• expired

[XB1/PS4] Final Fantasy XV: Assassin's Festival DLC Content FREE @ Microsoft

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The Assassin's Festival is underway for a limited time!

The tales of a mythical hero who fought to resist the shackles of oppression date back generations in Lestallum, where a festival is held in honor of the lore. As an avid fan of the spirit this local legend inspired, Noctis drags his friends along to take part in the festivities, but he also encounters a few unexpected guests…

The festival ends January 31st, 2018.

Requires the Final Fantasy XV base game

Also available at PlayStation Store

Other Free DLC's for XB1:

Outfit: Noodle Helmet
Outfit: Trendy Outfit
FFXV Holiday Pack (Free Version)
Item: Gourmand Set

Via Slickdeals

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closed Comments

  • Lmao. Ozrrp? How much did it cost before?

    Or are video game patches/contents bargains now?

    • Someone should post the ReCore Definitive Edition update as a bargain, more significant update than this.

  • +1

    Yeah this is just a patch.

    How did twenty people upvote this.

    • -8

      The same people that upvote games with gold and PS+ games saying they are free I'm guessing

    • -4

      The same people that upvote new Nintendo consoles priced at their normal RRP

    • +2

      This is rediculous, so technically any game that has a day one content patch can be posted as a bargain?

      Maybe in game progress/unlocks can be bargains too.

      E.g. kill boss in level 2 to unlock level 3 for free lmao.

      • +1

        No, this is ridiculous.

  • +3

    Thanks for pointing this out.

    It is already free as many have stated, but it's still something I wouldn't have been aware of normally and so it's useful to pick up as a fan of both FF and AC. Cheers.

    • -4
      1. If you not aware u prob not gona play the game.

      2. This is not ozreminder or ozgaming news. You have google or ign for that.

      3. Yes this post informed you for the dlc. But yoy cant expect this website to inform you for everything, theres different places for different information. So if someone posted the weather here they will get thanked cos people cant be bothered using weather websites?

      • -1

        Have the game already, so definitely going to play.

        And sure, Ozbargain is not for reminders etc., but in this case I think it's giving you enough value to be worthy of posting. If you really want to be pedantic, the definition of bargain is broad enough to include something like this being offered for free as it's cheaper than what you'd expect.

        Based on the upvotes others agree so you can stop trying to moderate this deal.

  • +2

    I don't have a PS4 or XB1 but I might as well get them all in case I do pick up console in the future.

    • This is why this "deal" shouldnt be here.

      This is not a deal, you cannot "get" this. Its just an event in the game e.g. for a limited time that game is holding an event. Once its over its over, you just wasting your time downloading this if you dont have the game or arnt playing it at the moment.

      • +1

        Then Freebie posts should not be posted as well since they are also limited by time?

  • +1

    Will this work on my SNES Mini?

  • -1

    Butthurt much

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