• expired

Xiaomi Yeelight Smart Bulb US $10.91 (~AU $13.95)(EXP), Xiaomi Mijia Smart Night Light US $6.88 (~$8.80 AU) Delivered @ Banggood

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Greetings everyone, managed to secure some great prices on these lights from the BG rep, the night light isn't as cheap as a few months ago but still an awesome price!

Original Xiaomi Mi Yeelight 9W RGB E27 LED Bulb for US $10.91 (~AU $13.95) using XMB189. Limited to 1 Per Account and 500 Total.

Edit @ 11:30pm: Yeelight Bulb now expired.

If you need more pieces of this bulb, Gearbest still have it for $10.99USD.

Original Xiaomi MiJIA LED Smart Infrared Human Body Motion Sensor Dimmable Night Light For Home for US $6.88 (~$8.80 AU) using nightlight1. Limited to 3 Per Account and 1000 uses of the coupon.


  • The light will turn off automatically at the daytime.
  • In darkness, the light will turn on when human body is inducted, and it will turn off automatically when you leave after 15 seconds.
  • Battery operated, easy and convenient to use and install.
  • Suitable for bedroom, cabinet, drawer, bar, dining table, living room lamp, etc.

BlitzWolf® BW-TC1 3A USB Type-C Braided Charging Data Cable 3.33ft/1m With Magic Tape Strap is also on sale currently for $2.99 USD (~$3.82 AUD). Can attest for the quality of these cables, they're awesome!

Personally I find Banggood's shipping to be much more efficient and have received some products in approximately 10 business days using the free shipping method. If you're paying more than $20USD it might be worthwhile choosing the tracked option for maximum safety :) But as always, Paypal is your friend and I have found BG to have good after sales service.

I have found the AU prices using Mastercard conversion rates, so try and use a free fee card to get this price.

As always, enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +6

    10 business days? Mine is 30+ and still waiting. They even gave me a fake tracking number to buy more time.

    • +1

      Hmm, that's just my personal experience, my BW-S6 charger left on the 30th of September and got here on the 12th of October, maybe go and raise a ticket about it?

      • +1

        I've been chatting with them every few days. Initially there was no stock due to the big promotion (acceptable). But since then it's been lies after lies re stock, and faulty batch, and shipping. First tracking number was "never found" (used to buy time). New tracking number hasn't been updated in a week.

        • Ahh damn, sorry to hear about your experience :( That sounds like really unusual behaviour..

      • Do you know the lumens?

    • +1

      Same I usually find it's more around the month mark but definitely a little quicker than GearBest.

    • They're usually not faked as tracking numbers typically go active once they're scanned into the sorting/distribution centres. Before that they're usually at the store or depot waiting to be processed/picked up. Downside of the free shipping of China.

      • Normally I'd agree. But that wouldn't explain why the first tracking number was never found and after another week+ of complaining they gave me a new tracking number.

        • Good thing I said usually now that we know the full picture. Some express methods will have a tracking number for China and a second for Australia when it gets handed over to a different courier. HOWEVER I think your case is dodgy as.

        • @Clear: I think so too. At this price I'd buy a dozen more. But they won't get my business again, and unfortunately we're a bit short on reliable sellers for this product.

    • +1

      I have exactly the same issue. Ordered 2 via this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/328434 and they have not shipped yet. I have contacted them multiple times. They keep offering banggood points for the inconvenience.

    • +2

      i'm still waiting too, ordered on 9th sep. I bought one from a week later gearbest and got it 2 weeks ago.

  • I always receive goods from banggood in approx 1 and half months. Just one question out of curiosity, are you in Australia or China?

    • Me? Perth.

      • We are in same boat who receive goods in around 30+ days marks. I am talking about the guy who receives goods from banggood in 10 days using free shipping.

    • Yeah I'm in aus, I've had different shipping times, about 25 ish days for the rest of my items, think I just got lucky with the recent order and a couple of others!

      • Im in Aus, have also lucked out with an item arriving from BG in abt 2 weeks. The others were around 3ish weeks. Pretty good actually.

