I'm looking for a pc that can run pubg. have a budget of $1000 and looking for something that can last/be upgradable. My mate who works at a pc shop said he can get me parts of a pc for 300 bucks.
What he is offering me is
i7 4770k CPU
650W PSU
Motherboard that supports CPU
8gb ram
I would have to invest in a SSD + internal harddrive for it to run. I plan to buy atleast a GTX 1060 graphics card. It looks like a good deal but i'm worried about whether it is an outdated system, the cpu only uses ddr3 ram, might be too old to upgrade for future updates.
Would building on from this system or buying one with a better cpu be better?
would like opinions on this please, first time spending this much on a pc.
[UPDATE] its actually i7 4770 (without the k) not sure if that matters though.
The i7 4770k while older is still a solid workhorse. There is still a few more years in it. And for $300, who cares, get it, save up over the next few years, and upgrade later on.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with DDR3, just because it's not the latest and greatest doesn't mean it's not still good.