Hi everyone! A couple of years ago I asked the community for some help on building a great budget gaming PC that has lasted me greatly https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/155143.
Things have changed slightly from that point in my life and I can finally afford something a little more pricey to game with. I did some reading and price crunching on parts I wanted and it came to about ~$4k for a build that can handle 4k gaming (last ebay sale from PC byte + 20% off). I've done as much research as I can about what I need and so far here is what I think is doable:
Here is a somewhat similar build from PCCG for about $4k that I have considered: https://www.pccasegear.com/products/40885/pccg-aurora-1080-t…
Please let me know if it looks good or needs some changes! Any advice is extremely appreciated and I'm curious to know if I'm being wasteful anywhere with my build.
In Summary (TLTR): My budget is $4000 and I'd like to play (somewhat smoothly - destiny 2, HOTS etc.) on a 4k monitor. Thanks!
Update: Thanks again for all the advice! I will be ending up with this:
Update 2 (hopefully final one!): https://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/Seanster221/saved/kfPLD3
Go the 8700K over the 7700K (6 cores instead of 4).
Won't make a huge difference in most games but the price difference isn't huge and will be more future proof.
I'd also go 3200/3400 RAM for the little bit extra.
And I'd also question the benefit of a 4K screen at 27"… Probably better with 100hz+ Gsync 27" 1440p.