This was posted 7 years 4 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Full Leg Ham $14 / Approx 6 Kg (82% off), Ham $9.5/ Approx 4kg (75% off) @ Coles Online


It seems to be per kg's price is the same as per unit (e.g. 6kg,4kg)'s price. Not too sure if it is nationwide. It seems to be available at WA Metro from Coles online at this stage.

Full leg ham approx 6.6kg

Ham approx 4kg

If you check with other similar products, you will find they will be listed as per unit price instead of per kg's price.
Such as the example (below):
$7/kg, $49 for per unit= approx 7kg's price.…

Warning: Error may or may not be honoured, Coles may also change the charge at time of when packing the order. See discussion. Order at your own risk, recommend picking up instore in case of issues. See Coles website for more information.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    both show 'Temporarily unavailable' to me via the Coburg, Vic online store

    • So… $14/kg is 82% off?

      • +1

        No. They are charging $14 per leg in error.

      • you can see right here

  • +1

    From the Coles Website

    Price listed online is an estimate based on average of 1kg per item.

    The actual weight may differ slightly, and that will affect the price you pay

    • +1

      when does Coles bill you, can they just put whatever they want and charge you for it? seems dodgy if they can do that

      • +5

        Er no they charge you for how much the meat weighs …

        • +3

          Thanks, Woolworths usually give 5-20% extra free sometimes more.

  • +2

    Might want to mention its $14 per KG, not 6kgs for $14

  • +1

    Price is nationwide but it’s per kg, not 4/6 kg for those prices.

  • Tell him he's dreamin'!

    The real price of $7/kg for leg ham is bargain enough. Based on past Christmases, the quality is good.
    Certainly better than your typical sliced boneless ham from the deli section.

    • +2

      no you can see its a pricing error, it should be like this

    • +1

      IGA is $5/kg earlybird this week.

      • I'm seeing $6.99/kg?

        • Too bad, must be WA only then.

  • +3

    awesome work OP, good luck to everyone.

  • +1

    mmm, this will be great for my mouth watering streamed clams!

  • +4

    Are these steamed?

  • not available for me

  • Free range and full leg ham temporarily unavailable.

    • +1

      Depends on location. I just ordered two … can always cancel if they claim a pricing error, but coles sometimes honours them

      • Good for Brissie, no luck in GC.

  • +3

    I just ordered 2 for pick up tomorrow afternoon…will wait and see what happens…

    • +2

      Where from?

  • +5

    I just ordered three - on the receipt it says "saving of $210". I think they'll have difficulty claiming it's an error when they show it as a saving.

  • +14

    Just ordered 24kg of ham. What am I doing with my life.

    • +2

      Eating lots of ham in the next little while by the looks of things.

    • +2

      "Order on its way"

      • +3

        "Before you receive it, we want to let you know that some of the items you ordered were unavailable."

  • +4

    Poor pig. His leg is only worth $14 :(

    • +1

      Someone is gonna get their ass kicked if they honour them all!

  • +3

    Times like this I wish I had a chest freezer in the garage. And a garage.

  • Expired??

    • +3

      yes I don't understand how you can order $14 worth, but then charge you $140 extra

      • +2

        Well in a normal situation they say how much per kilo, so you know approximately, then they actually weigh it so it could be a little bit more or a little bit less.

        This is just a "half" pricing error, because the price per kilo is correct, it's the estimated weight that's wrong. Dunno what they'll do.

  • +4

    Just bought 4 hams.
    Saved $280.
    Hamz for dayz.

    • +2

      From which store?

  • +1

    Prices are estimated based on an average of 1kg per item.

    The actual weight may differ slightly, and that will affect the price you pay.
    Coles Australian Free Range Full Leg Ham approx. 6kg

  • +1

    It says minimum order is $50 is that expected??

    • +2

      For online orders, yes. Woolies' is $30.

