This was posted 7 years 4 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One S 1TB + 4 Games (COD WWII, GTA 5, ACO, RSS) - $379 @ EB Games


Good price for new Xbox One S with 1TB and 4 games.

Call of Duty: WWII Steel Case Bundle (Disc)
Grand Theft Auto V (Disc)
Assassin's Creed Origins (Download Code)
Rainbow Six: Siege (Download Code)

Cheaper bundle deals with 500GB console

This is my first post, so I hope it is worthy :)

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

    • +12

      Get an external hard drive

      EDIT: lol it's a 1Tb hard drive

    • It really isn't.

  • Great price, thanks for sharing leostar12

  • +1

    Can you return the games and get cash back?

    • Store credit at a guess

    • +2

      You can on the games that come on disk not digital copies though but it’s not really worth it as your get jack for it. You’d be better off selling it yourself on eBay or such

      • -1

        Well getting jacked off isn't too bad. At my EB they just refund you a part of the purchase.

        • Haha, you poor buggar… all the EBs I go to jack you off ;-)

  • +14

    Gran Theft Auto V

    Pensioners strike back?

  • If you have no interest in the XBox X then this is a great price.

  • +2

    C'mon now Sony! Bring out some amazing ps4 pro bundle deals.

  • +2

    Why is the ps4 slim so much more expensive than the Xbox one s?

    • I am curious about that as well, what hell happened?

    • +5

      My guess is that the PS4 is still selling very well and the Nintendo Switch is selling very well too, leaving little room in the market for the XBO, hence the massive price cuts and software bundles.

      They are practically giving the machine away with this bundle if you calculate the software as being valued at about $250.

      • ah but the software isnt 250.
        ac 64, cod 64, gta 28, r6 20? -~ 176
        200 for a 1tb isnt too bad

        • GTA is going for at least 50 brand new. Just be patient and sell it on eBay when there's no final value fees.

        • @adonbilivit:
          i doubt it very much anymore
          jb had new with shark card 45 from memory, big w 45 and this week 28/36 at eb
          u might get very lucky if u wait months but the market has shifted.
          especially if its getting thrown into bundles

      • Yep, Xbox is getting significantly outsold by both competitors atm so they're trying to shift stock to turn it around. Sad to see how far they have fallen since last generation!

  • +2

    COD has 10GB day one patch for multiplayer, for those buying it for kids

    • +18

      It’s R18+. It’s not right for a minor to be playing/exposed to explicit content. I still can’t believe parents are letting their kids play games like this.

      • +1

        The world has changed.

      • I still can't believe there are people with the levels of ignorance that you have.

        Very young people have been playing very violent video games for more than a generation now - over 25 years. During this entire period levels of violence and crime amongst young people have plummeted.

        So please, give it a rest, you're spouting demonstrable falsehoods.

        • So, the world has changed then?

        • +1

          +1 to Diji1. Played Doom/Wolfenstein when I was like 10 and spent a lot of time in my teenage years playing Quake online.

        • -2

          Well it is very bad parenting if you ask me. its totally the parents responsibility for allowing their child to play a game like this.
          even nowadays games are becoming more high in detail and more graphic. kids can possibly learn of all these shooting and sexual games and do these things in real life.

        • +1

          @superbb: its parents that couldn’t care less what child is up too as long as they are quiet…

        • +3

          @superbb: so like the 6 o'clock news? The newspaper? What kids can find online? Most kids by the age of 12 have been exposed to more than I was by the age of 18 growing up. This is the world we live in. I'd rather my kids understand what is real and fake from a young age as opposed to becoming an adult and unable to distinguish this on their own in our fast changing society.

        • +8

          @superbb: very true. i used to play these violent games when i was younger and then id go around the neighbourhood shooting machine guns and rocket launchers. one time i killed a bunch of zombie nazis and then i went to hell and had to fight all these demons. finally one day i woke up in hospital after being shot over 2000 times and blown up by around 30 grenades, but i forgot god mode doesnt prevent drowning and i walked into knee height water :( . had to pay a $250 fine because i had been blowing up police cars for about 2 hours.

          figured that was enough of that, time to grow up. now i work as a goldfish tender and i make sure to keep my kids under a big rock so they dont repeat my mistakes

        • Depends how old they are. I probably wouldn't let a kid under 10 play it.

      • I hope you're joking

  • +3

    Why can't they have a bundle with games that aren't for teenagers… trying to find something appropriate for 10 and under.

    • +5

      Try the Minecraft 1tb bundle?

    • The average gamer is in their 30s.

    • +2

      something appropriate for 10 and under.

      GTA V is popular.

    • +1

      I don't see how GTA V is a teenager game. Plus GTA V and WW2 aren't necessarily teenagers either. Not that I play any of them.

    • Because 10 and under is a small part of the market?

      Your best bet would be a minecraft or lego bundle, and they do pop up every now and then.

  • Jumped on this because if it dies EB will have a copy of my receipt and its a decent deal.

    My old Xbox one died due to the last mandatory update, MS wants to charge me 155 to replace it.

    I'd Rather get 1tb four games and an upgraded model than pay them to replace it.
    I'm going to try and go through consumer affairs and get my money back on my old broken Xbox one.

    • Lol im in the same boat. Mine no longer connects to wireless controllers and wifi keeps dropping out, i also had a similar forum to yours, think im gonna jump on this!

    • Let me get this straight, Microsoft release a forced update that bricks your Xbox, and they're charging YOU to fix it??? Surely this is ACCC worthy.

      • Yep, sort of regretting getting the bundle but I'm trading majority of Xbox one games plus the busted console to EB for store credit. Rather do that than support MS repair scam

    • Is that a known issue? My last Xbox (bought in first year of XB1) never bricked when I updated. Traded it in for this One S bundle anyways, got $132 store credit.

  • I have Skyrim special edition if anyone wants to trade for any of the games.

  • Just Bought it. I dont need the Rainbows x SIEGE so can trade for something els

  • Anyone keen to possibly swap COD for TEKKEN 7 Melbourne South East suburbs or CBD?

  • I would like to buy AC ORIGINS. PM me.

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