I have terrible knees and have tried about a dozen different avenues so far. I'm considering going to see an Aboriginal healer.
Have any of you lovely people taken this route before?
Thank you in advance.
I have terrible knees and have tried about a dozen different avenues so far. I'm considering going to see an Aboriginal healer.
Have any of you lovely people taken this route before?
Thank you in advance.
Because they too are also made up forms of medicine.
@lookatthesizeofthat: No!
There is modern medicine, which is practised by doctors and is based on peer reviewed scientific evidence that has been repeatedly tested in double blind studies with large population sample sizes.
Then there is everything else, that I won't even refer to as "medicine"- homeopathy, traditional, chiropractors, naturopaths, herbalists, reflexology, etc, etc.
Please don't confuse these. One will keep you alive (Since the late 1800s, life expectancy for Australian boys and girls has increased by over 30 years), the others (however well intentioned) will waste your money and put you at risk.
Sure some people may experience a placebo effect after receiving an alternative treatment. But rest assured that if any of these "alternative medicines" actually worked (provably, ie not placebo), then the medical industry would quickly capitalise.
"There is modern medicine, which is practised by doctors and is based on peer reviewed scientific evidence that has been repeatedly tested in double blind studies with large population sample sizes."
Alas, that 'evidence' is now part of the methodological 'replication crisis' that haunts the field of science and leads one to question the accuracy of any scientific finding, empirically derived or otherwise.
Sure, there is no denying that there is some issues around replication, in some areas of science (generally in more fringe social sciences/psychology/etc). To call it a "replication crises" is great for a science writers headline, but it is not something the general population should be concerned with.
Science is not immune to false claims. But properly funded basic scientific research is key to allowing proper replication studies to further advance our understanding and rule out false claims.
This should not "lead one to question the accuracy of any scientific finding", it should lead to greater demand/funding for science to perform replication studies.
All medicine is "made up" it's finding…
I'd say your knees are the least of your problems.
[AngryChicken issues this evidence-based assessment free of all costs and charges]
Lots of things "feel like" they work. The only way to tell whether they actually work is to conduct a controlled double-blind trial with a large sample size to demonstrate a statistically significant effect, over placebo and then to have peers in the field replicate your results.
The scientific method was born when we realised that this was the only way to defeat superstition and confirmation bias. It doesn't matter whether a person feels something works, it doesnt matter how ancient a practice is, or how much of an authority the person performing it is. All that matters is raw data, gathered in a controlled, objective, methodologically sound way. Almost everything you see around you including the computer you're sitting in front of, would not have been possible without that realisation. Before this realisation "doctors" were more likely to kill or injure you than to cure anything, and their treatments were largely nonsense based on intuited misconceptions of anatomy/biology.
Healers/Chiropractors/Naturopaths are all puppets who can try sock people with their non-evidence based medicine.
But you never know what may end up being a game changer.
Chiropractors are real. I knew a person who was taking colloidal silver.
I heard that if they take enough they might start to literally glow in the dark under the right circumstances but I never saw it happen.
Actually you turn into a smurf. GIS for silver smurf.
Dualies for days!
Rough voting man, they need a 😂 here :D
Aboriginal healer might have some good life advice, but I wouldn’t go to anything like that for any serious medical problems, or even any slight medical problems. And a stranger at a pub can probably give you some good life advice for free too.
Or have actual medicine which works…
Have you seen a doctor/physio etc?
Doctors study over 10 years to be able to confidently answer this question.
Edit: dont tell me you want to pay for some aboriginal healing shit and dont have money to pay for a good private gp.
Iv'e been to 3 doctors, 1 surgeon and 5 physios so far.
Edit, I have money and have spent $3000 so far, no need to be rude egg.
Medically though; if you put your height and weight into a bmi calculator, you are overweight?
@eggmaster: My weight is ideal based on this calculation. I used to play a lot of sport so am very familiar with this.
Doctors study over 10 years to be able to confidently answer this question.
You're gravely misinformed: doctors do not have the answer to everything because modern medicine doesn't.
Sorry i just read your comments about injury.
Ever looked at some of the not so legal substances for joint/ligament repair? (Which co-incidentally also usually help with muscle atrophy).
@Diji1: The 1st doctor i saw said it's nothing don't worry, then 1 week later i was in a leg brace for 7 weeks, so I agree with you Diji1.
@eggmaster: I have tried, I get really paranoid when high which is a damn shame. No need to apologise, it's an emotional subject.
No I don't mean weed/recreational substances. While weed may dull the pain it will not "improve" your joints (pun… get it?)
