Xiaomi Mi Band 2 - US $15.99 Shipped (AU $20.05) Delivered
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Choose the free shipping option and pay with PayPal recommended as always. You can pay in AUD on the site as GB's rates are better than the current USD > AUD rates anyway.
FIXED PRICE Coupon: $15.99
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Money Back Guarantee 360 Days
Your subtotal: $15.99
Edit: SanDisk Ultra MicroSDXC 64GB US $18.49 (AU $23.18) is also back in stock
Order page says 441 items in stock but further down in the description:
we feel sorry to inform that the supply of this item is very tight now because of great demands. We will deliver the goods to existing buyers asap based on the stock and begin to receive new order after completing all in-hand orders."