Does anyone have any great hits for smell free nappy changing in confined areas?
Nappy changing

Air tasker it.
Poo stinks. Don't think there's much you can do about that.
Maybe one of those portable fans attached to a powerbank….
Stay upwind…. :)
It's not for my comfort but for others. Looking at an international travel with a baby.
Change the baby in the toilet and throw the nappy in the bin. It will be very cramped but you won't have to change them that many times in one flight.
It's been a while since I've been on an international flight and perhaps it differs by model but some toilets are a bit bigger than others from memory…
I've only really flown with Jetstar since I had kids but if there is a difference in the size of the toilets you don't really notice it when you're trying to change a nappy.
My son was a real pain to change as he didn't stop wearing nappies until he was nearly 4 so he was quite big whereas my daughters both stopped at 3.
@onetwothree: Sorry for being graphic, but even at home I try and empty out and flush as much poo down the toilet before I dispose of the nappy when I change my toddler. Obviously this only works if the poo is solid enough…unusually the stinkier ones are not so solid though :(
@John Kimble: you're braver than me! Roll it up, bag it and chuck it as quickly as possible is my motto! Luckily my youngest finished wearing nappies this year so no more doing that for me, finally after 9 years of changing nappies I am finally free.
If the nappy bag is giant, pack plastic bags (ziplock if you want to splash the cash) with everything you need for a nappy change and a change of clothes. This saves you from rummaging through a giant bag in a confined space, and something to put the dirty clothes in if needed. Unlikely but you'll be thankful if needed.
+1 for rolling up the nappy. Use the waistband grip tabs to shut it.
Alternatively, buy the nappy rubbish bag. It's cheap and it keeps the smell in well.
If OP refers to changing nappy in plane, OP can put each nappy in individual bag and add an empty bag in it as well. It makes things easier when you can just grab one small bag with everything you need in it + wipes
My main bit of advice is having an outfit already packed and ready to go before the blowout happens.
there is stuff all space in the aircraft loo to change them, biggest tip would be to have a 'grab bag' at your seat with just enough supplies for 1 change, you take that (and the baby) with you to limit what you have to carry and store and then restock it from your carry-on when you get back to your seat.
I've seen people struggle with the huge baby bag, its not worth it on the plane, sure carry supplies in it but just take the grab bag to do the actual deed
Have a helper on hand and have them splash plenty of this around the area before, during and after the event … DavidJones … you might need several bottles.
Depending on baby age and time to flight, practice elimination communication.
we use those scented bags whenever we are out and about…
its relatively inexpensive, got them on special from babies R US for about 3 bucks a boxthey don't block it completely but they definitely help
these do a much better job at blocking the smell than the cheaper pink ones from chemistwarehouse…Also, roll the dirty nappy up before you place the nappy in the scented bag - that keeps all the smell wrapped inside.
we use…
$0.60 gets you 80 of those (for medium size). We always use this to wrap the poo nappy, knot it tightly, before putting them into a bin. Cheap enough for double layer if you think the smell will go through.
If you really want a bang for buck, $0.60 will get you 120 S size bags. It will still fit (just) folded nappy.
Use nappy liners and thick baby wipes. Open nappy, fold nappy liner over the waste, quickly wipe butt, flush waste, use scented nappy disposal bag for overkill. One drop of Nilodor will neutralize any smell, one drop only.
Use the first class toilets. Shit doesn't stink there so they believe
I think some airlines have air freshener too, so use it afterwards for the next occupants.
I usually ask the nanny to do it out on the stern deck.
Not smell related but international flights/larger planes most likely have a larger disability toilet for extra arm room
A bit off topic here, but get some of those pee pads that you use for pets. You know… the kind you put on the floor to absorb pee. I carry one with me wherever I go. Put that on the change table, change the nappy, then put it away. If poo gets on it, chuck it and get a new one. That will keep your baby clean, and it will give you peace of mind.
As for changing nappies, if you are in a place that's fairly modern, you'll find change rooms in or near toilets. Where are you travelling to?
Like what the others say, scented bags are always good. If you're out in the open, and you have to change nappies in the pram, do it away from the crowds.
Clothes peg.