Best Australian deal I have seen in a while for a GTX 1080.
Use code PLUG20.
Found another deal for $655.20, only 4 left, see link below.…
Best Australian deal I have seen in a while for a GTX 1080.
Use code PLUG20.
Found another deal for $655.20, only 4 left, see link below.…
Will it play Crysis? Sorry, I had to…I will see myself out.
Nice find OP! What a steal
Even cheaper than price hiked 1070s
Someone tell me to buy this now.
Do it
Aha! The only negative I can see is that I barely have the time to do any gaming now, roughly 1-2 hours a week at max. I don't see why I should spend $610 on this when I won't even use it well.
On the other hand, my justification is that I can finally use this to build a sweet new rig that I can enjoy over the next ~5 years when I have the time. Am I a fool? Someone tell me! ahaha
Stop being rational and do it.
Volta should be coming out within 6 months which should be a pretty big performance boost… can you hold out til you have more time?
It's a tricky one!
@bertiness: I didn't even know this was the case! Looks like I'll be waiting some more.
Got a link on it?
Just rumours right now but it's reasonable to think by around May next year there should be new GPUs available. ALthough, they could just refresh the existing hardware. Depends what competition there is.…
Then again - a 1080 is going to be good enough at 1440p for any new games coming out over the next 3-4 years I imagine!
Do it like they do it on the discovery channel.
Wow, just wow. I've been looking at PC parts for the past 6 months and let me tell you it is an unbelievable price for Australian stock G1.
Can I sli if I get 2 and what's the benifits?
don't, get a 1080Ti. There's little to none benefit to justify the price of SLI anymore.
Ok. But what are the benifits of sli? I assume multiple monitors and is there a performance gain?
you can have multi monitors with a single card, 2 of these are almost $1300 you can get a 1080ti for ~$900-1000, sure a couple games the sli cards may beat it out by 20 fps or so but 80% of games the 1080ti will come out ahead.
sli not recommended unless you go top of the range 1080ti sli for 4k gaming or something
And on top of the comment above, you need a beefy PSU, your rig will run hotter and most of all you will have glitches and micro stutters in games that doesn't officially support CLI.
Just like the other commented, sli is definitely not justifiable anymore…just like your hot sausage. (jks) haha
It has a best fore date 50 to yrs, I still have some graphite in this pencil
The Ti is 935 after discount.. Good price.
Can you post which one you can get for 935. Cheapest I can find is $960…
This comes down to $895, but not the G1
Any good? A few complaining about the noise online…
i beleive this is just the non OC's version which sells for a bit more… also i think the aorus is higher end than G1 .. but not so sure.
Ended up getting the last Auros for $935.
Now to sell my Gigabyte 1080 G1
Pity the Vega 64 is $100 more.
I have a freesync monitor, is the freesync worth the extra $100?
Freesync and G-Sync are awesome, I'd suggest waiting for non-bundle options for Vega.
Thanks I might just pull the trigger this time on the Vega 64 ($740 delivered).
Is there much difference on the brand? Msi vs Gigabyte vs Sapphire? Support is the same?
I have a Gigabyte mobo if that makes any difference.
Thank you!
No difference on how they would work with your motherboard, all are very good brands. As to customer support, I can't say.
Not bad. I snagged the last Galax 1080 EXOC SNPR for $615 delivered from Austin Computers :)
Item (1) AU $769.00
Postage AU $74.00
Vouchers -AU $153.80
Order total AU $689.20
Why can't I get it for $642.20
Shipping is $27 for me
AU $27.00 Standard Shipping
Posting to: Australia
Excludes: WA Remote
It looks like you are trying to post to WA remote, which changes the postage to $74 which is the reason you are getting a higher cost.
Cool, cheqaper for me with the Austin deal, so bought two there. Cheers for help.
awesome, picked one up. Now to get rid of my 970.
Thinking of selling my one of these and getting a ti.
I wondered how much I can get for it
I'll buy it from you if you're near sydney :)
Melbourne :(
If you'd settle for a Gigabyte RX 480 4gb (think it's in between GTX 1060 3gb and 6gb performance), I'm selling mine. Let me know!
how much do u want for it? I just need a gpu for my living room tv. 480 would be good enough
Made a listing in ozb classifieds for 280. I have an offer above that but I'd need to post to Melbourne. Would prefer a local sale..
Rumor is expecting the launch of 2080's in the next few months, is anyone else holding out for that?
apparently the new 1070Tis are so similar to the 1080s that they had to disable overclocking to avoid it matching the preformance of the 1080s so I'm interested in how those cards will preform. saying that if the 1070ti are being released in the coming months I would expect the 2080s to come a bit in 2018? My 780 while it's still preforming quite well it's about time to replace so the next few months will be really exciting
my guess is the 1070ti's were destined to be 1080s but didnt quite make the binning process. shame about them possibly disabling overclocking that would definitely turn me away from buying the card
Yeah it's a solid card, been using mine for over a year now, zero issues
Just bought this one waited very long for this card to be under $1000
Asus GTX 1080 Ti Strix Gaming 11GB Graphics Card STRIX-GTX1080TI-11G-GAMING
Total with discount $975.20
Cheapest on static ice $1121.49
34 sold today at the time of this post.'
Good deal.…
Asus Strix 1080Ti comes to $975 inc postage. Beat me by 3 minutes :D
Good news for those that bought.
Nvidia Destiny 2 promotion is back on as of 17th.
Register with gigabyte aorus and claim here
Isn't that only for the Aorus cards, not the G1?
No - Aorus is just their membership site name, confusing I know.
Applies to all 1080 and 1080TI SKUs purchased from 17th November
Oops 17th October! Not november :)