This was posted 7 years 3 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off One Large Pizza @ Pizza Hut


50% off one large pizza.

At first, I thought the coupon was targeted just for me. But I have used it and the code seems to work when I put it in again.

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Pizza Hut

closed Comments

  • +2

    At first I thought it was targeted just for me, but I put it in again and it worked..

    Funny that. My one time promo code worked for me when I put it in twice as well.

  • Just tried this code and said "invalid".

    • +2

      said "invalid".

      that was the pizza type…

      • As long as its got anchovies I don't care what they call it!

  • -4

    Their pizzas taste like the frozen ones from the supermarket.

    • +11

      Mmmmm i tried Pizza hut for the first times in years the other week.

      I like them better than Dominos. That is probably not saying much. The dough is heaps better at Pizza hut but less range i think.

      What pizzas do you usually order?

      • +1

        I like them better than Dominos.

        That's not very reassuring…

      • What pizzas do you usually order?

        local family owned pizza shops.

        • Best choice! My favorite local pizza shop shut down building new units where it was. I have not been able to find another local joint up to par. So either i go some where average and pay maybe $20-25 a pizza or go for Domino's or Pizza hut.

        • +1


          maybe $20-25 a pizza

          Our local ones usually have a large for around $15-$16.

          Dominos might be 1/3 the price, but they are also 1/10 the quality…

        • @aussieprepper:

          Papa john's in Glen?

        • @aussieprepper:

          La Lupa in Tyabb. Unbeatable.

  • +7

    50% off one large pizza

    Probably refers to size and not price though.

    • +1

      No. Definitely refers to the price. The size is unaffected by the price discount.

      • +1

        I can't decide whether to take you seriously or not, or if you are just taking the piss.

  • the code is working here in bendigo (vic)

    • +12

      good to know something is working there.

  • +1

    I just tried, it works.

  • how is pizza hut pizza quality compare to dominos? same same or different?

    • +1

      The quality is usually worse, but at least their large pizza are usually bigger than "large pizza" of Domino's.

    • +7

      i find pizza hut to be waaaaaay better than dominos.
      the dough is much better in my opinion.

    • same same or different?

      Just like Bali :)

      Nah Pizza Hut has superior quality compared to Dominos. Having said that however, that's not exactly hard to beat these days. It's a good size compared to Dominos, the dough is good but the toppings.. Yeah average.

  • What does a large pizza cost?

    • How long is a piece of string?

      Depends on what pizza you want. I think they go upwards of $7-$8.

      • So their cheapest is $7?

        • I think?
          I know their Americana is $8 for a large. You probably won't get much for $7 though, maybe Cheese/Garlic Bread pizza or something.

        • @pennypincher98:

          Are the pizzas any good?

        • @viospeed: Umm, well they are certainly not Italians but it's better than Dominos??
          If you normally go to your local Ma & Pa pizza shop, this pales in comparison.
          If you normally go to Dominos, this is an improvement.

  • +2

    I agree with all the comments, Pizza Hut do make better tasting and larger sized pizzas compared to Domino’s.

    Latest news! Pizza Hut are back in the sit-down dine in restaurant business! First concept store opened in Waterloo, Sydney.…

  • +1

    If I had to pick one word to describe Pizza Hut's quality it'd be 'inconsistent'. I always order the same type of pizza, and some weeks it'll be a picture-perfect one that looks as though it could be used in an ad; other times it'll look slapdash, be short on toppings or too oily.

    • Find this as well both with different stores having different "interpretations" of the same pizza. One store is very consistent week to week (but don't live close by) awesome base, and tasty topping. Whereas other closer Pizza Huts butcher the same pizza - either the bases are too dry orrr they are skimpy on the topping. One store's pizzas always stick to the bottom of the pizza box, end up lifting off part of the cardboard on the base of some of the pizza slices as a result……..

      I've never been a fan of Dominos, their pizza bases taste like cardboard…… the toppings are not much better.
      Pizza Hut are identical - with toppings at least - hence why I play it save and just get a cheese pizza (about the only pizza that tastes as it should!).

      @drose01 - Papa John's at The Glen was pretty good - although it depended on who made the pizza sometimes! I hope they return when The Glen gets renovated. They originally said they hoped they'd be back in 2-3 months…. who knows though :-/. Excellent sized pizzas for the price.

  • -1
  • Thanks worked fine for me - QLD

  • Worked for me. Large chicken one for $8 - TAS

  • Thanks OP! Ordered & picked up a prawn pizza, saved 8 bucks!

  • Haven't had Pizza Hut for a long time so thought I'd give them a go again with this deal (Chicken & Feta for $8).

    Probably won't be going back again any time soon unless there's some sort of price error deal.

  • worked for me. Is it only valid till 30/11/2017? Thanks

  • just bought 2 in separate orders with this code. cheers op

  • just bought dinner in 2 separate orders (worked, NSW) - missus wanted mushrooms on hers as well so dinner for two was $10 instead of $8.. she got the last of the big spenders I guess!

    (thanks OP!)

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