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As promised , here is the deal for the bluedio T4 for an amazing price .
Cheapest worldwide shipped to your door from the Aussie warehouse with 12 months Aussie warranty.
The only difference between the T4 and T4s is the laser carving on the body of the headphones
NOTE: Just a heads up that previous bluedio headsets have had an issue for audio playback via your computer when watching movies with a second delay between the video and audio, not sure if this is the case with this model so please do not claim any returns from the bluedio store if this is the case According to the rep, the issue is now rectified and there is no audio lag, so I guess you can claim a faulty headset in this case
I have to say it feels really dishonest that you essentially put the kybosh on the previous T4s deal by implying you would have a deal within a day for the same thing a lot cheaper, only for it to take ~2.5 weeks and also not even be for the same headphones (as this is for the previous model which are known to have the lag issue, and was discussed in the thread as putting a lot of people off).