Hi. I've just switched on free delivery on www.jaycar.com.au (standard delivery). So if you would like to buy some electronics with no delivery charge, that would be good. We'll have this free delivery thing switched on for a limited time (probably about…5-6'ish days)
Jaycar Electronics Free Delivery

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Good story.
What were you wearing?
A pink dress Blue flats and a choker.
I do hope the choker was sunshine yellow just to set of then ensemble
What did you have for dinner?
I'd suggest people spend their money elsewhere. Jaycar have no morals and were caught out last year having completely ripped off the product of a local Aussie inventor.
That's terrible.. Hope he has received compensation, looks like a lot of effort went into his product. Looks like the rip-off kit has been discontinued but they're still selling it a year later..
I am going to neg on this front due to issue with the vendor, I wouldn't usually do it but this is terrible business practice and not something that should be kept hidden. Sure it's some parts put together in a kit, but the copying of the book and the box design which would have taken a lot of time to make is a pretty much complete copy.
Will be interested to see if the rep has any input on this.
I also want to neg on this front, and commenting to allow myself to 'neg'this post based on the OzBargain voting guidelines:
To let others know about issues with the deal, merchant or product."
In this case, I have issues with the merchant's business practices, as I do not believe in supporting such a vendor that will plaguarise design and product layouts.
Couldn't agree more.
They copied the manual almost word for word and used the creator's images commercially without permission. I won't be buying anything from Jaycar, this is just a really scummy thing to do and it goes entirely against the entire community that backs the product in question (Arduino).
Oh, I see. That is shit. Hope he sues them for breach of copyright in that case!
I didn't say it was an invention, only that the creator of the product was an inventor (which he is).
But if you watch the video it is clear that Jaycar had taken his product, handed it over to a Chinese manufacturer and asked them to make a copy. Of particular note is that they reused the content from his manual, including images, which were his IP.
It also shows what kind of company Jaycar is that they would do this to a small Australian business owner, who they had a long established relationship with.
Jaycar also approached him about seller his book years ago. When he directed them to his publisher, the owner of Jaycar instead suggested that they cut the publish out, and print their own copies in breach of the publishing contract. Jaycar are scum.
Yeah, Jaycar are a joke, so much for hobbyist community. It's pretty clear that they don't care about anything but making some cash, even if it means kicking the little guy.
OK, I didn't get the full story from your prior comment, sorry. I agree that the theft of IP is disgraceful and should be punished to the full extent possible.
Where do you recommend we shop instead?
I usually buy from Little Bird and Core Electronics… (when I can't afford the AliExpress wait!)
I suggest you research the incident before spewing your thoughts. I have been quite vocal of Jaycar in the past and there is absolutely no way you could support them.
Yeah i was always a big fan of Jaycar, but so blatantly ripping off Jon caused me to lose all respect for them. Very disappointed so no longer buy from them.
I've also avoided Jaycar after this dodgy effort. Poor form.
How awful.
Watched it, its terrible. Poor effort from JayCar.
that's a neg from me too.
thanks for this didnt know about it, will be avoiding them like the plague (inc telling uni friends etc who have used them in the past) so dodgy
plz explain rep?
had to comment to -veI'd love to hear a response from Jaycar (or even "dudenstein") on this
Yes, lets avoid shopping at Jaycar and instead get our stuff from chinese online sellers…because their moral history is impeccable
Hi Forrest
Never buying from Jaycar ever again.
negging for awareness.
That is utterly disgusting. I have been using Jaycar less over the last few years but that seals it, I won't be buying from them ever again. On the plus side, thank you for introducing me to freetronics.com.au
Thank you for posting this. I had no idea Jaycar was like this. I won't be spending another dollar in their stores.
Negging this as the company is awful
That is just low.
he says at the end of the video that he can't do anything about cos it's not worth it. aren't there copyright laws to protect him? apparently the owner of jaycar called him up asking for the pdf of one of his books but he couldn't give it him as the publisher had exclusive rights to the distribution. but mr jaycar "didn't care".
edit: here's a follow up vid
I wish I learnt this sooner.
Wow that's a low move
i go to element14
Check out the reps username.
Jaycar… I have you in my sights I'm the voice of the people and you guys have failed me once and now I find out your other dirty games.
Poor ethics
Negging due to lack of morals and issues with merchant. I will not support a business that steals ideas and rips people off
Bookmarked. I buy a lot of hobbyist kit and happy to bung a few orders his way, rather than to a bunch of thieving dogs.
Not very nice company.
Make sure you say why because you could get your neg revoked.
Dammit, thanks.
Reason: the ripping off of products from small guy inventor.
I miss Dick Smith electronics…
Ironic that Jaycar has taken over a lot of the Dick Smith stores
Plus there's a class action against Dick Smith by unhappy shareholders. One second you're worth $6m or whatever it was, and then soon after you float with a value of $200m or whatever is was.
Jaycar just lost a whole lot of business.
Was initially stoked about this, because I need an aerial and nowhere nearby sells them… then watched the video. F*** Jaycar. I'd rather spend more and get it elsewhere.
I find your lack of ethics disturbing.
I knew there was a good reason to dislike them other than the shop staff and overpriced crap. Ripping off someone like that is a real low act. Negged due to "Major issues with retailer"
stealing someone's idea & reselling it.
Lack of ethics is alarming, it ain't proper supporting a scummy company like this!
It would be reasonable to assume that IP theft would come from an overseas vendor, but for an AUS company to do it to another AUS company is sad :(
I also want to neg on this front, and commenting to allow myself to 'neg'this post based on the OzBargain voting guidelines:
as i've negged deals before and faced the backlash i'd like to outline below my reason for doing so
To let others know about issues with the deal, merchant or product."
