• expired

$30 for a Teacher Discount Card Valid for 12 Months


The International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC) is the essential discount card designed for full-time teachers and professors.
Buy getting an ITIC you get a physical and virtual teacher ID card which gives you access to a huge amount of discounts in Australia and when travelling overseas.

Since its introduction in 1984, the ITIC has grown to become the most widely accepted proof of teaching status worldwide. Save at home and abroad on travel, accommodation, food and drink, entertainment, admissions to museums and cultural attractions, retail purchases and more.

The International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC) is for full time teachers or professors.

The International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC) gives teachers thousands of travel, online and lifestyle discounts at home and in over 133 countries worldwide. Start saving money on your holidays and buy your card for just $30!

Visit the website for full details and to purchase your card online.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is the School of Professionals by Ozbargain listed in there?

    What discounts are available to teachers?

    • -1

      All discounts can be found by clicking on the ITIC icon on this page http://www.isic.com.au/discounts/.

      Current Australian discount partners include STA Travel teacher airfares, Europcar, Liven, Hello Fresh, Luna Park Sydney, Hostelworld, Lonely planet, Skydive Australia, Missguided, Foodora, Go Catch, Melbourne Star, Cinemas (multiple), 100s of restaurants, Urban Adventures, Theme parks, as well as discounted gift cards with Coles, David Jones, Rebel Sports, JB HiFi, Country Road, Freedom & Jetstar)

      (those listed above are correct as of now, subject to change as we work with many partners)

      • If this is on Ozbargain and its regular price is THIRTY BUCKS, where is the "bargain" or discount?

      • Buy getting an ITIC you get a physical and virtual teacher ID card
        which gives you access to a huge amount of discounts in

        I'm guessing you are not an English teacher, louisab?

        My clues: 'buy' & 'amount'

  • +2

    So, normal price….. not a bargain as such.


    What do I need to get an ISIC card?
    You’ll need the following ready to upload to your online application
    A document that proves that you are currently a full time teacher/professor.
    Proof of identity (Govt issued ID or Passport)
    Passport style head and shoulders photo
    Cost - The price of a ITIC card is $30.00 AUD

    • +3

      Seems like it's $30 across the board for a bunch of them, according to statravel:


      • International Student Identity Card - ISIC | $30
      • International Youth Travel Card - IYTC | $30
      • International Teacher Identity Card - ITIC | $30

      This just seems like advertising and not really a bargain at all, unless someone can find evidence of it being more expensive and having a price drop recently.

      • -5

        Hi, yes $30 is standard price, we're constantly adding new discounts so it really is a bargain!
        Just spreading the word about the Teacher card.

        • +7

          Just spreading the word

          So this is just spam then..

        • Hi, yes $30 is standard price,

          So, this has no place as a bargain! It's not a discount.

          How, perchance, does this qualify as worthy of Ozbargain? It's an ad, pure and simple.

        • +2

          @m9: Adding a reply so I can neg for the same reason. Keep scrolling :-)

    • Hi, yes $30 is standard price, we're constantly adding new discounts so it really is a bargain!
      Just spreading the word about the Teacher card.

      • +1

        Should have put it in the forums

  • +1

    Advertising <> deal

    • +1

      Advertising != deal

  • Does "teaching staff" apply to employees of edu institutions as well?

    • Hello,

      You'll need to show evidence of being a full time teacher or professor when you apply. if you're not sure send over what you have to [email protected] and we'll have a look for you.

      These cards are limited to teachers. We have student and youth cards too with similar discounts if you are eligible for either of those.

      • +1

        So only FULL-TIME teachers?

        Mmm … so four-day per week teachers like me who have a union card through AEU/NSWTF plus the Ambassador Card and its app can't use this ITIC.

        Smells like a dodgy deal of some sort?

        Can you tell me Louis, when you contacted the New South Wales Teachers Federation (13-23 Mary Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 … phone +61292172100), how did they respond?

        I'm tipping they were NOT interested. Did they offer you FREE promotion in the union journal or bulletin so you could make all 75000+ members aware of your offer?

        • Hi Iain,

          Our eligibility requirements are:
          To prove your full time teaching status, you will need a letter on official school or university stationery. This must state that you are employed at a recognised school, college or university for at least 18 hours per week, for a minimum of 1 academic year.

          So I should imagine working four days a week you would fit into that bracket

        • +1


          Why buy your dodgy card? Teachers already have a better benefit.

          AGAIN … Can you tell me Louis, when you contacted the New South Wales Teachers Federation (13-23 Mary Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 … phone +61292172100), how did they respond?

          I'm tipping they were NOT interested. Did they offer you FREE promotion in the union journal or bulletin so you could make all 75000+ members aware of your offer?

  • Buy getting

  • +1

    Not a deal. Move it to….???? Some where.

    • Agreed, No Deal here, best moved to forums section.

      • -1

        Hi mgguinne,
        Great idea, thank you for your helpful comment.
        We will have a look and hopefully move this to the forums.

