to have this game at this price. that last link has more than 10 available so I'd probably switch your main link to that to avoid the incoming hoard of neggers.

    • +2

      That was my initial intention, however I wasn't able to post as that seller isn't a "Top Rated Seller".. I will update the description with quantities if it helps.

    • +1

      Aussie slang is amazing. I remember working at a casino and one of the older guys kept referring to the non-negotiable chips as non-neggers. Always got a chuckle out of that.

    • +5

      There is a reason… these could be fakes.

      And given the price, the content of the listing, the nature of previous sales and that they're from China, I'd say it's likely.

      • +5

        Just going to post a warning about fakes. So many coming out of china this past year. Lots of stories on Reddit and boardgame Geek about it. Unknown seller from China selling at a too good to be true price.

    • +7

      Wouldn't suprise me that this is a pirated copy.

      Some pictures from reddit of what some fakes tells are.

      Also heard if there are bright yellow pieces then its a fake.

      • other than lower quality and paying real price for fake

        buying a fake board game doesnt stop you from playing it in any way right? compared to an electronic one

        • +2

          So you're happy to buy a bootleg cam copy of a movie from say a shop in Chinatown?

          Its doesn't stop you from watching it anyways right?

        • So you don't see paying a high (albeit less than genuine) price and getting worse quality as significant negatives?

      • -6

        Who cares if it's fake? It's basically a set of cards and a dice.

        • +5

          Its crappy quality, and you can get the real game for a few dollars more ~$45

          If you get a fake, you should be getting it at least for under half the price of the real thing - It should be $10 to $20 for a few bits of cheap cardboard

        • +2


          If I bought fake shoes, I'd expect 80% off. The same would apply for Board Games, except I want to support Board Game companies a hell of a lot more than I want to support the companies running shoe factories.

        • -1

          @Cubist: if you bought fake shoes you'd also expect them to fall apart faster and not be as comfortable as the real thing. In contrast, this is just plastic and cardboard. You can get as much play out of it as the real thing, assuming there's no missing pieces. This is more like, say, a fake poster. They used the I.P. without permission but you can get just as much use out of the product.

        • @Quantumcat: Don't think you have much experience with well made board games, but I could be wrong. When it comes to shoes, you aren't paying for the quality of the product, you are mostly paying for the brand attached to it. $300 shoes still cost $3 to manufacture.

        • @Cubist: not sure what sort of shoes you're buying but I get good quality ones that will last 3 years + instead of 6 months. It isn't the brand name on concerned about (except if reviews say it is a very good shoe)

  • What is this UBI Smart Parcel thing? I suspect it's a dropship or something similar?

    • Seems like it's a logistics / freight forwarding service provider in China, according to google.

    • yeah they ship it to a warehouse in sydney botany or whetheril park
      and then reship them via auspost

      so instead of 2-3 week china mail, you get it in about 5-10 days

      still slower than auspost from a local seller, but more reliable and faster than regular china shipping

  • +10

    How do you know this is a legit version and not a bootleg? Has the smell of too good to be true….

    • +3

      Im hoping thats not the case, they've sold quite a few over the past couple days based on the items sold history.

      If it ended up being a bootleg version.. surely ebay's money back guarantee would kick in?

      • Surely would. I checked the feedback, and there is no indication they sell fake anything. Just my gut… UBI means its coming from china.

        • +1

          From what I could see previous items were clothes and material… less likely to be, or be detected as fakes. They seem to have only branched into games lately… another warning sign; no relationship between suppliers, but also explains why they haven't had fake reports on games previously.

          Note also all the "private" listings lately… not something you'd commonly associate with games…

        • @odysseus: The other negative sign is there is a lot of other random sellers selling cheap board games from china, especially catan stuff… hmmm.

        • with over 1,000,000 copies of catan sold , and they keep on bringing out expansions for extra cash, a price drop to keep interest and move product would not be impossible

        • +7

          @garage sale: there are no price drops from official distributors. I own Dungeon Crawl and have been selling legit copies for ages.

          All boad games from China are fake…

      • From ebay: If a buyer suspects that an item is counterfeit and there are strong indicators that this is true (for example: third-party authentication, or a statutory declaration by the buyer), we don't require the buyer to return the item to the seller. The buyer agrees to ensure the proper disposal of the item and may not sell it on eBay or elsewhere. We refund the buyer for the full cost of the item and original postage, and the seller reimburses us for the refund.

  • Awesome price. One of my favs.

  • +3

    Awesome price, I think I paid almost $45 for my copy.

    Secret Hitler is a great deception based game if anybody's looking for something sorta similar to Avalon, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Mafia ect…
    Picked up a copy just recently with the ebay sale.

  • +4

    Ticket to Ride Europe is pretty cheap too at $49…

    • +2

      Buy both Catan and this and save $8 with the -10% off ebay code.

