This was posted 7 years 3 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

99¢ Movie Rentals on Google Play Movies


Google has additional 99c movies. Titles include:
Collateral Beauty
Grown ups
Fist Fight

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Interested in Arrival

    • +8

      It was alright. Interesting take on the whole first contact scenario and worth your ninety nine cents.

      • Cool , will check it out over the weekend

        • +4

          I absolutely loved it!
          Worth the 15 bucks or so I spent when it released, I'd say.

        • @Rorschach: cool , more to look forward then

        • -3

          I just can't get over the whole false premise of aliens coming to earth in our lifetime. You have to ignore known physics and astronomically small odds of there even being intelligent life so close to us. Then the incredibly small odds they have stellar travel capabilities, find us and can be bother coming to visit us.

        • @not a bargain:

          Well it is a movie.

          It's fairly "hard" sci-fi, as far as movies go, and the explanation of how they can be here is as plausible as it gets for this sort of thing.

          If you're smart/interested enough to know the details of why aliens travelling at light speed are unlikely to visit us anytime soon, this is probably exactly your kind of movie…

        • +3

          @not a bargain: Even if they did, they will back off very quickly on seeing how we treat our home planet :)

        • @ItsMeAgro:

          A bit like the Martian. I never understood why NASA and the Planetary Society liked it so much when there were so many basic factual mistakes in it. Particularly the storm having enough force to damage a Mars base.

      • I heard the movie didn't really have an ending. Is it going to annoy me if i watch it?

        • +4

          It has an ending - just before the credits.

        • +1

          The ending is pretty good actually.

    • +1

      I think it's on US Netflix right now if anyone still has a working geo unblocker (Getflix has actually been working well for USA for the last few months in my experience).

      (And yes, Arrival is good).

      • I use Chromecast to view Netflix and GETFLIX is a pain to set up for Chromecast, thank u for the tip though :)

        • +1

          It's easy to set up if your router supports Tomato or DD-WRT firmware but otherwise, yes, a pain.

        • @dazweeja: Let me research it, cheers

        • @kamban:

          I use AdvancedTomato whenever possible. Good features and user-friendly interface.

    • +1

      Arrival's a brilliant movie, highly recommend it :)

  • +8

    I've heard Tony Abbott is a big fan of the onion movie

  • +2

    Please choose wisely and do not give "director" Uwe Boll any more money. Thank you.

    • I looked at the list of his films; alas, I haven't seen any of them!

      Which stinker is particularly not worth watching? :-)

  • +8

    The Founder (movie about the foundation of McDonalds, starring Michael Keaton) is an awesome movie for anyone that doesn’t have Stan.

    • +3

      what is it like for people who do have Stan?

      • +2

        They all chorus "Stan, Stan, Stan, Stan, Stan, Stan, Stan, Stan, Wonderful Stan, Glorious Stan.

  • +3

    Would recommend Arrival, great film.

  • ah nice, T2 it is

  • +10

    Thanks dude, just got locked outside my house but can use the WiFi… perfect timing! :)

  • +7

    For those who aren’t aware, you can use your Apple TV to watch Google Play Movies. Go to ‘Purchased’ in the YouTube app.

    Not sure about the YouTube app on Xbox.

    • +1

      THANKS! that's an awesome tip!

      • No worries. 👍🏻

  • There's Bad Girls but no Bad Boys, that's a bummer.

  • The Two Faces Of January is a good movie - a hark back to the classic old thrillers. Saw it on the big screen, recommended.

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • Just my luck would be my pick of these… ouch.

  • Arrival sucked the big one just like the new blade runner film.

  • Says $0.25 for me

  • Arrival is great!

  • Anybody managed to rent a UHD film? Tried Trainspotting 2 and Spiderman but keeps saying theres a payment error. Wondering if it's because its UHD, even though it says 99c…..don't want to test it on the HD version incase it wastes the offer :D

    • Was an issue with my payment profile, deleted my UK one and then it worked……so you can get 4k rentals with this

  • Hi, never use watch this google rental movie before?

    How does this work?

    Streaming or download and watch?

    • Can do both. Can download first beforehand and then watch buffer free or if you have faith and trust your internet speed and connection will be stable you can also stream it.

      The option is yours. I like to pre download so no hassles and can watch on the train or outside the house etc.

  • +1

    Awesome got both the arrival and the founder. Thanks OP.

  • Elle by Paul Verhoeven is my pick. It comes highly rated but I suspect it is not to everyone's taste.

  • +1

    Thanks OP but edit "new" to "sort of recent releases":

    "some "new" 99c movies this week!"

    None of these movies are "new releases" . Some of these movies were released 6-10 months ago or more. Collateral Beauty was released in February , Life in June , Collosal August 2017, Passengers March etc.

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