What do you folks do for fun that doesn't break the bank?
my brother and his friends go waterskiing and fishing which requires a boat, trailer license etc $$$
my old boss used to race his own v8 supercar for fun. huge $$
Many of my peers love a pint of five a few times a week. hits the wallet hard $$
I like to watch movies. never more than a few dollars to hire online if i can't find them on streaming. I buy cheap wine and if its super nasty i cut it with softdrink.
my biggest investments have been my Xbox, speakers and TV…but they are longterm rewards (under $1000, 3 years of value).
What do fellow ozbargainers do to unwind on the cheap?
Another vote for this. You clearly drink, and it would seem you are an honest man who drinks to get drunk, which makes brewing right up your alley. While wine makers might have a wank about palets and flavenoids, and beer makers get all hot over grains and head retention, if all you care about is the alcohol it is remarkably easy to do. I'm going through it now. For less than $25, just about anybody can make up 25L of 20% alcohol
The best hobbies don't cost money, they MAKE money :)
If you need any other suggestions for hobbies, this video has a few good ones