      • Just bought both, was $78.24 exact for Catan and Ticket To Ride Europe with Ebay code. They might be fake but I'm happy to take the risk for that price considering retail price for both games at stores. Plus if its a decent fake, I doubt anyone would notice when we are playing.

        • Yea, I doubt there'd be anything wrong with them if they are fakes. The parts/cards don't seem to be all that hard to replicate for those 2 games, unlike some other boardgames that have a billion pieces.

        • catan and ticket to ride are made in china anyway ….. copies of popular games on the market might make game manufactures provide better tokens or coins eg metal ones to make originals more attractive.

        • @jaypee06: The difference between good and bad card stock is considerable.

        • @garage sale:

          No, check the screenshots. The back of the box indicates Made in USA.

    • +2

      I've also seen this faked in the past. Given the price and other warning signs, I'd say it's another one.

      • Yup. Obviously fake along with Catan.

        Great if you're on a budget and just want to play and not care about quality and lifespan, but being fake I'd expect at least half price off the cheapest authentic kit.

  • +4

    Awesome! All I need now are some friends so I can play it.

    • +2

      I'll be your friend!

    • Seriously! How does one go about finding people who play similar games in your area? Any groups on facebook or whirlpool?

      • +1


    • -1

      try playing it stoned .. lol

      • Then I just end up looking for pizza coupons on here for delivery.

    • Could try if you're short of friends.

  • +10

    I'm not sure if I trust this place. Why have they just put up half a dozen different listings for the same item with slightly different prices and different quantities?

    The whole thing seems sus.

    • Different currency conversions?
      I'm guessing fake though

  • +5

    Why are they sending from China if it's supposedly AU stock?

    • +1

      +1 to this, would love to get it sooner..

  • +16

    This seller is full of fake stuff, ASSC hats for $4 and Airpod ripoffs. I seriously don't think the board games are real but if you can't tell I guess it don't matter. Sellers selling all this random junk, out of no where Settlers of Catan Boardgame and Ticket to Ride.

  • My housemate had this unopened and we sold it at a garage sale for $10. The guy who bought was stoked. Clearly he should've charged more

  • I need wood.

    • +2

      I can sell one gor 2 stones

    • for sheep?

  • If it is fake, we can do a PayPal disrupt.

    • +4

      That's gambling you can conclusively prove its fake…

  • This is just way too cheap to be real. I hope for the buyers sake the goods are legitimate but I don't think they will be…
    Unfortunately Amazon (US) has been flooded with these style of fakes as late being stupidly cheap with some poor quality components.

  • So torn on if I care that it might be fake…

  • +6

    Item location: Sydney, Australia.
    Yeah, rite…

    1. Our working time: Monday - Saturday, 9:00AM-6:00PM (Beijing time)
    • +2

      Protip: If you go to their user profile, it shows you the country that the user has registered in. In the OPs case:

      Member since: 11 Nov, 2016 | China

  • +4

    As much as I've been looking for a cheap catan, the fact that this is possibly a bootleg copy means I'll keep looking, would rather support the store/brand than chinese copies.

  • +2

    Totally off topic post but if there are people in Brisbane who are interested in settlers of catan and are interested in setting up a regular meet-up to play, let me know…

  • +1

    If you're looking for a good expansion, cities and knights is a ripper.

  • +2

    Bootleg copies. Any games direct from China are fakes.

  • +3

    Legit cheap copies of Catan if anyone is intrested. Obviously you are going to pay extra for 100% legit copies.

    Mightyape - 59.99 + 5.99 postage…

    Amazon AU - 67.34 free delivery…

    Gamesworld - $64 with their current 20% Storewide sale

  • +9

    Seller is clearly dodgy, and no doubt in violation of eBay T&Cs by stating item location is AU when clearly it's not (postage takes weeks and using China to Australia freight forwarder). I have reported the seller to eBay accordingly.

  • Misinterpretation/bad listing practices with item location. Whole store full of copied/cheaper items. Just report it.

  • +2

    If you bought this, make sure to demand a refund if it turns out to be fake or having been shipped from china ;)

  • well you cant ship counterfeit goods back so you would get to keep it and get a refund …

  • +1

    They are counterfeit. The circle pieces don't even have numbers on them which is needed for game play. I logged a disrupt.

    • I don't know much about Catan but it arrived a few days ago and everything in my copy looks good quality/legit. My circle pieces have numbers.

  • I ordered one from a different seller; they are fake.

    There's a typo on the box (define spelt as defind)
    The dice aren't orientated correctly (if you line up the dice with 6 and 1 facing up and 3 facing towards you; the 3s will be on the diagonal starting bottom left to top right. The genuine copy has the 3s on the diagonal starting bottom right to top left).

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