The Vet Lost My Dog [Has Been Found]

Hi Guys, first off, I'm never that active on here, but I love the site, keep it up.

Ok, this past Monday I took my dog Kuma to the vet for vaccinations, microchipping and desexing. After everything had been done, they contacted me to pick him up. We are in the waiting room for at least 15 mins then get asked through to the back room where they tell us he just escaped and ran down the main road (very busy traffic area). My only focus was to get my dog back, so out the door I went with one of the staff before we split up and started searching separately. There were a few sightings not long after he escaped, but nothing concrete since then.

I haven't done any work this week and have been out night and day searching for the poor bugger. All relevant authorities have been contacted, I started a facebook post which has been received very well and widely with lots of people helping search, but no luck.

It's getting to the stage now where it appears he is either dead or stolen :(

If I get Kuma back, I won't go down this route, but I'm wondering how I would go about taking legal action against the vet. I will wait until next week before I begin any sort of action.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • +2

    Once received a robo phone call from someone looking for their dog via this site:

    Seems to be quite well set up

    • +1

      Yep, posted him on there Monday, thanks :)

  • +2

    That's bad news. Hope he comes back to the family soon.

    You may as well put your Facebook post here too so maybe we can all help spread the word.

  • +4

    They must at least buy you a new dog and free treatment for for vaccinations, microchipping and desexing..

    Just ask and see what they say, it may be better for them than a lot of negative publicity.

  • -8

    I am sure microchipping would have GPS in it. if not, that's new technology to invent?

    • yeah, i dont think it does, but i believe there are gps trackers you can get for your pets

    • +2

      no, its a tiny grain of rice sized chip thats under their skin so it can be scanned by a reader.

    • +4

      You invent the infinite energy device, I'll attach it to the GPS chip. Together we will be rich. Just PM me when you have succeeded in breaking the laws of thermodynamics.

      • +4

        Just attach a small windmill to the dog's wagging tail

      • The dog is a chum powered heat source.

    • You're not sure at all.

  • Have you put LOST pics around the area?

    • yeah i have, thanks :)

      • I suggest putting notes on people's doorsteps or in their letterbox. A lot of people don't walk the neighbourhood and may miss your posters. Long story short, I found a lost dog and the only reason I knew he was lost was because they'd put a flyer on my doorstep.

        • yeah, thanks, weve been putting flyers in mailboxes where hes been possibly sighted

  • +3

    Maybe you can blackmail come to an agreement with the vet for discounted/free services for the foreseeable future in return for no legal action and no bad publicity

    • +1

      … the OP hasnt got a dog anymore …

      • Not yet!

    • i don't think the OP will go back to this vet

  • +26

    I knew a guy who lost his dog. He put up plenty of flyers, even on a building that was about to be demolished. He tried asking the local tv news presenter, but was told that he wouldn't buy him a new one. He tried asking the school's janitor, but it sounded like he ate him and the mess he made on the floor. It turned out that he actually said "hate him". He tried the owner of the nuclear power plant, who released the hounds on the poor chap. Unbelievably, the first dog to attack him was his own dog! Luckily, as the dog was pouncing, it recognised the guy and licked his face instead of biting it. It also fended off the other guard dogs. Good times.

    • +1

      Ah classic. Love that ep

    • good episode.

    • +1

      Post of the month!

      • -1

        Awww shucks. You seem like a nice guy, so I'll point you to a similar post here.

  • +1

    Stupid question but is there like a GPS micro chip or neck collar or something nowadays you can add to your dog, cat, turtle etc pet I know microchipping is mainly for just identifying right but what about locating the animals.

    I dunno I just thought this might be a good idea I guess for future pet owners or current ones without this ability functionality.

    • +1

      What would a GPS neck collar do in this situation? They do exist but vets take all that stuff off for surgery… That's why they used a slip lead.

      • Well the idea is to put it back on right after surgery or you know when they can walk again. Kind of like how you keep your keys and wallet in a safe place when you don't use it but instantly snatch it when you do.

        I dunno to me it just seems like an automatic common sense good idea to GPS tag your items somehow that have a high risk of running away or losing it.

      • I have a pod GPS on our dogs collar. Some vets will leave the collar on during surgery. If not it would be back on the dog before it is returned from the kennel to the owner.
        So yes, it would have helped locate the pet.

    • -2

      Eggmaster, I am very disappointed in your awfully unfunny post. So disappointed…

      • +1

        Even birds are chained to the sky.

