Seems OK with 4GB RAM & easy local return policy if you have Aldi nearby.
Details and discussion also at
Seems OK with 4GB RAM & easy local return policy if you have Aldi nearby.
Details and discussion also at
Similar but not same. That's the overseas Medion unit. Medion are Aldi's better pc range. But probably from same factory.
@Cheap Charlie:
That model was released by Aldi in Australia under the Merion brand early this year.
Saw 1 today at local Aldi for $299. Definitely 2GB, Office 365, fingerprint scanner, 2 year warranty, etc as per your link.
So different device.
Slow but usable for basic web browsing/etc.
Feels a little sluggish watching videos online (ie YouTube) but manages fine with downloaded content. Little sluggish on pages filled with crap (ie Facebook).
Does the job for word processing but again, isn't ideal.
If you have any programs you want me to try I'm happy to, I've got a tablet/convertible with exactly the same specs (Z8350 + 4GB RAM).
seems like junk to me
11.6" Touch-Screen
1920 x 1080 IPS
360° degree rotatable keyboard
Windows 10
With full warranty and local stock for 250 squids? Bargain!
Lol and I bought a pendo pad transformer style laptop a couple of years back also thinking it was a bargain.
And the keyboard dock mechanism broke along with the touch screen, only two weeks in. Also bought a Windows 8.1 tablet of theirs and that broke too.
Fortunately, they paid for shipping back to them to assess the error and they acknowledged their faults and refunded me the whole amount.
@adrianhughes1998: So because you were unlucky with your specific purchase means you need to neg me? Wow, mate.
Aldi source budget stock from different suppliers & factories & add their trademark (Bauhn, etc). So experience with previous models gives no indication of this offering.
pendo pad
theres your problem.
pendo make the most cheap crap there is
aldi actually source their stuff from good chinese companies.
this thing would be on par with a chuwi or teclast level
similar to this but aldi one here has non removable keyboard - but you do get australian warranty
@Infidel: Not these days. They along with KMart pay a firm in Nth Sydney to do their buying. They also do all of the support of the products. It explained a lot, when I had to deal with them over the KMart security cameras a couple of years ago. They had no clue about the products they brokered.
@Major Mess:
Not these days.
I think this has always been their model. But that's basically what I said.
Aldi source through various suppliers. Aldi buyers negotiate for cheapest price & most features. Those suppliers source stock from different factories. ie Aldi source budget stock from different suppliers & factories
The phone number & details for warranty are those of the supplier. Aldi does not provide any support, other than accepting returns. The 60 day return policy is there partly so Aldi staff don't need to know about the products they sell. "Take it home, if you don't like it bring it back." I've discussed this before.
I know a lot about the process…
A major supplier of electronics to Aldi negotiated with me to supply advice to improve their products and quality control.
I turned down the work, as improving quality control (given the tight time & cost constraints of the supply chain) - there was little that could be done.
Problems only are seen once a preproduction unit is delivered here. Any changes then often can't be made, as the products have already shipped from China.
A Bauhn PVR which was to be based on my design feedback, was stopped as they ran out of time & sourced a ready made unit to meet sales date. It was such a lemon.
Aldi demand product to be delivered by a set date to meet their catalog issue.
If a product still has some firmware problems, it just gets shipped anyway! The returns process becomes their quality control, handed on to the supplier.
The Aldi sourcing process means faults or improvements in one product don't make it into improving the next one😭 It's not the same as you would expect from a reputable brand.
My warning was simply that models may have same (Aldi) trademark added, may have similar features, seem to be same, but come from different suppliers & factories. So past experiences can't predict experience with current model. And once there are reviews, it is usually sold out!
With Aldi branded electronics it's always a gamble.
@Infidel: Sorry but don't put medion in to the same pot with all other electronics sold by aldi. you know that 80% of medion is owned by lenovo ….
Sorry you put medion in to the same pot with all other electronics sold by aldi. I would never do that! Medion have a good reputation, unlike Aldi Australia trademarked electronics I was discussing.
I've mentioned above where I point out this is not the better Medion product & elsewhere - premium Medion are separate to ordinary Aldi Australia trademarked (Bauhn etc) electronics. Medion are sold by Aldi Australia & overseas, not sourced & manufactured for Aldi Australia - the specific products I was discussing.
Similarly, other brands of electronics (eg Logitech) have also been sold by Aldi.
Those other brands are not what I was referring to, although some may also have been lemons like Pendo. Just products sourced & manufactured for Aldi Australia specially for catalog sales, carrying the Aldi Australia trademarks.
If you had read the full context you should have understood that. As I wrote, I do have knowledge of the Aldi processes from a supplier's perspective.
Others have jumped to the conclusion this computer is a Medion model. Aldi promote those more premium computers under the Medion brand rather than as unbranded Aldi notebook, as I earlier pointed out.
Please show us what you can buy better for same coin, thanks
Ive bought 2 "CHUWI Hi10 Pros" for $221 and they have 64gb harddrive and android/windows 10.
A bit screwed though if something goes wrong and the people who sold it to you are Chinese (who don't know English).
Good deal from ALDI I reckon for $249. Shame about the processor though.
