• expired

$33 Any 1kg Bag Coffee Including Free Express Shipping @ Airjo Coffee Roasters


Hey Guys & Gals! - here's a great deal for you for the start of the month!

All 1Kg Bags Fresh Roasted Coffee for $33 each INCLUDING Express Shipping.

Fresh roasted and AMAZING VALUE at $33 delivered!!

Roasting and Posting this one from Monday 3rd

Looking for some new kit? Check out our growing range of coffee machines and accessories.

Why buy AIRJO Coffee?

We care about your happiness with our products.
Trying a new blend for the first time and it's not for you?
Send it back and we will refund you the purchase price or swap for something else.

Need help choosing a blend?
Need help dialling in your machine?
Not sure what grind to choose for your kit?
Any questions at all?

Ask Dan!

You can reach out any time, any day, by email [email protected] or the chat app on the website. We will always try and help.

Your feedback is super important to us, good or bad. Please let us know by email or reviews or social, wherever it suits you, how we are doing.

Thanks so much….
Dan and the Team!!

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Airjo Coffee Roaster
Airjo Coffee Roaster


  • -2

    Good morning Dan. My order is in :)

    Thanks mate.

    • Outstanding rodtp - thanks so much and good morning to you! Have a great Sunday!


  • +1

    Dan, recommendations for milk based espresso?

    • +3

      Hey there A female dog - if you haven't already, I would try the Enterprise Blend - It's a great one to start with and works well with black or milk based brews.

      Thanks for asking.


      • -4

        You kiss your mother with that tongue?! 😂

      • I second this. Enterprise is my new favourite (and versatile) blend.

  • +1

    Awesome we’ve got a deal up! Wondering when you’ll have decaf in stock?
    Thanks for your effort!

    • +1

      Hey there MrFizz - next delivery of our decaf is at least a couple of weeks away - thanks for asking.


      • +1

        Can’t order the decaf for when it comes in?

        It comes up as the 2nd item in my email, but you can’t buy it.

  • Cheers Rep :) Stargazer ordered

    • Thanks so much bazz737!


  • +1

    When is the deal until? I’m looking to buy some closer to the middle of the month so it’s a fresher roast.

  • +2

    Hey there Shin0bu - this one ends Friday night.


  • Happy 100th post? And impeccable timing as always!

    • +1

      Ooh - didn't even notice that!! Thanks sdaveo :) Great to hear the timing worked for nyou too.


  • Thanks, bought one

    • Awesome su27km - thanks so much!


  • +1

    Hi Dan,
    is this an instant coffer?

    • Hey there Fancytrade4u - not instant no - this is fresh roasted beans so you will need some sort of kit to brew it for you.

      I hope that helps.


  • Any organic blend?

    • Hey cisco - nothing straight organic at the moment. Thanks for asking.


  • Coffee*

  • How do turn it into instant cofefe

    • Grind the beans into a very fine powder, brew the coffee with high pressure and temperature for maximum extraction and then spray or freeze dry.

      Better off getting this, grinding and using a filter or similar.

      • or freeze dry.

        there's lots of youtube videos on freeze drying. i like this one myself: https://youtu.be/Namf-Ddo_Xo

        it's an expensive machine to buy (circa $5000 USD), and it's a tad of a novelty toy…but the results are interesting.

  • Yes, just what I need!

    • Great to hear kizzy!


  • Best bean for espressos?

    Looking for a strong bold flavour

    • Hey there abc12345 - I would normally recommend Enterprise as the best one to start with, but if you want to step it up from day 1, I recommend the Stargazer.

      I hope that helps.


      • Thanks, ordered.

        First time customer, looking forward to trying your coffee.

        • Thank you - we genuinely appreciate it. Please let us know how it goes for you.


  • Hi can you recommend something similar to lavazza super crema for a Philips 2200 automatic? That isn’t too oily for the machine

    • Hey there Coffeelover22. Not sure how it would compare to that product but a great one to start with is our Enterprise Blend.

      I hope that helps and thanks for asking.