        • +1

          The drones can fly away. The Queen bee is the real slave.

    • Born free, as free as the wind blows.

    • I would debate how long a domesticated 'free' dog survives on its own.

      • Omg, there are plague proportions of Shitzu and Pomeranians roaming the outback killing cattle and sheep… But being snob breeds, they would only take down the organic, free range, low fat, oven roasted livestock…

        While I tend to agree with some breeds being no hopers in the wild, most domesticated dogs are pretty smart. They are opportunistic and have a scavenger type mentality. In an urban environment, they might do well, but outside urban areas, only the larger dogs would survive. Can’t see a toy poodle taking down any other animal any time soon, but something like a kelpie/border collie/rotweiler type of domesticated dog, no issues.

  • +2

    That's awful. Hope you find the poor guy soon

  • +2

    This is horrible news. The good news is that most likely he will get picked up by the council, who will read his chip and contact you.

    Hope you find some answers soon!

  • +4

    That's awful. If not legal action, which may be costly and a lengthy ordeal for your family, I would at least file a complaint somewhere. You are quite right that they should have foreseen the risk and had things in place to stop it. Two sets of doors? More appropriate fencing? Better procedures for staff that are handling animals. I can't believe they had a gate wide open, how stupid of them.

    Perhaps lodge a complaint with the local council as presumably they need a licence to operate a vet and keep animals on site, or the Veterinary Practitioners Board.

    There was quite a bit of media coverage when a pet moving company lost this dog at an airport…
    He was found safe after a week.

    If you approach a newspaper you might get some publicity for Kuma. Hope he is found safe.

    • +1

      good suggestions, we are talking to the local paper

  • +5

    I think the vet should front for the reward money for finding the dog (something like $2k or some amount like they) and provide free check ups for a year or something like that

    No one loves animals more than vets, I'm sure they feel horrible

      • +2

        Yeah not sure if I agree with this. Ive got 2 dogs, and from what I've seen, my vet freaking adores animals. Vets don't just go around euthanizing animals, if the animals in pain they do. In fact, at my vet, they light candles and dim the lights of the sign outside to signify they've just put down a pet.

        Your analogy of the "mechanic to cart" is not right because, I'm pretty sure, if you ask most mechanics, they love cars

        • -7

          if the animals in pain they do

          Not really. If the animal loses utility is more like it. Utility here includes fulfilling a particular type of relationship status within certain cost constraints, else outside of being a "pet" usually centres around profitability.

          Certain specimens may attract particular attentions due to their perceived value - that's true of cars and animals. But disposing the old and "getting a new one" always remains an option when the old becomes too much of a bother. There's a reason vets don't generally operate on "cheap" animals like hamsters and hermit crabs.

        • +1


          I'm a vet. I don't know what kind of vets you've been seeing. I don't know any vets like this. Your perception is just that - your perception. You really have no idea.

        • -6


          BTW: Look at your shoes. Did they really need to be made of a sentient being's skin? Where was the love and care when you paid for a knife in their throat?

        • @thevofa:

          Did you just say vets only provide a service to people and property and not animals? LOL so 5 years of university study around all the possible medical/surgical treatment options to IMPROVE a dog's quality of life and health is not for the animal itself? Vet's do at times give owners the option for euthanasia but this is based on both the pet's quality of life and ownner's quality of life - how in the hell does humane euthanasia profit the vet in any way?

          By the way vets do operate on animals such as hamsters and even goldfish (you may have heard of this news article) - the reason alot of the time this is not performed is due to the anaesthetic/surgery costs involved. (operating on these animals would be more "profitable" actually).

          Your delusional and narrow-minded mate. You should definitely not own an animal.

        • -1


          You should definitely not own an animal.

          Your speech is telling. Who/what else do you love and own at the same time? Your car maybe?

        • +2


          just my dog really..
          ahhh your vegan.. no wonder

        • -2


          Vegan, actually taking into proper consideration nonhuman interests - whatever you want to call it.

          Genetic logical fallacy - maybe you should Google it.

        • @thevofa:

          AHAHA - yet here you are bashing all vets saying they don't care for animals. LOL i'm done. Please google it and remind yourself what it means

        • -1


          (but some might)

          I suspect not you?

        • +3


          All this time I've been saying vets love animals and literally just said I love my dog.. geez you really are an idiot and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. /end

        • +1

          @sim777: Don't bother wasting your time like I did. This user doesn't really care about your opinion, but will take every opportunity to judge them.