Chinese and customer service aren't usually found in the same sentence.
"No refund" is standard policy. "No custom" is my reply.
@tightwad: Maybe take a reread of what I said
A bit screwed if something goes wrong and the people who sold it to you are Chinese (who don't know English)
Unless you are just agreeing on a post 10 days old for no apparent reason?
@tightwad: This is indeed becoming repetitive! So while we are doing this, I might as well ask about your 9 posts (only 3 of them are deals) in 8 1/2 years. What's the go there?
Micro SD card slot for storage expansion?
thinking about this too…
to be really useful, we need to be able to move all applications and possibly windows pagefile/swapfile (a few gigs!) to the sdcard
maybe i'll buy one one wednesday to find out
Yes you could do this but may I suggest a portable hard drive instead? You can't leave the SD card in there (most likely it will hang out a bit, meaning it could snap off if you were just chucking it your bag or what not)
Seems to be $100 overpriced.
Please link somewhere I can get a 11.6" laptop with FHD screen, 4GB ram and Windows 10 with local warranty and pickup for $149.
Not interested in one though, the processor kills it.
The Chinese tablets are available from Banggood etc. They are also 64GB storage and may come with Android as well. Mo local warranty, but I don't think an extra $100 for local makes it a deal. This ALDI appears to be based on one of those and does not have any extra battery capacity in the keyboard. You can also pickup a celeron tablet/laptop for $250 through the Chinese sellers. At $250 I would rather spend a bit more for something from Amazon - maybe the Asus HA102? 800p with Stylus.
does not have any extra battery capacity in the keyboard.
Seriously? It's $249!! I'm sure some AMEX deal exists where you could get that down even cheaper, or Cashrewards of some sort of gift cards (or 5% off wish gift cards) to make it even cheaper.
There is also a profound difference between detachable and convertible. I hate the idea of detachable, you have to reconnect the keyboard everytime you want to use it. Or you have to store it somewhere on the train which is decreased efficiency.
For an extra $60, I got a HP x360 convertible with a Celeron processor. No FHD screen but you get what you pay for. Local warranty + 12 months Office 365 + known brand + 10-12 hrs battery life.
Certainly wouldn't buy a tablet/computer through these Chinese sellers, it's a nightmare if something goes wrong.
HP Compaq 8300 Elite SFF Desktop: Intel i5-3470 CPU 8GB RAM 250GB HDD $198.40 Delivered @ bneacttrader eBay
would this be a better machine?
only 90 day warranty.
would this be a better machine?
That second hand desktop PC
Whats Included: Desktop, Power Cable, Tax Invoice
and add keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, etc to price
This new portable cheap touch screen Notebook that probably underperforms
They're designed for very different uses.
Depends on your use…
Here are more detailed specs if you're interested:…
Also found this helpful unboxing/review of a simliar model:
Seems like a pretty good unit for streaming, browsing and office tasks, but it would be a lot better if it had 64gb or more storage. Unfortunately eMMC is not upgradable as it's soldered to the motherboard :(
Others jumped to same conclusion that that is same model.
Both links are for the $299 Merion released earlier this year. I've seen it at local Aldi, with first part of description being that this is a Medion computer.
If this was the Medion model, advertising would carry the more premium trademark to promote it, it would carry a longer warranty & other features & inclusions.
Typo: $299 Medion model
Processor is limited in what memory it can access. I have a tablet with similar processor & limitations.
The Z8350 processor specs show it can only support 2GB RAM.
Memory Specifications
Max Memory Size 2 GB (dependent on memory type)
Plus has 2GB graphics memory limit…
Graphics Specifications
Graphics Video Max Memory 2 GB
Strange no one noticed that.
My guess is Aldi think that 2+2GB makes it a 4GB machine. They've made at least 1 similar mistake in their marketing. Time will tell…
Your link is broken. The specs, even on Intels site seem to list the specs of the Z8300.
The Z8350 adds dual memory support(not usually implemented), and faster memory support.
You have 4GB - Check your Bios.
If you currently really do have 2GB allocated as graphics memory in your bios, it would be a good idea to try 128MB instead. Integrated graphics shares the system Ram, and you can adjust how much.
Link works - takes back to earlier link I posted to Intel specs.
But you are correct. That 2GB limit listed in Intel specs is (dependent on memory type) - in my comment. That wording has caused confusion for others. Surprisingly it can handle up to 8GB with LPDDR3 DRAM Device Technology.
I don't have this product - decided against buying based on expected speed issues.
Sadly it’s quite slow… I knew it was going to be slow but it’s so slow that even web browsing it’s about 5-6 times slower than what I am used to.
Sadly its quite slow.. it's so slow
Seriously, did you look at the specs before you bought it? For $249 don't expect zippy performance. Don't even expect sub-par performance. This is about as bare bones as you can get, especially with the Atom running that FHD screen..
It's basically the same as Kogan's Atlas 2 in 1's.
Price reduced to $229 at my local Aldi. Still not selling at that price.
I don't know why people got excited over this Unisurf product. It's not the higher quality Merion product people claimed it would be.
Any idea about the processe?