  • Happy New Year fellas. Strong & punchy again for me.

    • Thanks so much moodywoody same to you!


  • Can you recommend a good 'sour' or 'fruity note' one? I've grown to love these types of flavours in beans as I associate them with more expensive single origin ones from Africa.

    • Hey there pongky. I would try one of the lighter roasts like Sumatra or Pegasus and maybe play around with your extraction ratios to target more sour shots if that’s what you like.
      AIM for a slightly under extracted pull and see how it tastes for you.

      I hope that helps.


  • -1

    Grabbed a bag of Pegasus.

    It feels like these deals are coming fewer and further between. Been drinking supermarket coffee for the last week and a half as I refuse to pay $40-50 for a bag of coffee.

    Dan, has your team ever considered running a subscription style service for coffee orders?

    • Hey there Hurg. We do indeed have a subscription option, it’s just not active on the 1kg bags when we have a sale.


      • Fair enough, I guess I've never been on the site when there hasn't be a sale to see that option :D

  • Coffee recommendations-
    Strong with a hit to be used as a black coffee and also with oat milk.

    • Hey there cisco. I would go for the Stargazer for a little extra punch 👍🏼

      I hope that helps.


    • +7

      Hey there dr. It is a sales ad. It’s an ad for a sale.
      Only you can judge for yourself if alternatives are better for you, just like others judge for themselves.
      Appreciate your input and glad you have found what works for you.


      • -7

        Sorry, I thought this was OzBargain not OzSales/OzAdvertising website… my bad ;-)

        • +2

          Without attempting to be rude. Do you purposefully word your comments to be as abrasive as possible or is it purely unintentional?

          troll account surely

      • Well done AIRJO. Very diplomatic non offensive but humerous reply. No point arguing with an ALDI bean diehard. Let's go.

    • won Gold in the Overall Large Chain Champion category

      Your own source admits they wouldn't even be compared in the same category

      • -5

        Sorry, I miss your point, does it mean it is worse? Personally I do not care about categories (that is done to have as many winners as possible), what I care about is taste/quality and price.

      • Yep, quite easy to win when you're the only entrant. Good on ALDI for doing this then advertising with it. The details of this contest and award system are a challenge to find, but when the details are uncovered it is obviously not a contest at all.

        • -4

          Do you mind sharing the details uncovered, I'm genuinely interested to know if ALDI is exploiting the system

    • Regularly use aldi beans. Also regularly use these guys. Id say Airjo is merely 2.5 times better.

      • -3

        Based on? Are you comparing similar blends/roasts (e.g. dark vs dark…)?

        • +2

          Based on?


        • +4

          It's the vibe of the thing, your honour.

  • +1

    Just ordered my first bag of Enterpise Blend and would love to know what settings people are using on their Barista Express?

    • Hey there Punter01. It’s a little tricky sharing settings as they are essentially different for each person, kit and process. The best thing to do with a new bag of beans is to dial them in specifically to your setup. We have a guide here that can help with the basics https://airjo.com/pages/dialling-in

      If you need some direct help when you have run a shot or two, shoot me an email [email protected] and I will try and assist.


  • Got a bag of enterprise beans, thank you!

    • Great stuff Karforoffer! Thanks so much.


  • Great deal….. just a shame you’re out of the only one I wanted (the decaf!) lol

    • Hopefully back for the next one ASR-Briggs!!


  • Thanks guys i was needing a new 1kg bag of beans normally a blend suited for both black (espresso/long black) and to suit my wife's milk coffees, i ended up buying 2x bags (1x enterprise blend and 1x sumatra blend) total amount with free shipping was exact same as what id normally pay for a local 1kg bag locally, awesome deal - made an account just to tell you this is a great deal and you've made my day!

    • Hey there RossDog - thanks so much for sharing and for your order - super keen to hear how both blends work out for you.


  • +1

    No Decaf 😥😥😥😥😥

  • Just bought Kai coffee beans. How do they compare to AIRJO?

