• expired

$10 off Bar/Dining Orders at Venues When Paying by Clipp App


Found this old expired code on ozbargain, tried it and it worked. Winner.


CLIPP is an app that allows users to pay for a bar or restaurant tab with their smartphone instead of leaving a credit card behind the counter.

Clipp, available for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry provides a fast, easy and secure way for customers to track and pay for their bar tab or restaurant bill.

Venues that are signed up to the service will show up on the app when users try to check in using the Clipp app.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks for the free beer :)

  • +7

    There's not enough detail in the post. For example, what the hell is clip? People shouldn't need to research what a product even is before they have any understanding of what the deal even refers to.

    Please update with some details.

    • Clipp is an app to open/pay /split your bar or dining tabs at businesses that support it. Ozbargain has had clipp deals since 2014.

      • Thanks for the description. However, it doesn’t excuse the absence of a description in the original post. It’s not like Clipp is comparable to Eneloops in notoriety. I’ve been an OzB regular for more than 8 years and Clipp has never caught my attention such that I instantly know it by name.

    • Apologies, I was at the pub and didn't want to sit there writing a lengthy post.

  • +1

    Think there's like a minimum $2.5 fee whenever you open a tab now.

    • I was only charged $1.50 after using this deal.

  • +1

    What the hell is clip?

    • +1
      • Clip: a flexible or spring-loaded device for holding an object or objects together or in place - Probably available in the Staples deals.
      • Clip: a metal holder containing cartridges for an automatic firearm - I'm not sure OzBargain has had any deals on these yet aside from toys.
      • Clipp is the fast, seamless way to pay and save at the trendiest bars and restaurants with your phone - OzBargain has had Clipp deals since 2014. I guess you're not a regular user. :P
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