Title pretty much says it
Was poking around thanks to that madmen deal and thought this looked pretty good too, IF you have a region free DVD player. Almost all of my family's are so I don't think it's uncommon these days.
Unfortunately blu-rays, though the same price, are also region locked for America.
Weeds Seasons 1-5 - USD $9.99 each + Shipping

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might want to change the title to $9.99 each
true that.
exactly right…. title misleading.
Weeds Seasons 1-5 on DVD = $127, not $9.95.
Yes box set $127. But individual seasons from 1-5 are $9.95 each on dvd and blu-ray. So much cheaper.
title pretty much doesn't say it all nor does the description
What's the cost work out to with shipping included?
$8 so it's $18 all up.
Title is misleading. Should be 9.99 EACH.
ignore, i was wrong
fantastic bargain, I have series 1 to 4 from america and only series 4 is region locked on my blu rays