• expired

Grinders 'Mazzer Robur- $1000', 'Mazzer Mini- $750 ', 'Atom Eureka $696' + GST + $25 delivery @ Espresso Mechanics


This is aimed less at the frugal ozbargainers and more to the coffee snobs out there.

Heavily discounted deals on the prosumer/commercial coffee grinders at espresso mechanics coffee equipment sales and services.

Price list and order form is attached.

Some popular grinders to note are the as follows (exclusive of gst)
mazzer robur- rrp $3000 down to $1000
$2390 here(coffeeparts.com.au)
Mazzer mini- rrp $1350 down to $750
$869 here(dipacci.com.au)
Eureka atom- rrp $1160 to $696
$1250 here(coffeeparts.com.au)
There are more, mazzer major, mazzer kony and a few other brands.

These guys usually only sell to businesses but have opened to the public to clear stock as they do once per year apparently.
Postage was $25 to Queensland

To order fill out the attached form and email to sales@espressomechanics.com.au and call to make payment

I grabbed a eureka atom, I'm not sure what stock is left


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closed Comments

  • -2

    Wrong site, mate!

    • I think you might be right tightwad!
      Oh well someone might make use of it, or it'll be documented for future price Drops and deals here and elsewhere

    • we have had high end coffee equipment on ozbargain before so i think it's more the deal …… a grinder that was out of reach becomes affordable ….. i'm sure we will see iphone x deals so there are people with money ….. they just need a deal so good it makes it an impulse buy.

      • This is true

        • "This is aimed less at the frugal ozbargainers." Contradiction in terms!

        • @tightwad: apologies

        • @science-teacher:

          No worries. Jut use highendcoffeeequipmentdeals.com.au 😊

  • +7

    The prices for the grinders above might be cheap, but I would strongly discourage a purchase of one of these grinders for domestic use. Mazzers are definitely more of a commercial grade grinder, and I strongly dislike using them in a commercial setting.
    They would be very innapropriate for a home-owner due to very slow grinding times in the smaller unit, huge grind retention (upwards of 60g in the Robur, and upwards of 5g in the smaller units) and inability / poor design for grinding filter coffee. It's simply not necessary.
    "Grind retention" refers to the gound coffee that sits inside the chamber and around the burrs without coming out.
    So if you were for example to make two coffees a day with a Mazzer Robur, you'd be using 40g of yesterday's grind, or throwing that out every day. The hopper needs to be kind of full to get good results, just a mess.

    Tl;dr - don't buy a Mazzer. Get something else. Like the Breville Smart Grinder Pro for <$300, which is an incredible little guy for the price. If you really do want something that feels "more premium", get a Baratza Sette, or one of the Compak home units. Or an HG-1 hand grinder lol.

    • +1

      Hey I forgot to mention this. You're absolutely right.
      They all have some retention, this is unavoidable with grinders like this I'm sure you know.
      I was considering the mazzer mini or eureka atom both of which are intended for home use and are both meant to have about 4g retention or less.
      I plan to purge old grounds, then have a scale next to my portafilter to weigh as I dial in my dose.

      • For less than the cost of a mazzer mini or eureka atom, you could get a Baratza Sette 270W with built in scales.
        At AlternativeBrewing(alternativebrewing.com.au) or can be had even cheaper on eBay, stacked with one of many sitewide codes. This can grind for filter or espresso. Extremely user friendly. Grinds 20 g of coffee in less than 5 seconds. Burrs directly over exit chute. Grind retention <1g. The bloody thing has scales built in with Bluetooth that weighs out your doses to +/-0.3g. Not what I would buy if I was on a budget - the breville does a great job. But this is definitely more bang for buck than a $750 Mazzer mini.
        Mazzers are old. There's no doubt that they were leading the industry 10 years ago, but there's much newer and superior technology on the market (imo). The third wave of coffee is interesting. Everyone gets obsessed about something small and it's all anyone can talk about, and manufacturers have to lift their game. 10 years ago no one was talking about grinders. Everyone was trying to nail temperature and pressure stability. They did that. All machines are basically very stable on temp and pressure. Last few years, focus has been on grinding, workflow (puqpress, distribution tools), pressure and scale technology.
        I don't mean to sabotage your post. Like I said, they're cheap compared to RRP and you wouldn't find them cheaper. I just think there are better grinders out there. You wouldn't buy an iPhone 5 this year because it's $200, even though it used to sell for $1200.
        Why buy old tech?