        To be fair, some stuff was equally as quick from GB, and used to order alot more from them so I do have some items in excess of a 4 week wait, or stuff that didnt ship out for quite a few weeks. And also, to be fair, everything has eventually arrived.

        And since my GB account is screwed up, I think I'll actually have weeks where I DONT have stuff from GB in my mailbox. Thats gonna be strange….

  • Hey doweyy, do you reckon you could snag a deal on the Xiaomi Smart Switch Socket?

    • +2

      Hey mate, is it this one. I can try and see if the rep can do anything for you.

      • Can we have a deal on the rechargeable model of the night lamp

        Xiaomi Yeelight LED Infrared Body Motion Sensor Night Light Smart USB Rechargeable Magnetic Lamp

        The listed price is US $10.99 vs$12.99 on the one you have posted

        • I chucked the rep an email about it, will see what they can do :)

          About the switch socket, it looks like they're sold out currently.

        • +1

          Managed to get it down to $9.87 USD with "XMYL1" if that's low enough for you?

        • Is the magnetic lamp better or the smart night light?

        • @YellowKnight: Yeelight are far better at making lights than Xiaomi and released theirs long after the Xiaomi smart night light. I'd probably choose the magnetic Yeelight.

        • @doweyy: oh ok. Thanks for trying Doweyy! i'll just have to check in every so often and hopefully it goes on promo

        • +1


          Sorry mate, wish I could help you out! Will see when it comes back in stock and try and try and get a good price for you!

      • I'm also interested in the Xiaomi Smart Switch Socket

      • yes thats it thank you! even if you can't, thanks for trying!

  • Thanks. Picked one up for Christmas white elephant at work. Hopefully it'll arrive in time.

    • I think you have missed the point of the "white elephant". Its supposed to be for all the crap you have bought off ozbargain, and opened but never really used.

  • Hi, does this work with google home?

    • Yes got it to work via ifttt. There is a xiaomi light option in the google app but couldn't get it to work.

      • +2

        Works with Google Assistant for me without iffft.
        Did you set your Mi Account to Singapore server?

      • +2

        Change the server to Singapore. Thats the only way. You might have to set up another phone with another xiaomi account for China mainland server if you have the security cam or other products that's not supported by Singapore server.

        • Cool will give it a go thanks guys

        • Yeah I learnt that one the hard way..

    • Yes it does. You need to set up region to Singapore.

    • I had much better luck with the Yeelight app than the Mi Home app. With the latter the China server would be the only one to accept certain devices and the Singapore one was the only worked (randomly) with Google Home.

  • I don't know why but the price seems to go up by around US$2 from the cart page to the Paypal payment page when trying to pay for the yeelight.

    • Shipping option required unchecking?

  • I ordered this light from BG from this deal :
    Took over 5 weeks .I never expected it any earlier as I've ordered plenty from them before .
    Do not bank on it being delivered in any less than 3 weeks . In fact if you want one or some of these for christmas , now is probably the time to order .

  • +1

    "Okay Google - Turn on light"

    "OK, turning the Yeelight Color Bulb on."

    • +2

      Did you not rename the device lmao.

      • Not sure that u can?

        • You change it in the Google Home app. I called mine 'Lamp'

  • +2

    Thanks doweyy

    Ordered the bulb.

    (tapping my chin with a troubled look on face, staring at my expanding collection of yet-to-be-used Xiaomi gadgets…)

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Got myself another wifi globe to add to the collection, that makes 6 now, which also brings about the issue of coming up with another excuse of why we need all of these when it arrives in the post.. At least I can tell my wife why we need 2 night lights. ;)

  • Has anyone been able to control the lights with two different phones on the same account?

    • +1

      Yes. Me on iPhone and my wife on Pixel both using same account through respective Mi Home apps.

      • +1

        Don't use the mi home app as it is garbage. The yeelight app is better

        • Any advantages of the Yeelight app? Seems to have same features as Mi home app.

        • @Slave1: less permissions

  • Guys, does this have a built in on off switch so that when you plug in to a lamp stand have it turned on permanently at wall socket and just turn it on via app?

