It's back! Chick at the counter said it's at all McDonald's and just got put back on cheap change menu today
4/1/18: Now available nationally
It's back! Chick at the counter said it's at all McDonald's and just got put back on cheap change menu today
4/1/18: Now available nationally
Yeah. A baby chicken told them
Wow, real chicken at mcdonalds
Free range?
Did she have nuggets and dipping sauce?
No ketchup. Raw sauce
Nah feminism is cancelled - Milo told me
the hot sheila at the counter*
welcome to Australia where women are chicks and men are blokes
Welcome to New Zealand, where the men are men and the sheep are nervous.
why am i getting negged??
…stop it already!
"McChick at the counter…." would have been OK.
thats perfectly acceptable…definitely more respectful and very 'on-brand'. A+
I up voted. PC people need to chill the f out.
thanks…how could you not tell i was taking the piss?! :P
Not in QLD at least haha, we've had hamburgers until now
Was only for WA, this seems to be everywhere.
Reported for not notifying the ozB community
The only reason to go to Maccas.
I go there for the free serviettes and straws.
Living up to the name
Can't forget the free wifi and iced water :P
They released the mcdouble today for $2, it's like a cheeseburger ($3.30) but also includes an extra piece of beef 10:1
Best Deal I've seen in a while
I was just about to ask what it was haha
So does that mean it's the roll, a single pickle slice, some tomato sauce and two beef patties?
well…what is it then?
Bun, pickles, diced onion, ketchup, mustard, two beef patties and one piece of cheese.
A cheeseburger with an extra meat patty.
No ketchup. Raw sauce
See a pang girl then I pose
The girl told me take off you jacket, I said babes, man's not hot
Hah 10:1 I see you spent time working at Ronalds camp too.
Um, it's written on every McDonald's receipt and at the till when you order extra patties.
Pretty sure it means the ratio to one pound (could be wrong)
Cheeseburger a tenth of a pound (10:1)
Quarter pound 4:1
But yeah, don't look at your receipts?
Yeah nah I have worked at McDonald's previously that is correct
Folks, it's a double cheeseburger-minus one slice of cheese.
This is good. Chicken n Cheese went up to $3.50 nationwide today making this a far more attractive cheap option.
Chicken n Cheese went up to $3.50 nationwide today
Deep breaths.
It's okay, I preferred KFC's chicken burgers anyway :)
(profanity) must resist fear the bulk
"Chick" OP thought she was a babe I reckon. :)
Not in NSW. I just tried.
Nah, can't see it on the app for NSW. Boo.
Mcfeast is still there as a 5 dollar small meal though.
That (profanity) sucks… Major ass.
Had same problem so I got 2 X Hamburgers and put them on top of each other for $2. No cheese but twice the buns.
Buy 8 and check out with AMEX. Brings it down to $1.38 pp.
Plus post?
They guy working there didn’t even know what a McDouble was !
Can't see this deal on the app or website. Can anyone confirm whether it's available in VIC?
Sooooooooo, FYI this deal is only from 1030am - 12am. When drunk at 2am dont argue about $2 mcdoubles with the attendant :P
Does that work tomorrow?
It is tiny if you expect it be as big as a Big Mac
Big macs gotta about 1cm more bread and some lettuce and tomato… Same meat and cheese. Go mcfeast small meal for 5 bucks!
No tomato on a Big Mac, but shredded lettuce is there. Plus as you mentioned the third bun slice in the middle, and totally different sauce.
about the size of a cheeseburger with an extra meat patty?
Well I expect a Big Mac to be big but it's looking like a Little Mac these days, so wouldn't be hard!
Just went to McDonald’s In vic was $4.75 they never heard of the deal n I looked like a wanka lol
thanks for saving me from looking like a (profanity) 👍
edit: lol, apparently "wanka" spelled correctly converts to (profanity). How unAustralian.
Worked at Parkmore VIC.
Try purchase via App, if it shows as $2 no argument
works fine now, just didn't a month and a half ago (when I posted my comment)
Changed to QLD, please let us know if this works in other states.
Just messaged my daughter who works at Maccas in QLD (Brisbane). She has confirmed that this is active in QLD… :-)
May I date your daughter ..
I saw a sign outside a WA store advertising this tonight
These have been available in WA (at least in the stores I work at) for the last few weeks.
Why would they exclude 2 states? If they can do it in Tas/NT etc, why not victoria? or WA?
It's available in WA.
Yes, some stores in WA have had it since first week of Nov (eg North Perth)
People live in WA?
@awoff1 for your ealier report regarding titles.
we can't have this deal say [WA] as well as the other one, since it would create a duplicate. Best to just leave the title as QLD, thanks for the report.
Oh that's what I intended, (QLD title, WA link) might not have typed it out clearly. 👍
Now sold out completely in Sydney.
May be explained by the breaking news that Air Force One was seen lumbering along runway 3 at Kingsford Smith Airport, for a heavily overloaded take-off.
Perhaps they should just jettison their overloaded cargo while flying across the pacific ocean?
Would likely cause toxic pollution throughout the entire Pacific region.
Well this is new to me, a deal posted explaining it's no longer available to me… I feel negative about this one.
Got this last night and it was great for $2!
Do you guys know about the still ongoing $5 mcfeast meal? This is OZB so i'd assume so
Any cheap flights to WA or QLD. Need a location adjustment
To my surprise, I was able to buy McDouble today through the self-serve kiosk at my local store. I am located in NSW.
How/why is it cheaper than a cheeseburger?!
They removed it from app. I reckon it's replaced by the 3 for 3 cheeserburger!
..Unless in store-by-stores left
Now $3 at my local (North Perth), increase in price today
Yup it's $3 now at all stores and no more daily deals on the maccas app anymore. Oh well time for a diet I guess…