I cant be sure of any of these prices are at your local Coles, but if your shopping in the next day or so, keep an eye out if your local Coles has these:
Brownes flavoured milk 500ml was on clearance @ 99c (full price is $2.69)
at Coles Burwood they have 3 flavours: iced coffee chill, choc mint chill and strawberry chill with a u/b date of 30/11/10.
In thier bakery section, the Susan Day jam fairy cakes (12 pack) were on special at $1.84 for half price, reduced further to $1.50 per pack. b/b date from 8/12/10 to 18/12/10.
Since there not part of the catalogue, last week or this week (i dont think anyway) these prices should still be up if there are any in your local store, if they have any of these.
Price in title?
So we have to wait a couple of weeks before we can use them. lol