    • Need to know this too

    • Bulb itself has no switch but you plug in and leave actual lamp stand switch on and control on/off through the app. Does that answer your question?

      • Excellent so the lamp switch stays on and you can control the light bulb via app to be off or on

        • Yup! Sure beats listening to an old fashioned timer clicking on and off each evening! :)

  • Waiting for GB to go $5.99 on Mijia Smart Night Light

  • Is it safer/smarter to buy from gearbest or bangood? Never ordered from either of them before.

    • +2

      Banggood is much better

  • Do they do it in a Bayonet light fitting?

    • Unfortunately not, but as advised here you can get a cheap way of making it work with B22.

  • can't get nightlight4 code to work. still comes up as US$12.99?

    • +1

      Works perfectly for me, are you logged in?

      • +1

        got it working. Had to refresh the page 3 times as the discount was applied but grand total didn't update. Don't know what happened.

  • Any deals on the usb version of the smart night light?

    • +1

      Managed to get it down to $9.87 USD with "XMYL1", not as cheap as this one but still decent.

      • +1

        Mate it's $8.99 with the code on Gearbest


        Coupon code


        Just in the case if someone is looking from gearbest or lowest price.


        • Oh okay, awesome work! Wasn't sure how competitive the pricing was, so hopefully others see your comment :)

        • Just tried and it's saying the code has expired.

        • Code saying expired for me too

  • +2

    Ordered one, the price was AUD $14.27? Don't mind though, still plenty cheap. Thanks!

  • Still can't get the one I got recently working

  • how can i purchase more than 1 bulb at this price?

    • +1

      You can get it for a cheaper price from Gearbest, I'm pretty sure it's 3 per account.

  • The deal for the Night Sensor Light is not as good as last time which was only $7 b4 CR…

    • Yeah I tired to secure a better price but it’s the lowest they go at the moment, hoping that gearbest might try and price beat at a much better price to start a war.

      • Haha yeah.. But still, it's a good price! Thanks! :)

  • +1

    I still haven't gotten my order from last time due to no stock! Now they're accepting new orders when they haven't even fulfilled old ones. Such bad service!

    • Has yours shipped though? I have heard the stock came back on the 15th and that all prior orders seemed to be shipped out then? Or do you mean that it’s shipped but not received?

      • i don't know. i emailed them but they haven't got back to me. I hope it's shipped but some updates telling me what's happening would be nice

        • ordered mine 7 SEP, they shipped 12 OCT

  • Code no longer active as 500 units already redeemed.

    • Damn that was quicker than I thought, have updated.

      • I know!

  • +1

    thanks OP. Got 3 Night Light with Priority Air Mail shipping for extra 0.6 USD

    • Same thing. Let's see how quick it actually is.

  • +1 to Banggood shipping over GearBest

  • Thanks OP.. got two smart night lights

  • +5

    I have this light above my toilet so when I pee at night I don't have to turn on the light switch which then triggers the noisy fan that doesn't turn off for years. But due to the auto off of the night light I have to dance while peeing. But I have to sing so I have something to dance to. So the moral is these lights will turn you into an accidental pop star.

  • -2

    I bought one of the xiaomi Mijia smart night lights from Banggood recently thinking I could stick it in the gun safe to use as a safe light that would come on automatically when the safe door was opened. It's pretty hopeless in this application. Doesn't come on unless you vigorously wave your hand in front of it. And when it does come on it produces hardly any light. Landfill.

    • I have two already and ordered 2 more yesterday. I can't reommend them enough. Super sensitive so not sure about your vigorous waving to trigger light. May be yours was faulty.

  • Thanks… bought 2 nightlights.

  • Unfortunately the code for Xiaomi MiJIA LED Light is not working anymore, the 1000 is already used. :(

    • +1

      Wow I was really surprised that it was already sold out, then I realised it has been shared on like 5 other websites lol.. might ask the rep to limit it to AU/NZ IP’s next time.

      Really sorry about that!

      • No worries, I hope I can get one the next time :) Thanks!

        • +1

          Nevermind, it still works with "nightlight1" :)

        • @doweyy: Thanks! I ordered 3 of the Night Light, finally :)

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