(Some of) The same substances that some athletes/gym goers use to enhance their condition; were originally designed to target injury.
Have you been told what is actually causing the pain? nerve pinching/damage? ligament/muscle damage? joint/cartlidge damage? Bone damage etc?
Also have you ever considered voting yes?
@eggmaster: I'm not sure what substances athletes use really, any pointers would be good though. The pain is from wear and tear and the injury, certain exercises seem to help. I was going to vote yes then changed my mind about a year ago.
It is insane (and embarrassing) how a first world country is kicking up a stink about gay marriage; I thought humanity was past such primitive ideals as banning gay marriage.
Injury of the bone, muscle, ligament, cartlidge? What sport did you play? (boy or girl)
Wear and tear/injury is way too vague.
@eggmaster: I don't really want to get into politics on this thread egg, let's stick to the knee, lol.
I have a bipartite patella in both knees and one of them took a whack with a tennis racket 6 years ago this combined with the wear and tear is causing the issues. Because it's quite rare the opinion has been split between the professionals Iv'e seen so far.
@lookatthesizeofthat: Sounds like you have a chronic knee condition. Unfortunately, these can cause chronic pain and discomfort and sometimes there is no easy fix or cure.
I dont think an aboriginal healer is going to cure wear and tare.
@Bluberry: I'm thinking the same, I don't mind either, I'm just trying to get it to a stage where I can walk without too much discomfort and enjoy life again:)
@Bluberry: Positive thinking is always good as is respect for other people, even if their opinion conflicts:)
@lookatthesizeofthat: if you don't want to get into politics, don't have a political avatar.
As you do have a political avatar, people will feel compelled to mention it. Vote yes.
@dinna89: The thread is about knees and your off topic, there are plenty of threads on the net to discuss this topic and I suggest you choose 1 of them to blow off steam.
@lookatthesizeofthat: lol. You have a Vote No avatar and you are criticizing me for saying Vote Yes??
You may want to also seek some help to cure your hypocrisy and homophobia.
@lookatthesizeofthat: Bipartite patella is a congenital condition (present at birth) that occurs when the patella (kneecap) is made of two bones instead of a single bone. Normally, the two bones would fuse together as the child grows but in bipartite patella, they remain as two separate bones. ~ Mmmm, dont think much would work beside a painful knee replacement alas, upside, you get good drugs for the pain and the rehab.
chiro, prayer and black magic ant gunna work bro, alas….
@eggmaster: Perhaps other people consider gay marriage primitive. Either way, implying people who vote no (and it is after all their choice they were asked to make) are somehow backward/uneducated/morons - do you really think that's going to change people's minds, or merely confirm they're right not to support such bigoted people?
@lookatthesizeofthat: This thread may be about knees, and knees are key parts of the body when it comes to changing and moving in a different direction… So… Metaphysically, perhaps the knee troubles relate to your unwillingness to move with a change in direction?
@lookatthesizeofthat: You could try Pharmafreak Flex Freak. It was recommended to me by someone with a knee injury at my gym. I haven't tried it though. Or Universal Nutrition Animal Flex, which appears easier to find.
[@Bluberry](/comment/5124292/ The heterophobic slurs keep on rolling
I don't think I will change people mind.
Therefore, there is no use in pointing out the stupidity of the situation.
Oppressors will always feel their victims are primitive. It is literally why the paradigm exists.
If this really was a "Christian" thing; when we took a look at Jesus' life, we would find he lived in a time where his country was occupied and controlled by an empire, not the other way around. Nor did he go around imposing laws/sin/commandments etc on people; the narative of his life was the fulfilment of the mosaic law and making "the sacrifice" so we were no longer bound by. Implying we should pick and choose mosaic principals and enforcements totally denies Christs absolute fulfilment of the "law" on earth and suggests he died in vein.
I am not saying we should go around murdering people; though I don't believe Jesus spent his life judging people (far the opposite). Furthering this; if the New Testament was actually read; one could see the eventual fate of all the deuteronomistic judges ( of when Mosaic law was in its prime mind you ) was to inevitably fail at delivering the "law" to the masses and fall into sin again.
Demanding gay marriage be outlawed; and holding to your belief that those who are intolerant of your primitive views are "bigots" is pretty amazing; considering your countries political leaders and figures chuck a wobbly at stuff like Abbot/Duuton bring upset at "a famous singer singing at a football game", or when Peter Dutton suggested anti immigration lawyers are unaustralian. Your perhaps your own self, not celebrating the maiming of penalty wages by Morrison. Please be tolerant of all of this; else you are a biggot right?