  • +1

    Alright lets give this Centaur a crack then…

    • There you go! Please let us know your thoughts Donutpuss - thanks so much.


  • +4

    Would be good to be able to order Decaf now and wait for delivery whenever it comes into stock.

  • Legend!!

  • Good timing, I was close to running out of my bean juice source. Cheers.

    • Great to hear drasticmeasures1337 - thanks so much.


  • Looks good, any reccos for bean suitable for soy lattes?

    • Hey there dealsdealsdeals!! I would go with the Enterprise blend for sure.


  • Ordered Centaur, thanks!

    • Thats great XCOM v2 - thanks so much!

  • Anyone's website notoriously slow/not loading, or just me?

  • Got super excited for this one, then spotted the Decaf was out of stock!

  • Ask Dan!


  • +1

    Hi, could anyone explain to a coffee novice why Airjo more expensive than the others sustainable and fair 100% Arabica blends? Also, it is the same price at Amazon AU and it seems their regular price as per camels.

    • Thanks for asking Musiclover - the Amazon prices are automatically linked to the website prices so when they go on sale on the site they change automatically on Amazon - they will change back automatically after Friday night.

      As for comparison to other coffees, that's a great question for those that have tried others to compare so hopefully you will get some feedback here.

      Thanks again for asking.


      • I didn’t realise Airjo was also available through Amazon! Good to use some Amazon credits on :)

        Although seems to be some confusion in the listing for Sumatra at least, which flips flops between details of 1kg and 500g in the title, description and listing…

  • Hi Dan,

    Looking at getting the ENTERPRISE BLEND.

    Can you please explain your 1:2.5 expresso recipe?
    For 21g does is this 52.5g yield?


    • +1

      Hey EA itsinthegame. Yes that is our general guide for that blend. With a bigger basket you may want to drop back to 1:2 but it will be whatever you enjoy in terms of taste that will guide you on the end.

      I hope that helps.

  • Great timing! Just run out of my last order of Sumatra.
    Have put an order in for the CENTAUR.
    I have tried other coffee beans from places like Lime Blue, and kai. They are nice, but I always come back to Airjo!
    Love ya work Airjo!

    • Hey that's great to hear SueyJitSu thank you!
      Super keen to hear how the Centaur goes for you.


  • any update on instant coffee?

  • I just bought 500g from my local coffee roaster.
    if I get a kilo bag from you and keep it sealed how long can I store it before it loses flavour? Is 2 weeks ok?

    • Hey there snapper17 - 2 weeks will be all good. As you say, keep it sealed, cool and dry and it will still be great.


  • First time ordering from Airjo - just ordered a kilo of Stargazer. Interested to see how it goes for espresso.

    • Hey thanks so much yayscience! - super keen to hear your feedback on the Stargazer.


  • +1

    Ah excellent opportunity to try the THUNDERCHILD BLEND - Dark & Intense here in the wilds of Qld, well Bargara anyway, order just placed and looking forward to trying it :-) I need stronger flavours to please my aging/fading taste buds….cheerz Wabster

    • Thank wabster! Please let us know how it goes for you!


  • Hi Dan, which one should I buy? I like a nice strong coffee with milk - latte or cappuccino. Strong would be like 7-8/10. Tbh, I am not sure! Def not sour and bitter! Since I have started the coffee journey with my Breville, I haven’t found my taste yet. Still trying different coffee beans!

    • +1

      Hey BuddhaBoy - thanks for asking - def go with the Enterprise as a first blend - it sits pretty much in the middle of our range and will suit exactly what you are looking for!

      Cheers Dan

      • Thanks Dan! Appreciate it.

  • I think I’ve been through all your blends you offer. Just wanted to post and say thank you again Dan!

    I brew cold brew about 95% of the time, normally switching between Sumatra / Thunderchild / Stargazer and when I want some pep Centaur!

    • Thanks so much cam83 - we really appreciate the feedback.


  • Hi is it just me or does your Amazon listings show 1kg in the title but seems I can only choose 500g pack of 1 as the “size options”.

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