        • @lovesanimals:
          Username checks out.

  • +1

    So sorry for this to happen to your dog through the vet's carelessness. I would be angry too. I hope he isn't charging you for the operation, speaking of which, your Kuma was probably in a state of confusion and discomfort at the time of his running away. I hate to think of what the stitches are like now. Did he have the funnel thing on his head? Good luck with your search.

  • +1

    I doubt the legal system will give you justice/closure. Emotional damages are extremely rare, lawyers are expensive. the best you can hope is getting the actual expenses of the dog back by demand/small claims, and make them promise to be more careful. The legal system sucks in acknowledging the emotional value in animals

    • +1

      yeah, i was wondering if this might be the case

      • The legal system hardly give a damn about humans in this country (unless you're super rich), let alone a lost puppy.

  • +7

    My brother found his dog which was lost for 6 weeks so don't give up hope.
    Good luck.

  • +2

    Let us know if you hear anything.

  • -7

    Maybe we need 50-50 hiring practices (men and women) in the Veterinary industry (only fair anyway, since the AFP are going for it).
    This could help prevent these sorts of issues.

    • Help prevent what sort of issues??

    • Name checks out..

    • +1

      did you know the vet industry is about 70% women? Or do you mean there should be more male vets??

      • did you know the vet industry is about 70% women? Or do you mean there should be more male vets??

        I knew ;) It's my go-to example of a well-paid industry dominated by women, when they try to push 50-50 in engineering.

  • +5

    That’s so wrong on all levels. My dog is everything to me so if this happened to me I would be loosing my shit at the Vet.

    • -4

      You need to get a life

  • +17

    First of all, I'm so sorry this has happened to you :-(
    I am a vet myself, and I also work in a practice that's located on a very busy road. Whenever we need to take dogs out for toilet walks, it's my worst nightmare to think that they could get loose and run away, or worse be involved in a road accident.
    I understand you're grieving and you want someone to be accountable for what has happened. But how is legal action going to help? If your answer is - "to prevent this from happening to other people", I can almost guarantee that this clinic will already be setting up staff meetings/launching an internal investigation/changing their policies to address this. Not to take anything away from you and your grief… but the staff whom were involved will undoubtedly be suffering too. Contrary to what has been mentioned in previous comments, we DO care.. so, so much. I genuinely don't think you can be in this business and not care. If this had've happened in my clinic, the staff would be traumatised and there would be lots of tears, regret, despair and massive self-blame.. all of which will likely go on for months, if not years :-(
    Is it possible for you to set up a meeting with the practice manager, so that you can discuss things? Perhaps they may be able to cover any costings involved with the search efforts. If they microchipped him only on Monday, perhaps check to see if the microchip implanter registered the microchip details online (some are done via post, and the registration process takes up to 6 weeks. If done online, the details will be registered immediately).
    Really hoping he comes back to you. Take care.

    • +2

      Perhaps they may be able to cover any costings involved with the search efforts.

      Perhaps? That is the very least they should offer.

      What I am almost certain this vet will now do is add a clause any agreements you sign which will absolve them of any responsibility if this happens again. The OP might not lawyer up but I am thinking the practice manager might be seeking some advice.

  • +1

    In what area? Maybe an Ozbargainer may spot the dog..

  • +1

    I think it’s already been said but I’ll say it anyway. The court system is a PITA and very often exactly not what you expect. I’m not saying you shouldn’t push for some kind of resolution or compensation but you should think very carefully and clearly about whether the courts is the place for that; there are a lot of people out there who have gone down that road and would have wished they’d not.

    • noted

      • +2

        I was going to put this as an edit to my RP but you beat me to a reply.

        Edit; uh, I wish I’d said this in the earlier post b/c sometimes every post counts to how you might feel and this is a community where I’d like to think we all support each other. I’m really sorry to hear about what happened to your dog, it totally sucks. Really, really sucks. I have two dogs, they’re my besties and I get it. Honestly, if it were me I’d be down at the vet raising hell, so I can’t imagine what you’re going through.

  • +1

    Did you find your little dog yet, I know we would be beside ourselves if this had happened to our little dog, the only thing I can suggest is you contact the local media newspaper and radio

    • havent found him yet, talking to our local newspaper right now

  • I knew someone who had their dog wander off, was very old (~13 IIRC) and was found after 2 weeks in winter so don't give up hope of finding your dog.