        • The passive aggressive comments are just creepy!

  • -5

    Why exactly should teachers receive discounts? Why is teaching any different than any other career choice?

    Professors should definitely not receive discounts. They have to be the most overpaid, under-worked and flat out incompetent "professionals".

    • +2

      Spend a day in a classroom with 30 5yr Olds … Then you'll find the answer

      • -1

        No one is making them do this.

        • +1

          No one is stopping you from becoming a teacher and getting a card!

      • Or 42 years doing it, Car la la!

    • +1

      Sounds like someone got his Year 8 plagiarised essay sent back with a zero score. <GRIN>
      Anger issues because you got to recess late once or twice, eh, PainToad?

    • Its a tough job that most people wont/cant do for little money despite it being essential to the countries future. That why.

      • +1

        You're not an English teacher, are you?
        Several howlers there!

  • Teachers used to get free entry to Sydney aquarium, Wildlife park etc.
    Not any more unfortunately.

    • +1

      Pull out your Ambassador Card.
      There are discounts (or specified free 'research' entry) to many places.
      Australian Reptile Park and many NSW museums are kind to teachers.

      • +1

        I will try the Ambassador Card, but my teacher ID didn't work at Sydney aquarium last time…
        I think they changed their policy, no longer kind to teachers.

        • +1


          Read the promotions in the journal. Often I do the aquarium and IMAX together on one day for a great deal … FREE for me and about 10-15% off for each grandkid.

          Or put yourself on the subscribers' list for discount emails.

        • @IainLMTA: Good idea! I will add myself to the subscribers' list. Thank you.

  • +3

    Teachers who are members of their union already have their union card and their Ambassador Card.

    Teachers with the AEU (and its state and territory branches) are already members of IE, Education International, the international affiliate.

    Even "independent" teachers who work outside public education but are in the ITU are covered.

    This $30 spend on an ITIC is a clear waste of $30.

    Don't fall for it, Aussie Teachers. It appears to be someone's pocket-lining exercise. (BEFORE YOU SPEND $30, SPEAK TO YOUR UNION MEMBERSHIP SECTION and do read what local and international benefits you already have through your union card, your Ambassador card or both.)

  • Are TAFE lecturers eligible for this?

    • Don't tell me that there's someone left in TAFE who's not been casualised.

  • +1

    The ITIC gets you access to specially negotiated offers for teachers, there is a team of people globally who do this. This is the point of difference for this card over other cards. While we know that many teacher cards gain their owners great deals, this is different and can be used both in Australia and overseas.

    We have submitted a request to have this removed and will post in forums after being advised by a kind member that that would be best.

    Thank you

    • In other words, your penny dropped when enough people explained the meaning of 'bargain' and 'discount'.

      I see you tried a similar 'stunt' 23 months ago.

      • We have just received a message from OzBargain that this deal will not be removed, nor should be posted in forums.

        They advised it was a fine deal for this section of the website. Just passing on the message we received.

  • Ah, the good old student ID card.

    Back in the day, every Aussie backpacker heading for Europe had an obligatory stop on the Khao San Road, to get a fake student ID card.

    Is that still a thing?

    • Nah … there are apps and better quality fakes these days. :-)

    • It is indeed still a thing…www.isic.com.au
      Check it out and you can make your own opinion.

  • +1

    Come on children. Move on. Move on. No bargain here.

  • Pay $30 for the card, get $12.50 Palace Cinemas tickets and $14.50 Hoyts tix or $15.50 Event cinemas tix. Not terrible value if you're a frequent movie goer and don't like being tied to your mobile network's discount tix. I'm with Telstra for example and can only get Village Cinemas tix cheap in VIC - this card would allow me to get $14.50 hoyts tix as well.

    • Buy a $2 Optus sim (unless you get one for free - many ways to do this) and get Hoyts tickets for $11.50

    • +1

      Or use your Ambassador Card (free with union membership) and, in New South Wales, get:

      READING Cinemas
      Daytime movies (commencing before 6pm) for $7 MON-FRI and $7.50 SAT-SUN
      Evening movies $8.50 MON-FRI and $9 SAT-SUN

      HOYTS Cinemas
      All movies, all sessions $9.90

      EVENT Cinemas
      Daytime movies (commencing before 5:45pm) for $7 MON-FRI and $9 SAT-SUN
      Evening movies $9 MON-FRI and $11 SAT-SUN

  • I fail to see how this is a deal, more like an ad.
    even if this is a deal, this will be targeted, not everyone can get this.

    • But you +ve voted the deal???

      • +1

        click the wrong button :) how do I retract my vote?

        Edit: found it :)

  • Use your Ambassador Card (free with union membership) and shop at Liquor Stax liquor stores for:

    7.5% off non-discounted shelf/fridge liquor, soft drink and snack foods
    as well as
    2.5% EXTRA off weekly specials and bulk wine (6 bottles or more)

    • +1

      This whole thing is a waste of time as it's not a deal at all.

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