To fight the aggression caused by blades, I decided to give a shaver a go. It cost about $300 but I'm not happy with the result. Please share your experiences. Thanks.
What Do Male OzBargainers Use to Shave Themselves? Blades or Electrical Shavers?
Yea, OP is sexist let's get him.
Seriously, (based on all the comments) it always seemed to me that all Ozbargainers are male anyway. Or is that just me?
Male on the outside or inside?
Not everyday (i hope)
I agree, OP's follicle-normative patriarchy is oppressing me and literally worse than Hitler.
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is impossible and I'm retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
Go marry a model copter and leave us norms alone.
Username checks out.
I believe Apaches intentions were humorous, not intending to display bravery.
I know exactly what they're saying, and i'm calling it out. You and others may have missed it, but i haven't. It's intended to undermine and ridicule those that identify sexually in ways that depart from the norm. It's in fact a cowardly attack as they are seeking to mask it all behind humour. But they also reveal an understanding of some of the key issues, which suggests it's not a lack of knowledge that's the problem, but a lack of human compassion.
This message approved by AngryChicken.
it's not a lack of knowledge that's the problem, but a lack human compassion.
Are you actually an angry chicken trapped in a human body?
Someone has to ask it, I mean there's people on Tumblr who legitimately think they're wolves and stuff.
Either way, the only underlying political point is outlining the belief that it's wrong to pretend you're something you're not and (as you point out) it isn't brave. I believe your belief is transgender individuals legitimately are the other sex and aren't pretending to be something they're not in transitioning, as such the joke in no way even contridicts your beliefs and I don't understand why you wouldn't simply see it as humorous. It's only even possibly offensive to those who ARE pretending to be something/someone else.
Non-heterosexuals are caused by childhood pathology. The only reason anyone openly identifies as non-heterosexual is to gain free stuff from the mainstream.
Problem is, what is difference to a few, is usually idiocy to the majority.
Non-heterosexuals are caused by childhood pathology. The only reason anyone openly identifies as non-heterosexual is to gain free stuff from the mainstream.
Wow - it's been a while since i've come across a statement so blatantly homophobic.
And @airal3rt votes your toxic comment up!
Thus blowing their cover!!!Too easy…
EDIT: Now they've removed their upvote!!! What a f'ing coward! Where's my prize for my early detection of this prat? They don't seem quite as funny now do they?
Good job mate. You didn't respond with a rational argument, just hysterical screeching about paranoid delusions in a thread about shaving.
I'm not your mate.
@AngryChicken: One of those permanently offended regressives then? You're not helping anyone. It may be flavour of the week to applaud the mentally ill, but they need help not a pat on the back as they stumble to the surgeon. Legitimising their delusions by cheering them on only makes their lives, and society as a whole, worse.
@freakatronic: Jesus, you've also voted up that comment. Wow, do you ever get out and, you know, meet people that are just a little different to yourself? You've also claimed i've said a bunch of things i haven't even touched on - i haven't mentioned trans at this stage. Nothing but assumptions and bigotry, just like @Dungeon. Your relationship with evidence isn't much chop is it? Your history looks like you've OD'd on computer coding, poor bugger. Extract yourself from your VGA port and back to TAFE with you.
Well he identified as your mate.
C'mon man, play along. That is what you expect of everyone else…
@MrB: No, you're not my mate either. You've just gone and voted up that dumbass comment as well. Calcified minds i cannot accommodate.
@MrB: I'm always refining my comments - but you can't do that once an hour has elapsed or someone has replied to it. Perfectly normal on here, and i'd gathered you're chained to the norm. Not sure which edit you're talking about, but the substance wouldn't have changed…
Oh Christ, alright, i'll take the bait…
You didn't respond with a rational argument…
That's because their was no argument, just baseless assertion.
Non-heterosexuals are caused by childhood pathology.
This is baseless assertion #1. Firstly human sexuality is complex as hell, and you think you've got it down to "childhood pathology"? Please refer me to all those journal papers you've written that demonstrate this. Secondly i see it all as simply an expression of human diversity, just like your comparative lack of intelligence is a reflection of human diversity.
The only reason anyone openly identifies as non-heterosexual is to gain free stuff from the mainstream.