    • thanks, im trying not to, i guess it largely depends on whether he is getting anything to eat, my understanding is a small dog can only go about 5 days without food

  • +1

    put your belonging (clothes) near the sighting area, maybe near the pole where his poster is? If he's lost, he can find your smell. If he's stolen, well let's hope he isn't. All the best op.

  • -3

    find the nearest white castle

  • Hey mate. That's a terrible situation. What breed of dog is it? Is it something bigger that will draw more attention, or a smaller breed that may go unnoticed?

    Edit: just saw your poster. So smaller breed. Did the vet complete microchipping? That's one possible positive. Hopefully he's just scared and hiding himself. Is he normally timid or socialble?

  • +2

    The Vet store have to do something about providing a secure places for the animals. Very unprofessional for them lose a animal on their own turf. I hope the OP will get his dog back soon.

  • +3

    Sorry to hear this. You are taking it a lot better than some people would have. I don't think anyone would begrudge you taking legal action but let's hope it doesn't come to that.

  • +8

    Our dog was being looked after by somebody else and escaped on NYE. She was missing for 3 nights in a national park and was found in a different suburb. We searched for 16 hours a day but it was worth it.
    We put up posters at every park entrance that we went to and somebody eventually spotted her and called. They hadn't caught her but she came running when called by our minder who got there first.
    She came out where we had been searching the day before and I confident that this was because we had been traversing that area the day before.

    Your dog is much more likely to be spotted by somebody other than you but if nobody knows who it belongs to then they won't be able to contact you unless they catch it. Posters EVERYWHERE for the people who are not on facebook etc and then spam the hell out of the largest community groups (eg buy sell swap) in your area.

    Also try searching at night. The area is quiet and your voice will go further. Equally, your dog may be resting during the day and active in the evening.

    Good luck. I have found 4 dogs but when nobody had found ours after 3 days I was expecting the worst.

    You also need to build a timeline and work out who saw your dog when..

    I have no idea if your area is suburbia or rural or whether she could run into an uninhabited area. If so, you may want to check that way too since others are not around. Drag your old towels etc on the floor everywhere you go (tie it to your shoe or belt etc).

    And keep us updated.

    • +1

      Hope you lose your dog and I'll have a laugh about it.

      • +1

        With an attitude like that it is more likely that the dog would run away

  • +3

    Mate hope you find your dog. Please keep us posted.

  • Mate, I absolutely feel for you and hope you get your dog back. You definitely deserve compensation…whether it be money or a new dog. I would talk to the Vet about it before perusing legal action though.

  • So sorry to hear about this loss.
    Poor Kuma must have been so distressed after the ops. that he just wanted to do a runner to lick his wounds in private. He might have tried to find his way home - look closer to where you live.
    I do agree that the vets should have been more vigilant in their caring & should be held responsible for his loss.
    Please let us know what happens.
    Good Luck.

  • +1

    Sorry to hear OP. I really hope you find Kuma

  • +2

    We use a company called top dog minders when we go out of town and they organise to look after our dogs with a carer.

    In 2013 the night before flying to Japan our dog got out from their place, long story short we delayed our flights for 5 or 6 days (all Qantas could do), pushed back our flights and scoured our area trying to find out dog in the middle of a hot Feb summer, including flyers and a large ad in the local newspaper where he was lost.

    We decided to leave for our holiday and had accepted if we was still out there he was with somebody or had passed on. Lucky for us he was found while we were flying to our location and in good condition.

    We have used the company since and the same carers, mistakes happen, and throughout the process the company and the carers were a great help in trying to locate him. My decision on how I would work with the vet would largely depend on how they respond to this. If they are doing their best to assist finding your dog, including any financial assistance I would find it hard to take it further.

    For those wondering where the dog was - we had a reward up of 1500. The person who 'found' the dog returned him and when we contacted them we said we would pay the reward on xx date when we returned (they wanted cash, no bank transfers). When we landed we had a stack of nasty phone messages demanding payment, at the time we were just happy to see the dog and we paid it without thinking too much about it. However I do believe thinking back on it a couple week laters that maybe he picked up by somebody and held for reward money due to the breed (Miniature Dachshund).

    • +17

      Like most genuine people, I would never accept payment when I found a dog.

    • Or was just pissed offer had to mind ur dog for u.

      • They didn't, carers picked dog up from where it was found. All they did was see the article and called.

        If they were holding him for a reward then I would have been pissed off as he is a pain in the ass.

  • I too am sorry to hear this, I cannot imagine this happening to us - we would be really devastated too. I hope you find him.

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