        • Very interesting, I hadn't heard of this grinder before but the built in scales sound great. Might just be my upgrade from the smart grinder pro when the time comes. Any machine recommendations? Currently have the Breville dual boiler.

        • @pranksta: dual boiler is the perfect machine. Cheap. A lot of the features present in modern machines. Everything that the wanky Italian things have at a fraction of the price. Lots of parts availability and lots of service providers.

        • I bet Mazzer Mini or Eureka Atom would last a lot longer than either of the the Sette or the Smart Grinder. I owned the Smart Grinder for a while and it does not seem like something built to last.

      • retention ….. well that kills my impulse buy look like i stick with my breville …… i only make 1 cup in the morning for myself .

        breville,is timed but a grinder with scales has me interested .

        yes it's all about small , i used to have a rancillio at home but heating a 4 litre boiler to make 1 cup was a turn off so now i have a sunbeam dual thermostat and well the few seconds to heat up makes coffee more accessible.

        there is a definite market for great small grinders and coffee makers …… considering the cost of a cup at a cafe in the mornings ….. pays for itself ….. and you can make it while wearing your y fronts instead of getting dressed and goin out.

        i use double edge safety razor now …. much cheaper than cartridges ……… lots of ways to bring a life style to a budget rather than a budget up to a life style.

    • +2

      I actually upgraded to the atom from a Breville Dose Control Pro which is pretty similar to the smart grinder I believe. My Breville actually does not grind fine enough to use 16g (OEM babsket size) on my Sunbeam EM7000. I have a shim kit on the way for free but jumped on this sale.

      There's no argument that retention is an issue, but that's something I'm okay with. I plan to purge before dosing.
      However, the Batatza seems awesome, I would have definately considered it had I known about it before. But with prices like above I can easily make my money back and move on in the future.

      The Baratza does make more sense in the home setting but I think I'm going to enjoy having a commercial powerhouse in the mix. Some things I've read about the baratza from the 250 post thread- http://coffeesnobs.com.au/grinders/44433-baratza-sette-270w-…
      -From my reading the scale is a bit off but it is still consistent Considered accurate within around 0.2g on a firm flat surface
      -People need to dose 10g twice to make 20g fit in the basket- although fluffy clump free grinds are arguably the best outcome
      -The portafilter holder sucks
      -It grinds superfast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoxB8BiZfxg
      -Messy grind/ loud
      - 1 kg max per day (i use 16g a day so that's fine!)
      - A number of people have added shims for finer grinds (included in box)
      - Lots of DOA and errors, so much so that the sponser wont sell them- but people with bad experiences will post more than those with good
      - The Baratza rep said that the first batch were dodgy and did further development before releasing more
      - The longevity and durability is the only long standing question really, but we'll see, as it's only been in australia 6 months
      sorry that was a rabbit hole

      I feel as if I have gone from the cheapest burr grinder straight to commercial and missed this step which makes me sad. The Baratza is great for the price however I feel like these commercial grinders beat it in every repect, except grind retention. Which is one of the most important variables in making coffee at home.

      the prices above though, I can move on when I need to

  • Are they new?

    • Yes 12 month warranty

  • +1

    Seeing it's saying open to the public, the price should be full. Not plus gst.

    • That did trip me up, i misread the disclaimer, that's why I accentuated the fact here

  • +1

    These are some seriously good prices for mazzer, you'll be pressed to find a robur on gumtree for this price. Sure they have flaws but there's a reason you see one in most cafes around

    Also, I think the kony for $676.00 is an absolute steal

    • Not bad ay
      Too bad it's only for today
      I wonder if I should have gone for the major or kony over the atom

      • +1

        I just called them and they said the kony is already sold out so don't feel too bad. I bought a robur too btw, making this post one of the best deals ever for me on OzB.

        Here's a link for all the commercial-grinder-in-the-kitchen naysayers

        • Oh man
          You should post pics when it arrives pls

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