Best price yet. Refresh of the classic Nokia 3310, now with modern features such as 3G, Bluetooth, Micro SD card support, colour display and FM radio. A massive 27 days standby time. Starts Wed Dec 27. Enjoy :)
Description source: OzBargain
Best price yet. Refresh of the classic Nokia 3310, now with modern features such as 3G, Bluetooth, Micro SD card support, colour display and FM radio. A massive 27 days standby time. Starts Wed Dec 27. Enjoy :)
Description source: OzBargain
Because it is 3G.
Are you implying the 4G version will be exponentially worse?
Is this network locked to any ?
Is it unlocked?
It's locked to either Vodafone or Optus (most likely the former based on handset's colour).
The page makes no mention of network but as it’s positioned in the Vodafone section, I think it’s safe to say it is. OP updated. Thanks :)
Yes. It comes in a cardboard box no doubt
Don't stop there!
Ok then - By end of Feb 2018 it will be $29.50.
One step further please.
My prediction:
By the end of this year Tightarse will get tighter.
These would actually be pretty awesome if you could get Bluetooth internet tethering. Guess that would hammer the battery
What's the point of 3G. Touch screen? Small if it is.
A working network, probably. Not many countries have 2G any more.
Because the 2G networks have been turned off (except Vodafone until March)
Hmm I think vodafone is switched off.. unless they cancelled that plan last moment.
edit: must have cancelled last moment, cuz its still up!
'bout to say still using it.
To make phone calls and SMS.
great for kids .. they can call you … you can call them….my son had had a phone since he was 6, handy if running late for aftercare pickup, or to see how he's doing at a friends party.
Doesn't need a smart phone but he does need a phone with long battery life.
Now he has a smart phone has 3 day battery if not used … and if its not charged neither one of us can call each other.
So your son is 17 now too…
About to turn 11 and sees smart phones primarily as an entertainment portal rather than a communications device ….
Why is there a picture of a small White Android below the phone right side?
Android powered?
Nope, runs Nokia Series 30+.
Figures, only 30+s would remember Nokia made phones…
Just FYI: Telstra flags 3G network shutdown as early as 2020…
Seems quite early, people/businesses just finished migrating to 3G. Would affect a lot of small mobile devices sensors etc maybe.
Yes my new house alarm brags it now has 3g previous model was 2g …. Hope they make a 4g version so i can re- use sensors in the future
Doesn't surprise me.
The 3G network is terrible these days, very slow and poor signal, they are putting all their bandwidth and transmitter power into 4G.
They never like to have to many bands, to make way for 5g they will axe 3g. Makes their network the best if they keep updating and upgrading ;) that is their whole selling point after all.
I just don't see how they'll manage to do it.
AFAIK you need to use specific witchcraft on devices to get it to support voice over LTE.
When they turn off 3G they'll be turning off a lot of 4G devices too.
I wouldn’t be overly concerned about this as Telstra aren’t that good at hitting time slots.
Does anyone use this phone as their only phone? Comments such as 'getting one for my kids' or 'my great grandmother' are fine, but do they actually use it?
Got one for my mum. She uses it because all she wanted was long battery life and the ability to call a few people. It’s perfect for that. $50 well spent.
I'm pretty sure she would had preferred a cheap smart phone with a gallery of 10,000 photos to enjoy, famly whatsapp photos and vidoes, facebook, ability to look up the internet if she wants and all she has to do is charge it every night. 64Gb cards are $25 these days. You can get UI apps that make everything easy to do like making phone calls etc.
10,000 photos ….wouldn't want to see more than 3 of grans photos …. Infact most photos people show are boring i have to watch and seem interested to be polite.
She doesn’t use any of that stuff.
Garage Sale, I'm talking of cnut's Mum looking at grandkid and family photos, not the other way round, all for the same price as the 3310. I'm surprised I got negged for that, as our parents are very excited to see family photos. If you're not into photos or whatsapps that's fine.
How much unlocking fee?
last year I bought an unlock code for my budget-Vodafone-locked one for $19 (on ebay). No issue till now.
Why do I need a granpa phone?
2nd phone for ur side chick brah
for whoever voted down, can't I just ask a question or throw a doubt?
No, no you can't.
Also good as burners…
AWW to play snake game
I think I know who is targeting me here. hehe . interesting.
snake game is actually an important reason for buying this phone, to feel reminiscent of the old times.
This relic is better left as a pleasant memory…it cannot use any messaging apps like Whatsapp…
Some people find it easier to talk than type messages …especially if driving …
Smartphones can do that over bluetooth too :P
Smart phones can do voice and hands free but people answer and respond to sms while driving … Smart phones in cars and sms are a real problem and many people have no self control not to.
I bought one from woolies when they had it on sale about a month or so ago. Got it for my dad who only uses it to receive and make calls. Battery life is decent - he charges it once or twice a week. Very light phone, it's slim compared to the original version. Also locked to the Voda network. I'd get one for myself if it had more (modern) features.
My mum bought this from lazada Philippines for roughly around $40 BOGOF a few months ago . :)
Overseas models are usually 2G - so almost useless here. Details on their site list it's as the dual SIM version - a different model!
Listed as au$36 for 2 (plus delivery?)…
Apparently it's only 2g. No signal here. :p
Oh well😞 Probably works great in the Philippines. I used to donate my working old 2G phones to a charity there.
Still have a working original 3310 - but haven't used it in years as it's so limited even with reception.
is that bullet proof?
modern features such as 3G
Do they mention what other colours are available?
How can this be unlocked? Would be great for a backup phone with the battery life.
If it's definitely the Vodafone branded prepaid pack, they charge $50 if you're a new customer and $25 if you've been a customer for at least 6 months. If you go to a Vodafone store, there's a good chance that the reps will just look up how to unlock via the website and tell you the same thing (I tried at 2 different stores).
Getting it unlocked via other means is too much of a headache. I've contacted Bagman and he's not able to help with Vodafone.
The $10 credit that comes in the Vodafone pack can last 365 days if you pick the right prepaid plan when signing up… so if you want to unlock for the cheapest cost, pick the 365 day plan, wait 6 months and unlock for $25.
I only found the $49 Optus one
Have you seen the start date in the title?
A time traveller⏳
The only ebay listing i could find for an unlock service is $20.50…
Thinking about getting one for the parents (they don't like touchscreen phones)… but they with Aldi Mobile (Telstra network) unsure if the bands are correct.
The bands are fine, this supports 850 (Telstra), 900 (Optus, Vodafone).
Just got one before.
Left menu button is kinda stuck, not sure if it's an individual issue or a dumb design choice, either way, tossing up on bothering to return or not.
Anyway, more importantly,
Definitely is locked, despite being in it's own box when you open it. Will not work with Aldi, haven't tested others yet.
Comes with $10 starter credit, so that's cool.
And most importantly, Harvey Norman were cool with matching for the unlocked one, at least my local was, but in the end I need a new number anyway (long story) and just went to Coles. Worth a shot if you want it unlocked.
Got one too! Thanks Mr.T! :)
Phone is much bigger than my old 3330, and you can't replace the front cover so what color you buy that is it. Now how to carry this ugly orange thing.
I should have researched it more I guess…
cheap unlock code?
Not sure how many people I'll reach here at this point, but to the people who said this phone won't be able to play the games the old Nokia phones could, well, you're beyond wrong.
I've loaded mine up with like 8 different Guitar Hero's, a Spider-Man game, Ms. Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Pinballs, Duke Nukem 3D, and so on. All work fine, I've just been Googling for any old 240x320 game and seeing what tickles my fancy.
Why does it not look like the original, magnificent 3310?