This is baseless assertion #2, and it's a very sad one. Firstly it's inconsistent with the first assertion, as that first assertion at least accepts there are people who are not hetero, in which case why wouldn't they identify as such? Secondly the sad part. I know what drives this kind of thinking - @Dungeon's life isn't quite going the way they had hoped, but instead of reflecting on their own behaviour and circumstances, they instead look for someone else blame, someone that doesn't look like them, and bingo, it's all those damn non-hetero's getting free stuff from the "mainstream" (code for @Dungeon et al). These folk are never happy, never deal with their own limitations, and are activated by the Hansonites of this world. All very tragic really.
Now much as i've enjoyed all this, i do have a life and do need to go and live it. I don't think there's much doubt as to what i think.
God Bless you all.
@AngryChicken:You're against ridiculing, yet you comment things like this "Mandarin sounds like someone trying to strangle a cat"… Hypocritical don't you think?
@Dungeon Master: You have too much fluoride on your water.
If not, try to give us a compelling evidence/reason why your claim is true.
@GetOffMyUnicorn: Good question. Electric. Blades tend to shred my beautiful white heterosexual face.
@mirridon: Well that is factually correct, but yes, guilty as charged.
@Dungeon Master: Someone should change your nappy, and i'm afraid it's not going to be me, or indeed any chick given you're clearly a misogynist drone to boot. Poor bugger.
Goodnight all.
1 socialist negged you;) Pure gold, funniest post in a while:)
Apache, I am deeply ashamed so-called modern, multi-cultural Australia fails to embrace and confirm your entitlement to self-expression and personal fulfillment via your basic needs for noisy reconnaissance and frequent mass murder.
You had me at “hot sticky loads”.
Are you happened to live in Kekistan ? or want to live in Kekistan
"From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly"
Thought your nickname is Paddock?
What…Too soon?
Nah they don't, mate.
Next you'll be saying they do number 2s.
But it never stinks … unless Hollywood has lied to me.
Do you shave your face?
My guess is that OP is after a like for like comparison.
Actually this question should only be asked of women. Real men don't shave.
Listen to the words of Epictetus, Stoic Philosopher
"Is there anything less useful than the hair on the chin? What then, has not nature used this hair also in the most suitable manner possible? Has she not by it distinguished the male and the female? does not the nature of every man forthwith proclaim from a distance, "I am a man; as such approach me, as such speak to me; look for nothing else; see the signs"? Again, in the case of women, as she has mingled something softer in the voice, so she has also deprived them of hair (on the chin). You say: "Not so; the human animal ought to have been left without marks of distinction, and each of us should have been obliged to proclaim, ‘I am a man.’ But how is not the sign beautiful and becoming, and venerable? how much more beautiful than the cock’s comb, how much more becoming than the lion’s mane? For this reason we ought to preserve the signs which God has given, we ought not to throw them away, nor to confound, as much as we can, the distinctions of the sexes." - Stoic Philosopher Epictetus on beards and being a cisgendered man.
because he's asking a question for his personal use…
Not everything is sexist
Most females don't shave their faces to the same extent
safety razor.
Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor (MK 23C)
Gillette razors….I'm so cheap I don't even use cream, and only shave on Sunday. Fifteen year old kids have better beards than me though
You call that cheap? I just use my Wahl clippers every couple of days, and shake the last drops of Hop Thief from the empties for aftershave.
You call that cheap? I shave once a month. End of the month, when my beard is as long as Santa Clause, I use trimmer on 0 and then shave with blades. No after shave and no shaving cream. Then have a shower to rinse the blood.
"Hnd you tell kids that today- And they don't believe ya!"
You call that cheap? I bought a battery electric shaver for $80 over 12 years ago and have spent $0 on razors or cream or anything else related, ever.
Always clean shaven, never had an ingrown hair and never had itching. Don't understand what most of you guys are complaining about.
Sigh, I can't even grow fluff.
Ditto - Mach 3 blades ~
Tried heaps over the years this works the best and lasts the longest
Xiaomi super sharp usb powered ultra resonating razor blade.
With Xiaomi shaving cream, I hope.
I have been using disposable blades for many years, they were expensive and wasteful. I tried electric shavers and found they caused ingrown hairs, and it damaged my skin. Recently, about 2 years ago i bought a professional razer blade set for about $300 as you have. Now i shave effortlessly, because i found the right things to use for me.
You need to make sure what kind of shave you want, do you want a close aggressive shave, a fast adequate shave, or a shave that makes you enjoy shaving.
1st thing is technique, you wont be good at it overnight, it took me a good 12 months to get it to where i think i know what i am doing. The other variables are the razer brand and type, the actual safety razor you use, the shaving soap can have a huge effect on your shave. Also the technique of the lather.