  • +2

    The Bertocchi Half Leg ham has pricing error as well, $11 for about 5 kg.
    Can't find anything else to make it to $50…

  • I don't think this is an error. I think the price is actually per kg. In their terms and conditions it says

    "We estimate a price for items that need to be weighed like bananas, meat and some deli products. When we pack your order we weigh the items and charge the exact price for their weight, based on the price per kilo at the time you ordered."

    So when we order, we are saying we will pay $14 per kg (but each ham is approximately 6kg). Then they bill for exact amount, e.g. 5.7kg x $14.

    Im cancelling my order…

    • +4

      I dont know says i saved $140 dollars or whatever. If it was on weight they would have done it like say salmon where you choose preset weight increments and take them up until you reached your desired weight.

      I say it's a price error and will get changed before people pickup their orders, just like those mangoes a couple months back. Worth a shot so ill report back tomorrow arvo.

      • +2

        My receipt says saved $147.79, so I reckon it's a pricing error. Do they have to honour these??? Anyone know what the law says?

        • +5

          I think the law says something about price errors don't have to be honored, if so we are gonna be shit out of luck, i mean ham :(

        • +2

          Consumer law as far as I know is stores do not have to honor genuine pricing errors (like this).

          But these orders may slip through stores without (the usually junior staff packing our orders) noticing.

      • +3

        Got plenty of those 70/80c mangoes due to pricing being per mango (with price estimated on 200g mango @ $3/4 per kg), instead of $3 or $4 per mango.

        Seems pricing error here:
        Price listed is per ham, but should have been per kg.
        Compare with how other hams are listed
        eg approx 5kg @$11/kg = $55
        Price is an estimate (The actual weight may differ slightly from 5kg and that will affect the price you pay)

        Worth a try. Can always complain or return if charged per kg. It's Coles error.

        • +1

          Yeah they didn't charge my credit card after the order. Is this normal?

        • +4

          Absolutely. Coles charge the price at time of packing order. So any change in price or reductions for out of stock items will be charged by price at checkout. So no charge to CC until after order packed.

          That's different to Woolies where I regularly have received more than I paid for, especially with meal & deli items. But out of stock items need to be refunded - which is more difficult when paying with discounted eGift Cards.

          But Mangoes went through at advertised price of 70/80c each, rather than store price of $3/4 each. There's hope 😋

  • -6

    Not working. Price is per KG

  • Interesting. It does say per kg when clicking information whereas other ones say per 6kg etc.

  • -4

    It's not Kosher.

    • +2

      Not a valid reason for a neg

  • -6

    I hate to think how many people you just fooled into spending ~$96 on ham, thinking it was $16 for a leg…

  • Not available for me in Vic either

  • "Not Available" - Christies Beach & Darlington Express locker in SA

  • -3

    Coles are onto it, the listing has changed.

    I had the ham in my cart, come check out a pop up notes the ham is now out of stock.

    • +3

      Or maybe it's just out of stock due to it being so cheap and on OZB?

    • +3

      Coles are onto it, the listing has changed

      RUBBISH! Still in stock for me, so likely has just gone out of stock at your store due to popularity of this deal. Listing hasn't changed.

      • Wow, I am suprised you are so sensative about your ham.
        For your information the link to 6kg ham worked when I first found this deal and now the link notes the page does not exist.

        Oh and since you insist on yelling, YOU ARE WRONG!

        • +4

          No, YOU ARE WRONG!😋
          and don't touch my ham…

          It needed emphasis to try to undo your mistake.

          No use misleading people because you jumped to wrong conclusion. It's just a local issue with your store. Try another location before making incorrect claims that Coles are onto it.

          Page worked right for me. Just placed order for 3 hams😁

          [Edit] 90 minutes after you erroneous comment & page is still up for my area.
          Hams for (almost) everyone😋

  • +1

    Oh no gonna go hungry this Christmas.

    They still appear to be at their 1kg price not like they are gonna cut up a 6kg ham into portions without the nutritional table.

    I personally don't think this one is gonna work due to variable pricing at sale based on weight.

  • +1

    on my receipt it says

    Australian Free Range Full Leg Ham
    $14.00 per 1 Kg

  • Scans as the price on the label ($80ish) at Garden City Booragoon. Fyi, this is 'triple-smoked' ham. Not my preference.

