Hi there. I'm a boy turning 15 in 3 months. Just started a gym program to build muscle and lose some body fat, as I'm chubby around the belly and chest. I'm 5'11", weigh 82kg. I would like some advice on what protein powder(s) I should purchase. I was thinking of buying one of these for post workout: Max's Super Whey or Muscletech Nitrotech * Ripped * from xtremewarehouse. My friend and I go to the gym 4 times a week.
This is what we do:
Monday: Tris and chest
Tuesday: Biceps and back
Thursday: Shoulders and traps
Saturday: Either Legs or Cardio (20m running/walking combo on treadmill and 10-15m bike)
I eat healthily and don't have sugary foods
Thanks in advance
Gym goer here; been weight training for 12 years. Don't worry about the negativity on here. You're better off spending 5 hours in the gym each week then playing Nintendo Switch and eating Domino's Pizza all day.
3 Simple nutrition tips that don't necessarily involve buying protein powder:
You're 14. Massive gains will not come to you while your body is still developing.
Spend this time learning the craft, perfecting proper technique. When you're 21+ you'll then (~2024) start to see a big jump in strength/size. Only then may you benefit from Protein Powder, Creatine and Glutamine supplementation.