I believe this is the cheapest yet and just 500 units at this price. One per Gearbest account. Apply coupon ARSEBLADE at checkout, which only works with AU & NZ IP addresses. Select Unregistered Air Mail to avoid additional shipping costs. Use PayPal for buyer protection. Enjoy :)
Xiaomi Flexible USB Fan USD $0.79 (AUD $1.01) Delivered @ GearBest

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closed Comments
Land fill items? I use this plugged into my desk at work, much quieter than a desk fan and smaller :) to each their own..
Do you think of Tightarse when it's blowing on your face?
Don't like it don't buy it
Thanks TA, finally got one.
no, no, I think @dreamscene is right. Why the negs? I just got mine from the last deal. The rpm is too low to be of any practical use. In its current form, it is definitely a land fill. If nobody reports this, people are going to keep buying because it is cheap.
I am a Xiaomi fan but this one is useless.
My opinion is quite the contrary, it might be useless from a distance, but up close it works well.
+1, have mine in front of me connected to a power bank. Powerful enough to save me turning on the aircon on a moderate day.
I got $1.00, cheering!
At this rate, every member on OzB would eventually get to own (at least) one Xiaomi fan. Very likely (at least) one Xiaomi USB Enhanced LED light, too.
The lights are awesome I was a little disappointed that the fan didn't have an on/off switch.
we need the enhanced version of the fan with different speed settings and a switch!
I haven't received mine, but I've read from other users that you can utilise Xiaomi Powerbank's power button as an on/off switch for the fan.
Hmm, now you're making me think if I could add a USB micro-switch to the fan. That'd be a challenge.
Confirming that this works.
I got both,dont have plan to have one but ozbargined
I'm a real fan of the promo code :D
Would've been better as FLEXIARSE though!
ARSEFAN? Hmmm, maybe not.
Wasn't that what he did last time? Maybe it was ARSEFLEX
At last. I got one. Tks
The code not working at checkout for some reason
Are you logged in to your Gearbest account?
Yes I was logged on. Anyway just made it work by changing browsers.
I knew waiting off for a cheaper price would work. Thanks tightarse!
I said I wouldn't buy anymore but a new low price swayed me lol. Thanks TA!
Worked for me, thanks TA
USB Enhanced Light next TA :)
got one code does works Cheers
Got one. Cheers for the code, TA.
Mine failed
The Code you entered has expired.
Code for single unit price only; VIP Price, Special Offer or Group Deal all exempt.Never got to order one
worked for me :)
only 1 per account is allowedit worked then cleared my cart and said expired.
No i hadn't bought one already.
Thanks Mr TA. Can never have too many of these particularly when it's only 79 cents!
Downvoted for that? Dayuum someone doesn't like fans. Whole family loves em.
Clearly by someone who is totally uncool.
Needs this fan to cool him cool
Maybe someone who didn't get a fan previously and missed out again?
Mine turned up today so neg wasn't me thoughMore like ive missed this deal like 10x and greedy prix like you horde more than you need.
Whole family loves em.
Got one, thanks TA
Getting one just to see what the fuss is all about.
Finally got one,thanks TA
one for one Paypal account
Why do I keep buying these? This will be my third one 😅
Only the third one? That's Weak mate.
by the look of the many "finally got one" comments, I think I've done quite well….I'm curious to know how many you have Fan Boy :)
I have 3 already that I don't have a use for.Get two of them to blow into each other to create a cool turbulence effect. Might work with all 3 also.
I had a giggle with the coupon code and had to buy one. came to $1.00 AUD at paypal checkout.
Have one of these fans but somehow lost the blade out camping somewhere.. They work nice with the 10,000mah Xiaomi powerbank.. which i nearly lost out camping!@!
only got charged 1.00 :) although I do feel bad I'm buying more landfill products
I had one from a previous deal arrive yesterday I plugged it into the laptop my daughter was using and she looked quite unimpressed. Just you wait until the next heatwave😀
let see how long will this deal last? so far 38 mins have passed….
Don't forget $0.01 Cashrewards!
Had no interest in this but I keep seeing it pop up so often I bought it…
Just recieved mine today from the last sale. Not too bad. Will most likely use it next time we're camping if it's way too hot.
No real use at home as we have fans and air cond. Also got the light one today too. Not too bad either. Quality of both is better than I thought it'd be.
The Code you entered has expired.
Why's it over so soon :(
Expired :(
Too slow. Expired signing into paypal.
any chance of allocating more :|?
no, gonski
missed. saved $1.01. Thanks
Dang it…missed out.
I keep missing these and I really want one :(
Hey OP, seems like a lot of people missed out on this, and it went pretty quickly. Any chance you could ask for more? thanks.
I just opened my mail and tried my first one, and I have to say I was impressed!
Came on just now to see if there was anymore deals running to get another but sold out…
snooze you loseJust missed it! Keen on seeing more of these
Cisco1023 still working $1.26
Thanks. Got one. finally. Thanks!
Thanks, I thought I'd missed out yet again, but Cisco1023 worked for me too.
still good this morning cheers!
Yep code still works for fan.
Tried for light too but didn't work.
Many thanks TA!!
This fan is absolutely FANTASTIC especially with the days getting warmer and for me after my brisk walk to the office each morning.
This is also a perfect little travel fan if you are on the road often and it's easy to tuck away in your laptop bag.
Perfect to sit behind the nintendo switch dock to help keep it cooler when running BotW or SMO.
Thanks all, code Cisco1023 just worked for me $1.26 delivered.
Did note my system also had the browser issue, i.e. had to add to cart in Mozilla browser, not chrome, to get discount applied.Thanks all also, grabbed one with the code Cisco1023 for $1.26.
Finally managed to get one of these! Thank you TA.