Mister LoLPants » user profile

Member Since | 01/12/2015 |
Last Seen | 03/07/2022 |
Location | NSW |
Recent Activities

Sydney: this lockdown is terrible, when will it be over Also Sydney: ooh, free prints at harvey norman, time for another non-essential drive

and how does an average person in excruciating pain, or whose partner/child is in such levels of pain at home know that's its not a life…

have used this firm for years, quite quick to delivery and freshly roasted https://coffeecompany.com.au/

Needs another option which is used: Yes - If its refunded upon acceptance of a place. These are there because people apply to be put on…

Mister LoLPants replied to
Hybroid on Petition - Make Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices Compulsory to Stop Drink Driving

but, but, i spent 35 seconds of my life following a link, im politically active

Mister LoLPants replied to
Spam Service on Petition - Make Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices Compulsory to Stop Drink Driving

and on 0% BAC, in the case we are all alluding too, the guy was miles over the limit, changing the barrier was never going to stop him, or…

I just keep getting the crappy 30 days free offer in my email, which isn't really an offer considering its standard.

Same store credit, or free drinks as per op, is total bs for an overcharge. They should be giving nothing less than a refund of the extra…

Natural company salt amd vinegar, $2 from woolies. They used to supply the woolies branded ones but stopped.

Mister LoLPants commented on [Switch] Death Squared $5.39, Super One More Jump: $1.43, OTTTD $2.79 @ Nintendo eShop

same, if I feel the need to do something, I just drop off another 5-10kph and they soon overtake. The risk with tapping the brakes is that,…

The Nandos app usually delivers a decent deal at least once a month. Normally a free side of some sort with any 1/4 chicken purchase. Just…

Mister LoLPants commented on Using Uber with Small Children
Have contacted uber themselves about this, some drivers carry child restraints but its pot luck, there is nothing on the app to indicate…

nekkminnit, someone slips on a warning sign

today: give people compensation for slipping on a wet day tomorrow: all trains massively delayed because of cityrail insurers saying that…

Mister LoLPants commented on 10c Levy on Milk. For or Against?
its up to the government of the day to take these decisions and also dictate how the $ is spent, unfortunately our governments are not up…

Mister LoLPants commented on Favourite discontinued food
For me, simply woolworths branded salt and vinegar chips. They had a strong vinegar flavour and were not as sweet as the major brands.…

Mister LoLPants replied to
geek001 on Be Aware of Full Service International Airlines Charging for Seat Selection When Comparing Prices

With singapore, they dont charge you for seat selection if you are travelling with kids. i guess that helps then get around possible…

Mister LoLPants replied to
Croshema on Do You Clean up after Yourself at McDonald's (or Other Fast Food Restaurants)?

Bogan is not limited by financial status or geography, There are plenty of cashed up bogans around

is this the modern version of 'out the back of a van behind the pub'?

Mister LoLPants replied to
Valowick on Free Medium McCafé Coffee for First 500,000 Purchasers @ McDonald's (via Mymacca's App)

Gave up on the app ages ago as well. It was more a process issue that the app itself, would order and wait for the number to come up,…

OT: if you cant afford third party property insurance, you cant afford to drive

Mister LoLPants commented on A One-Car Family
one car, PT to work and hire a car when we really need 2

Mister LoLPants commented on Childcare - How Much Do You Pay?
$115/day for a 4yo, western syd. This covers everything and the centre has a higher qualification and staffing ration than the standard.

Sydney opera house have a 20% off coupon for the samsung gear sport SM-R600 from the samsung store. you can also give it a trail at the…

purchased a Netflix gift card not long ago with no issues. I always buy these when there are specials or bonus points and just apply them…

Mister LoLPants commented on Aussie Farmers Direct in Administration
used there service a few years ago and had no issues, it actually worked quite well and was worth the convenience, we all have difference…

glad we don't attend one of these neurotic schools, ours allows kids to bring in cupcakes, just nut/sesame (who has sesame cakes) free. If…

Mister LoLPants replied to
Pecker on Financial Gift to Grandchildren When Parents Have Different Number of Kids

sounds like the son with only one child is a bit of an a$%#. SPlit it evenly, its not the kids fault that they have siblings, if anything,…

use powerline to extend a network into the living room, when it worked, it was great, but was a PIA everytime the power went down at either…