@lookatthesizeofthat: Given that you've spent so much and this seems like something that's been bothering you… you might as well just try it.
Worse case you lose some money and time, best case your knee is fixed (whether it be psychological or for real)
@Adz81: I'm sure lemmings off a cliff must kid themselves they're heading for a good change of direction too.
@GregMonarch: It's not really an implication - it's a flat out statement. They ARE backward (not necessarily uneducated or a moron though - which in itself is somewhat depressing given uneducated morons at least have an excuse).
As to the often quoted "you encourage them to vote no because you're mean" - if they would punish an innocent section of society because a person was mean to them on the internet, I don't think anything would change their mind anyway!
@eggmaster: Not sure how this came up, but you're right - Jesus didn't spend his life ON EARTH judging people. That comes later. On earth it was about turning people from their sin. Because he WILL judge everyone when He takes the throne on the day of judgement, when people "will be judged by the deeds done in their body", and judged if they 'belonged to him/were his' by whether they obeyed the things he said in his word. Since Jesus is the living word, he can't contradict himself. One of those things - mentioned more than once - and found in both old and new testaments, so was never 'updated' - is women not to lie with women, and vice-versa - stating that it is unnatural (against what nature itself teaches us which was created by God), and therefore - 'an abomination' in his eyes.
So, if that's what people are worried about - what happens when they die after living that lifestyle… Then they better discard this fake wishy-washy Jesus some churches-in-name-only teach, and instead learn and do what he said himself in his word (living word) - and avoid what he says to avoid.
As for this other debate… The sheer fact it came up in this completely unrelated thread, shows the dishonest tactics used for this agenda. As I think I said, it's a vote on people's OPINION. It's their opinion, and they have a right to it without being shamed or called stupid.
I trust ABS as far as I can throw them and their growing surveillance powers. Even so, they asked for people's individual opinion. Those against have solid reasons for holding their opinion. And alienating people, telling them their opinion should be someone else's shows if they did, they'd be giving support to immature individuals who resort to criticising anyone who thinks differently - who doesn't agree with them - the very thing they're claiming to be against by wanting people to vote yes, LOL!
A few hours ago I watched a video by Mark Latham, on Rebel Media, on youtube about this. I don't read newspapers or watch TV. But I couldn't help but note Latham said the left has acted dreadfully over this issue, and fully deserve the no-note he believes they will get. Even so, he admits he isn't against it as such. So when you have Christians, and non-Christians alike agreeing, obviously the left have shot themselves in both feet by calling people names, criticising their intelligence, etc. That isn't how you win people over to any cause. It has, however, showed the immaturity of those people to handle receiving what they're demanding, by stamping their feet like a toddler having a tantrum.
i.e. "I'm a grown up - I John should have the right to marry Bill - we're so modern and love is love - so vote with me NOW, or you're all idiots." I say, good luck with that tactic - it's changed no-ones mind and made people who would have voted yes, vote no instead.
Jesus said to his disciples that the Kingdom of Heaven is "Within" or "amongst" you. He lived on Earth not saying "the earth is just shit… heaven is better". He lived mindfully in the fact that eternity is now. The deeds we have done with our body are forever, if looked into; throughout the mosaic era, a pathway to live mindfully on earth. I find it very disturbing and upsetting when Christians dismiss our world as they are waiting for heaven. I do not think this is what Christ stood for. Telling people they are only living to get into heaving is telling them they are only living to die, and it death will be the most important time in their lives; opposed to that every single moment is the most important moment of our lives; i would say moreso if you followed any religion, as you are purposefully living in a mindful creation of an intangible entity.
Despite my interest in Christ as a spiritual leader and the worlds savior… I actually don't really give a shit about gays, straights; nor do I believe "true love" is nothing more than a human construct we adhere to, led by chemical processes within our bodies. Nor do I think my demeanor will change anyones vote. I am just expressing my view on the insanity behind standing around; advising people to live in a certain way to fit your comfort.
@srhardy: good google copying. If you had decided to keep reading instead of jumping to conclusions, you'll see that only 2% of patients are symptomatic and most bipartate patellae diagnoses are incidental findings that do not cause pain.
If you don’t want to get into politics in all your threads perhaps you should change your avatar.
Let’s be clear it is YOU that is bringing politics here.
@eggmaster: No-one has said anything even remotely resembling what you imply. And if people want to live in a homosexual relationship - have at it - their choice. Just don't expect people to believe the lie "Jesus just 'loves on everyone' regardless of what they do." It's not scriptural, and it's not reality. Else no-one would go to hell, and therefore it wouldn't exist. Hitler and Pol Pot would be in heaven, Jesus died for zero purpose, and life here would just be 'eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die'. On the contrary, it says: "What then, shall we sin so that grace may abound? God forbid!"