I watched alot of youtube videos over a 3 month period which helped me a great deal.
I bought from, which is a uk company based in ireland i think.
It is a learning process, dont get discouraged. I would get about 10 different safety razer blades, and see which works best with the razer you have. Alot of places have sample kits you can try, and see which you like best.
lol it's just a shave fam calm
Indeed, I use both
ALDI shaver and blades. I think they are called Prince? The best blades I have ever used.
I found prince to be terrible (they didn't give me a clean shave vs gillette) and moved away from them. Decent price though - I might have to give them another try.
Agree. Tried few yrs back - were cheap but poor shave quality.
Has the quality improved now?I've only ever used the Prince 6 blade, but top shave for price. Maybe cheaper ones aren't as good.
I use them, best I've ever used.
PJC have heard about the good news? A small investment in a safety razor and a bundle of double edge razors and a brush and wet shaving cream and you will save money over you lifetime guaranteed. All converts from cartridge razors thank god they swapped to DE razors, nothing cuts closer, cept a straight.
Same. Used to use Gilette, but found the prince razors to be pretty good quality for the price. Much better than Schick imo.
Agreed, Prince 6 are the best, the prince 5, not so great
Lol your joking right?
Feather blades. Dirt cheap, they cost cents, closer shave than a Gillette, and last a while. Have a solid handle (Merkur) and no issues.
I bought a US$10 Baili razor and stand from Aliexpress and two 10-blade trial packs from tryablade (about $15 delivered). The handle is actually pretty good, and the blades have got me through several months with heaps to go.
I like the Feather blades and also Persona Blue, some of the other random brands are pretty awful but I'm told it depends on the individual.
Another vote for the feather blades.
Don't even notice the bleeding anymore
Feather blades are ridiculously sharp! I prefer Personna though.
Some of the coolest ones i use are these Russian blades called Voskhods.
Highly recommended!
$45 Philips with a cord, meh, it works and i'm not doing modelling.
asked for and got the Remington durablade for fathers day. It is good for when I get slack and let it go 5 days, the Philips struggles then.
You need to use an electric shaver for a few months before you start getting a good shave.
I have been using a Philips shaver, its not perfect, but I like the fact I can rinse it (not all models ) with water to keep it clean. I also like the pop up trimmer for when my beard gets too long from not shaving regularly.
The shaving heads need to be replaced when the get worn, they are expensive but last 1 to 2 years. I bought mine on sale from the shaver shop.
BigW - Philips series 1000 electric shaver s1110
Good first shaver.Comfort Tips
Wash your face before hand and wait until your skin is thoroughly dry before shaving.
Don't use anything on your face, no oils, lotions or anything.
Don't apply any pressure when using the shaver, just let it do its work gently.
Use the trimmer first if necessary.
Stop, let your skin and shaver cool if it gets to warm.
When your finished just splash cold water on your face to hydrate your skin and cool your skin preventing irritation. Don't use any toiletries or oils.
Double edge safety razor…. cheapest option
How often do you have change a blade?
After about 3-4 shaves.
My bear hair is fairly soft, and I always shave after a shower when it's soft from the water. I can use the same blade probably 20 times. I could probably use it for longer if I tried, but they're cheap, so there's no point persevering with it.
Blades are crap. This is what i would recommend
I use a Gillette and it works fine. Most of the time I don't bother clean shaving though and have a beard trimmer that cost about $50-60 and just take it down to short stubble all over, do this a couple of times a week and only clean shave if I have external meetings from work.
I use blades - luckily was given a boatload of free samples by Gillette at Uni (maybe a message) at the beginning of the year and am still churning through them.
Double edged safety razor with Feather blades. Once you have made the initial investment ($50 or so for an awesome razor) the blades are very cheap - $0.35 or so each.
Plus 1 to this. Not that I shave anymore very often but still use these for edging. Barely get any shave rash anymore after trying heaps of options.
Real OzBargain men use scissors.
For special occasions, beard trimmers.
Electric shaver to neaten the beard, razor to do the itchy neck growth
Braun electric shaver once every two days
Wouldnt a true OzB male have a long flowing beard?
Glad someone said it.
I came here looking for this comment.
I always used the Braun 790 series but it would result in shaving rash under my chin if I let it grow for a few days.
I purchased an electric beard trimmer which is designed to leave something behind. This has cured all my issues though I now never have a totally hairless face.