  • Temp unavailable…

  • +3

    Just ordered 3 $14 hams, added some items on special to take total to $80 for free delivery tomorrow. If ham is not provided, at least I win with free delivery on $32 order😋

    • +2

      But what if they charge an extra you an extra ~$200 for the difference?

      • +6

        Ring them. Got refund plus $25 credit when I complained about Coles error during Mango order (not mango related).

        Plus CC has $100 limit on the $80 order, so payment will be declined by the bank. Do down to store for the groceries instead.

        I like playing OzBargainLotto😋

        • +2

          Well got to give you credit for that tactic, can't really loose.

        • +2

          Wow, you've thought of everything! Nice one! Haha

        • +1

          How do you have such a low limit?

        • +1

          @John Kimble:
          It's maximising the benefit while minimising the risk😋

        • +3

          @Jake Elwood:
          Commbank app has Spending Cap (eg set to $100) limits & other controls. Of course it's a free CC😁

        • @Infidel: oh nioce. I have commbank too. Might try this.

          I assume you just change it to a higher limit if you need to at another time.

        • +2

          @Jake Elwood:
          Yes, mine was set to $150, but reduced for this order to $100. No full price hams for me.
          Also lock costly International online purchases & cash advances. Use other cards for that.

        • @Infidel: so would this stop the overseas transactions that you only figure out where OS because you get charge a fee even though the order was in Aussie dollars?

        • +1

          @Jake Elwood:
          I got caught by Groupon doing that years ago - they refunded. Should do. Has stopped me accidentally being billed for foreign exchange fees.

        • @Infidel: I will give it go.

          Just order 3 hams. We will see how it goes. My CC has a spending cap of $100 now.

        • +2

          @Jake Elwood:
          You are learning, Grasshopper
          The other way is to use prepaid or debit cards with limited funds available.

        • +1

          @Infidel: Thanks Master.

          Though I really want to be JV's padawan. Something tells me though there can be only two with JV.

    • Realised I also should get 1000 Flybuys pts for order over $40. Happy days🎉

  • +2

    it says $14 per kilogram, don't know if they changed it, would love to know if works for you guys, I'm not gonna risk it :) Good luck, may your hams be moist and tasty :)

  • How do I choose click and collect? Nothing I can see on the site. it takes me straight to delivery and no point buying lots when 1. no chest freezer and 2. no garage to put the freezer in.

  • it has a drop down for how many kgs you want at $14 per kg ……. if you select 1 kg you might get the bone.
    Vegetarian must have developed the drop down weight options with no knowledge go how much a ham weighs.

    • That works… but then I can't change the number of legs :)

      Guess, will have to give it a miss.

    • +1

      No it's number of Full Leg Ham.
      That's the basis of this pricing error.
      We are ordering approx 6kg hams - and choosing how many of those full hams.

      Compare this pricing error with how other hams are priced
      eg selecting 1 approx 5kg ham @$11/kg gives approx price in menu of $55 with warning that price depends on weight.
      Here, selecting 1 approx 6kg ham @$14/kg gives fixed price in menu of $14

      • +1

        Correct, but I can only order at least 4 and that is… I better go buy a freezer and garage.

        • +2

          Yes the money you save on the hams can be spent on a freezer.

          Any one know of any bargains on chest freezers?

        • +2

          @Jake Elwood:

          Gumtree :)

  • +4

    "You've saved : $233.64"

  • If this goes through can I buy a leg ham off someone. Not looking to eat 24kg of leg ham.

    • Should make a group buy.

      • Here on Ozbargain? Would love to if anyone is keen.

        • It's possible, but need to act quickly, those legs might walk away.

  • Nope out of stock

    • Depends on location. In stock for me.

  • so has anyone pick up their ham? I am not looking forward to buying 4 full price Hams if it doesn't work :)

  • +1

    Not available at Runaway Bay but I was able to order at Nerang. The listing this morning has changed to “price estimate” though so I’ll probably end up getting charge for 6kg 😳

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