I missed the part in the bible where Jesus said to take over countries and rule them…
I mean; It was probably the disciples who really ended the roman empire….
That's the one I was trying to think of.
With added condroitin.
eating homemade jelly made with fruit juice gelatine and glucose is a cheaper and yummier way to get this into you.
@stormii: Yup; none will do anything for your knee, but at least you will have wasted less money this way.
high dose circumin
pm me if you want to learn more…its amazing! :)
ps. what is wrong with your knees?
I'm curious. How would turmeric specifically heal a knee?
I drink turmeric tea twice daily and it certainly helps, I even read through peer reviewed studies on the subject. I'll PM you as well, much love Barbarella.
@lookatthesizeofthat: hard to get any benefit with standard dose though. You need to ingest enough tumeric to turn your pee into fluorescent yellow to know that you have sufficient amount of active ingredient in your blood stream. Twice daily is not really enough imho and bit of a fad rather than having meaningful benefit.
if turmeric helps then may be you can try the curcumin tablets.
General Information
What is Curcumin?
Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric. Regular turmeric only contains approximately 3% curcumin, Bioglan Curcumin however contains 95% active curcuminoids.
Why is Curcumin so beneficial?
Curcumin is one of nature's best known fighters against inflammation. Modern science is beginning to show that inflammation in our body is a major contributor to many western health conditions. The benefit of Bioglan Curcumin is that it may help to combat this inflammation and therefore may benefit a range of important organ's in the body.
Bioglan Curcumin therefore help's provide:
Potent Anti Inflammatory
Relief of Arthritis Pain
Increase Joint Mobility
Digestive & liver health
Whole body vitality through the power of antioxidants.
What makes Bioglan Curcumin different?
Bioglan Curcumin has 30x more curcuminoids per tablet than regular turmeric* and 6x more than some other curcumin extracts, which means there is more curcumin for health benefits!
Better Absorption!
Curcumin from regular turmeric can be poorly absorbed into the bloodstream and therefore your body doesn't receive curcumin's full benefits.
Bioglan Curcumin however contains a patented ingredient, Bioperine, that has shown to help enhance curcumin absorption compared to curcumin alone.
source : http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/74254/Bioglan-Clinica…
@Bluberry: Not true…there is lots of evidence for the benefits of turmeric…there are ways of taking it to get the best benefits and it doesn't involve consuming as much as you say, such as described on turmericlife.com.au
It is great for reducing inflammation, which causes a lot of the pain in joints (eg. knees). Of course it can't 'heal' lost cartilage but it helps maintain mobility.
@Frankenbeanie: High doses of curcumin are not recommended long term. Better to ingest turmeric by mixing up your own 'Golden Paste' as descibed in turmericlife.com.au
If anyone is interested they will look into it…if not then that is their choice…
@barbarella: i am not suggesting that there is no benefit with tumeric. I am saying that eating ordinary household tumeric twice a day does not lead to sufficient blood levels of the active ingredient. Yoi really need extra potency, hihg dose concentrate and directly inject intravenously to get maximum benefit.
@PJC: The reality is, the knee bears a lot of weight. I believe I read once, that once damaged, there's not much that can be done for knees. Heard good things about glucosamine over the years. But who knows if that's just wishful thinking/advertising. This is why I suggested muscle strengthening like the back guy. But again, I don't know that there's a lot of muscle there like around a spine that can take the weight off the joint.
It's different with the hip… You can get a replacement and problem is pretty-much solved. I would say it's either going to be a combination: pain management, learning what to avoid/how to move in way that doesn't hurt/hurts the least - and gentle exercise that doesn't cause more damage, and some topical thing (if he can find one) that works… Or again, I'd be seeking out someone with experience with sports injuries. Like those that get injured football players back on the field in record time. The goal is far below that - just to live comfortably - so there should be something in their knowledge to help. Who knows, maybe there's some kind of stem cell injection - may require going overseas, a change of diet, gentle long term exercise again to go along with it…
Try visiting a doctor
I've been to several, no joy yet.
I suppose you have tried an actual knee specialist?
I have been to 1 specialist and have an appointment with 1 more shortly.
@lookatthesizeofthat: Better to ask a professional. But the right shoes will help, especially if you are over-compensating while walking.
LOL. You might as well go to a Chiropractor or use Holistic Medicine.