This was posted 7 years 3 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

McDouble Burger $2 @ McDonald's


It's back! Chick at the counter said it's at all McDonald's and just got put back on cheap change menu today

4/1/18: Now available nationally

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closed Comments

    • +13

      Yeah. A baby chicken told them

      • +10

        Wow, real chicken at mcdonalds

        • +1

          Free range?

      • +1

        Did she have nuggets and dipping sauce?

    • +14

      Nah feminism is cancelled - Milo told me

    • +6

      the hot sheila at the counter*

      • …better!

    • +6

      welcome to Australia where women are chicks and men are blokes

      • +13

        Welcome to New Zealand, where the men are men and the sheep are nervous.

    • why am i getting negged??

      • +1

        …stop it already!

    • +2

      "McChick at the counter…." would have been OK.

      • -1

        thats perfectly acceptable…definitely more respectful and very 'on-brand'. A+

    • I up voted. PC people need to chill the f out.

      • thanks…how could you not tell i was taking the piss?! :P

    • +2

      Not in QLD at least haha, we've had hamburgers until now

    • +1

      Was only for WA, this seems to be everywhere.

    • +16

      Reported for not notifying the ozB community

  • +4

    The only reason to go to Maccas.

    • +15

      I go there for the free serviettes and straws.

      • +18

        Living up to the name

      • +7

        Can't forget the free wifi and iced water :P

  • +6

    They released the mcdouble today for $2, it's like a cheeseburger ($3.30) but also includes an extra piece of beef 10:1

    Best Deal I've seen in a while

    • +1

      I was just about to ask what it was haha

    • -2

      So does that mean it's the roll, a single pickle slice, some tomato sauce and two beef patties?

      • +1


        • well…what is it then?

      • +12

        Bun, pickles, diced onion, ketchup, mustard, two beef patties and one piece of cheese.

        A cheeseburger with an extra meat patty.

        • +5


      • +11

        No ketchup. Raw sauce

        • +2

          See a pang girl then I pose

        • +1


        • The girl told me take off you jacket, I said babes, man's not hot

    • +2

      Hah 10:1 I see you spent time working at Ronalds camp too.

      • +2

        Um, it's written on every McDonald's receipt and at the till when you order extra patties.
        Pretty sure it means the ratio to one pound (could be wrong)
        Cheeseburger a tenth of a pound (10:1)
        Quarter pound 4:1
        But yeah, don't look at your receipts?

        • +1

          Yeah nah I have worked at McDonald's previously that is correct

    • Folks, it's a double cheeseburger-minus one slice of cheese.

  • This is good. Chicken n Cheese went up to $3.50 nationwide today making this a far more attractive cheap option.

    • Chicken n Cheese went up to $3.50 nationwide today

      Deep breaths.
      It's okay, I preferred KFC's chicken burgers anyway :)

  • +1

    (profanity) must resist fear the bulk

  • +2

    "Chick" OP thought she was a babe I reckon. :)

  • +6

    Not in NSW. I just tried.

    • Nah, can't see it on the app for NSW. Boo.

      • +3

        Mcfeast is still there as a 5 dollar small meal though.

    • That (profanity) sucks… Major ass.

    • +1

      Had same problem so I got 2 X Hamburgers and put them on top of each other for $2. No cheese but twice the buns.

  • +10

    Buy 8 and check out with AMEX. Brings it down to $1.38 pp.

    • Plus post?

  • They guy working there didn’t even know what a McDouble was !

  • Can't see this deal on the app or website. Can anyone confirm whether it's available in VIC?

  • +2

    Sooooooooo, FYI this deal is only from 1030am - 12am. When drunk at 2am dont argue about $2 mcdoubles with the attendant :P

  • Does that work tomorrow?

  • +1

    It is tiny if you expect it be as big as a Big Mac

    • +1

      Big macs gotta about 1cm more bread and some lettuce and tomato… Same meat and cheese. Go mcfeast small meal for 5 bucks!

      • +2

        No tomato on a Big Mac, but shredded lettuce is there. Plus as you mentioned the third bun slice in the middle, and totally different sauce.

    • about the size of a cheeseburger with an extra meat patty?

    • +1

      Well I expect a Big Mac to be big but it's looking like a Little Mac these days, so wouldn't be hard!

  • +10

    Just went to McDonald’s In vic was $4.75 they never heard of the deal n I looked like a wanka lol

    • +4

      thanks for saving me from looking like a (profanity) 👍

      edit: lol, apparently "wanka" spelled correctly converts to (profanity). How unAustralian.

      • Worked at Parkmore VIC.

        Try purchase via App, if it shows as $2 no argument

        • works fine now, just didn't a month and a half ago (when I posted my comment)

  • Changed to QLD, please let us know if this works in other states.

    • +1

      Just messaged my daughter who works at Maccas in QLD (Brisbane). She has confirmed that this is active in QLD… :-)

      • +1

        May I date your daughter ..

  • +2

    I saw a sign outside a WA store advertising this tonight

    • +1

      These have been available in WA (at least in the stores I work at) for the last few weeks.

  • Why would they exclude 2 states? If they can do it in Tas/NT etc, why not victoria? or WA?

  • It's available in WA.

  • +1

    Yes, some stores in WA have had it since first week of Nov (eg North Perth)

  • People live in WA?

  • +1

    @awoff1 for your ealier report regarding titles.
    we can't have this deal say [WA] as well as the other one, since it would create a duplicate. Best to just leave the title as QLD, thanks for the report.

    • Oh that's what I intended, (QLD title, WA link) might not have typed it out clearly. 👍

  • Now sold out completely in Sydney.

    May be explained by the breaking news that Air Force One was seen lumbering along runway 3 at Kingsford Smith Airport, for a heavily overloaded take-off.

    • +1

      Perhaps they should just jettison their overloaded cargo while flying across the pacific ocean?

      • Would likely cause toxic pollution throughout the entire Pacific region.

  • +1

    Well this is new to me, a deal posted explaining it's no longer available to me… I feel negative about this one.

  • +1

    Got this last night and it was great for $2!

  • Do you guys know about the still ongoing $5 mcfeast meal? This is OZB so i'd assume so

  • Any cheap flights to WA or QLD. Need a location adjustment

  • To my surprise, I was able to buy McDouble today through the self-serve kiosk at my local store. I am located in NSW.

  • How/why is it cheaper than a cheeseburger?!

  • +1

    They removed it from app. I reckon it's replaced by the 3 for 3 cheeserburger!
    ..Unless in store-by-stores left

  • Now $3 at my local (North Perth), increase in price today

  • Yup it's $3 now at all stores and no more daily deals on the maccas app anymore. Oh well time for a diet I guess…

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