In this case, I have issues with the merchant's business practices, as I do not believe in supporting such a vendor that will plaguarise design and product layouts.
Poor form blatantly copying someone else's work!
Just watched the video linked above and I am also disgusted - I purchased the FreeTronics kit for my son from JayCar a couple of years back and he has loved it. As a creative professional it sickens me when people that have money decide that a small and innovative business is easy prey to further line their pockets. Thanks for bringing this to my attention as I also will not be shopping at a morally bankrupt organisation like JayCar again.
Edit. Checking the Jaycar website it seems they have discontinued their clone while also no longer stocking the FreeTronics kit. Hoepfully that means that the creator was able to apply the necessary pressure to make this happen!
Jaycar could have continued to sell the Freetonics one, with everyone happy and able to sleep at night.
Reminds me of the guy that bought the rights to kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, then sued men at work because they could, even though it was obviously not deliberate plagiarism.
Absolutely disgusting behaviour from Jaycar. Thanks OzB for bringing this to my attention. As a small business owner this fills me with rage!
I've never heard of a chinese company asking a book seller to have the PDF to blatantly print out as their own, most likely without any reference to the original owner.
Naughty Orpheus
Negging this for awareness. Didn't know this before this post.
Wasn't expecting this from Jaycar.Very poor ethics.
Come on people lets ratio the hell out of JayCar.
i'll admit i had been a happy customer of jaycar for many years, up until today when i watched that youtube clip.
never again will i shop there and will know inform my friends of this youtube clip.
it's sad how companies do this to people.
Orpheus, Jaycar, an Australian company, was selling and dealing face to face with Freetronics, a small Australian company, and decided to probably illegally infringe on their rights to make a slightly bigger profit.
Not the same as copying eg a Samsung otg adapter which Belkin and everyone else makes and which probably has no Copyright attached to it anyway.
Jaycar are turds.
Never buy anything from JayCar. Ever.
Is this an eBay deal? Hmmm no it's the pitchfork convention
Bad morals
So many hypocritical mindless bluepilled sheeples voting negative. Herd mentality at its best. They are perfectly happy to buy cheap knock offs and unofficial counterfeit products overseas as long as its far away, out of sight and its not happening in Australia. But when its happening in Australia its suddenly a big no no? lol what? I cant even. I had to double check the url just to make sure I was on OzBargain and not Reddit.
I think the difference is our friends from China aren't posting direct clones of products. Feel free to find some posted here and share :)
Jaycar deliberately went out of their way to screw over Freetronics who they were previously trading with. They personally went out and cloned his kit.
The Chinese knockoffs and clones are all almost done by one or two manufacturers who then sell / advertise to Gearbest / Bangood / Aliexpress.
One is maliciously going out of their way to screw over a creator. One is blindly buying cloned product.
You should be holding Australians to a higher standard anyway. The Chinese copy and steal because of the culture they're in.
Also, no one's selling counterfeit products here. It's illegal here and in China, and in most of the world.
Selling a knock off is one thing, putting its name on it deserves a neg!
The worst part of it all is that they copied the user manual and even went as far as reusing images. I mean, the guy makes the manual himself and additionally releases it as a PDF, Jaycar just lift his images and change a few words here and there, package it with their product and sell it. It's shameful.
negging due to all of the above comments, blatant thieves
Is it possible to keep this thread on the main board so people can be educated about Jaycar?
keep adding a post on it and it should stay there
Wow i am shocked, and sad that Jaycar stooped so low. I used to spend a lot of money with them, but now i think will try other avenues.
I will never buy from Jaycar unless there is a really good deal posted on Ozbargain.
may be only loss making ones ;)
Thanks again to everyone in the community for bringing this to my attention. I will add to the list of going elsewhere in future, even at a greater expense and wait time.
I also want to neg on this front, and commenting to allow myself to 'neg'this post based on the OzBargain voting guidelines:
To let others know about issues with the deal, merchant or product."
In this case, I have issues with the merchant's business practices, as I do not believe in supporting such a vendor that will plaguarise design and product layouts.
Seems there are quite a few middle aged people who voted positive without bothering to read comments, the same ones who go to Harvey Norman and get overpriced stuff.
Yes. The middle-aged white folk who still shop at Harvey Norman and Rebel Sports. Gerry is shitting and pissing himself right as I write these words.
Which reminds me, I should probably stop shopping at Bunnings since their lowest prices and price guarantee 10% beating are just a sham…
Community ≠ capitalism.
I wanted to make a constructive comment to explain why the sh!t search function on the Jaycar website is losing them sales. But after watching the Freetronics video I would like Jaycar to keep it exactly like it is forever.
got a feeling jaycar might think twice before posting here again
42 upvotes so far for a free shipping post with no bargains listed, that's pretty impressive.
do you think that there would be 42 jaycar staff members here?
thanks op, feel free to give me free del anytime :)
Fix this Jaycar!
Negative vote because I don't do business with unethical companies.
Does anyone have soldering kit recommendations, whether from JC or elsewhere?
Here’s my neg dodgy company
Might need to give a more detailed reason. There is someone reporting people for invalid negs.
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I bought thermal paste from you guys last Xmas and hadn't pulled my PC apart till 2 weeks ago, when I opened it the top was snapped 3/4 off so it all came out the break not the tip.
Not sure what telling you this achieved was just very annoying and dirty to put thermal paste on CPU. Now I've gotta do it again as I'm changing the mobo lol.