Looks to be the equal cheapest price on record? Thanks to the rep for all the deals!
Deal starts 2am AEDT tonight :)
Looks to be the equal cheapest price on record? Thanks to the rep for all the deals!
Deal starts 2am AEDT tonight :)
Deal starts 2am AEDT on Friday :)
How is GearBest vs BangGood?
As in kung fu? i would go with banggood; purely for the name
Best > Good but Bang > Gear. Hmm this is a toughie.
Brought multiple time from both, both equal. Banggood seems to arrive alot quicker with free postage
Start work ta 2017-09-07 00:00 beijing time
Have just tried, 2 hours after the start time and it still says "The Code you entered has expired."
That code is also expired.
Hey Dear Gearbest,
Order Number:WW1708091730582570
I have not received the Miband2. Upon tracking The Auspost says delivered with safe drop. WITHOUT my knowledge or approval.
In a building more than 100 units. I can safely said its gone. Can you please resolve this? Thanks!
Let me confirm this with my colleague first!
May I know where you got this code?
Hi Spackbace,sorry for misleading you,the code start working time shall be 2017-09-07 00:00 beijing time,ADES TIME Shall be 2017-09-07 02:00,you can find this at here,I will check the post and update the time.
Doesn't that make this a dupe?
@Spackbace: Didn't realise that was a requirement, but never really looked into it, It's a good either way.
Sorry,I need recheck the code,I may make some mistake
Does this Mi band support multiple alarms?
A better question is: does this support multiple arms?
Yes it does, i have 4 setup but it looks like unlimited compare to mi band 1 only 3 alarms max
Does it vibrate strong enough to wake you up in the morning?
I'm sure I saw a similar post here today with a harvest code that was a bit cheaper, but it seems to have vanished, or I might be dreaming.
Because these codes are not AUS specific, it gets out of stock too quick, was waiting for powerbank, and it vanished too.
Any deal for replacement bands?
This is a good upgrade from mi band 1.
Vibrate notification for: iOS
- email
- Apps such as fb, fb messenger, skype, WhatsApp, snapchat, instagram, viber and calendar.
Great value for what is it.
Battery life is great, charge every 3+ weeks.
I always have my phone on silent, this is a must have.
Mi Band 1 has all those vibrate functions for Android
My heart rate monitor hasn't worked for months, apart from that it has worked well.
What are the delivery times like to Melbourne?
Awesome piece of kit. Highly recommend.
got one from the previous deal. DoA :(
Looks like there was one for 14 USD as well today..damn
Can this be used in place of a fitbit?
Pretty much
How is the sleep monitoring on this vs Apple Watch? Is it decent enough for those times when need to charge Watch overnight?
Does the Apple Watch have sleep monitoring?
Works with apps like AutoSleep, Sleep++, Sleep Watch, etc.
The Code you entered has expired.
Yeah I'm also getting the same message :(
What's the use of having a code if it doesn't work…was up from 2 to 3am then gave up. And now its already expired :(
As I said in another thread, it is a scam.
But it has 45 upvotes and no apparent buyers?
Yeah, that's what is concerning. People just upvote like sheep.
The other thread I negged the deal because the yeelight code was expired, but the item was showing over 2000 in stock. People got infuriated with my comments and negged me so much that my neg got automatically revoked.
If there are no confirmed purchases at this price then I agree this borderlines on a scam. I've tried changing the code from 000 to 032 just in case. Nada
I have purchased 2 using the above coupon. You need to have the item in your basket and ready to hit the apply button as this is a global deal.
Do not post deals before they go live specially coupons… revoke upvotes..
Don't listen to this noob, learn to read the posts properly
Deal starts 2am AEDT tonight :)
Everybody, post deals as soon as you see them.
This is ridiculous! They probably had like 5 items available with that coupon! I tried at 2:10am and the code didn't work! Yeah I think gearbest need to add reasonable quantities first before posting here!
Says the code is expired.