Another large price drop on the Google Pixel as the next version is due in 2 months.
33% off Google Pixel 128GB Silver $789 (Was $1169), Black $799 Delivered (HK) @ DWI

Last edited 15/08/2017 - 00:12 by 1 other user
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This is only about $150 less than what I saw it for at JB Hifi. I don't think that discount vs the uncertainty regarding grey vs aus retailers is worth it imo.
I've dealt with DWI before regarding warranty. Not worth it. I'd happily pay the $150 more to get it from JB. At least they recognise it for two years.
I think the harder part is finding stoxk at an Aussie retailer. I thought they were all pumping out the surface pro line now..
S8 would be a better phone at this price? (Both grey imp)
I would go for the Pixel. All of Samsung phones I have used for work, have been terrible when compared to my iphone. I feel that the Google Pixel should be the ''best'' Android experience. Have you tested both phones in a store like Optus?
iphone is in a different league ….. you will be getting ios updates for more years than android on a pixel ….. pixel and nexus were never there to make a major impact on google balance sheets ….. they are there to allow google to get new versions of android to the market early and get some momentum for other makers to adopt due to consumer pressure.
samsung probabaly sold more S8 than google sold pixel at same price points …..
If you're on a 2-3 year update cycle then whichever flagship device (be it iOS or Android) should be fine, just go with the ecosystem and UI experience that you are comfortable with.
If you're looking at Android I am very happy with the software on Nexus devices and Pixel should be the same. Beats the pants off the other Android flagship versions of Android that I've used.
@derfel.cadarn: nexus is slow and old and i don't understand why people are so obsessed about the updates and nexus devices.
@Braintrain1000: I dunno. Totally different device but I'm still using my 2013 Nexus, and it works like a charm. My Samsung s6 on the other hand I'm ready to throw into a brick wall.
@folktaliesin: got a xperia z3 and I'm still using it.. Whats a big deal? I have seen people using nokias lol
S8 trumps pixel. I would know after having RMAd 2 Pixel xls.
The S8 is a generation newer than the pixel. If you want a like for like comparison its S8 vs Pixel 2 vs iPhone 8
I'm using an s8+ and in my opinion, it's the best phone I've ever used.
Yes it is, not to mention that Pixel is almost a year old now, a competitor to last gen galaxy phones (S7).
I would go s8 too, the bezels on the pixel are way too thicc. The design is already showing its age imo, if you don't care about any of that then pixel has the better user experience imo
To summarise:
- Buy the S8 if looking at your phone is most important to you.
- Buy the Pixel if using your phone is most important to you.
s8 is better to look at but pixel is better to use. You can thrash the pixel fill up 100gb of storage and it will still perform better than s8. Not saying that s8 isn't fast, I'm just saying that pixel is like the iPhone of android. Optimised, reliable and simple to use.
Thanks guys. I'll wait for the pixel 2 (hope it's less than 1k)
Less than 1K? A man can dream.
Heads up rumors for the pixel 2 are pointing to a 6" flagship made by LG similar design to LG G6
And the a smaller budget orientated 5" pixel for us Nexus fansActually I was just thinking..
If it's made by LG wouldn't it be cheaper this time round?
LG flagships are usually $400-500 vs $800 for Samsung. (Grey import anyway)
Also the cheap nexuses (4&5) were both made by LG.
HTC phones have a reputation for being costly which might be why the pixels cost so much.A man can dream..
zero chance of it being less then $1000
Also pixel has no software features comparable to iPhone or Samsung. It's a blank slate. Out of the box an iPhone or S8 can do so much more.
The reason why people get pixel is that it is a blank slate. No Samsung bloatware.
@dasher86: yea, some say bloat, some say features. To get a pixel to do half the things an iPhone or Samsung does, you have to fill it with bloat anyway, or even root it.
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Thanks doweyy! That's been added to the post.
The S8 has a much better screen and is water resistant however the pixel is much faster, smoother, less software bloat and will get updates straight away (newer features and security fixes).
Very interesting, technical and non biased review / comparison…
I like the smoothness and speed of the pixel but those bezels are too big
The S8..Samsung are very stubborn and controlling much like Apple. Samsung have made great hardware but rubbish software…
I can't buy either… waiting to see what Google do with the pixel 2
I couldn't wait for the pixel 2 as my Nexus carked it.
After owning a HTC desire and Nexus, I've converted to vanilla android forever.
Nothing beats getting actual updates (looking at u HTC!) and having a phone with no bloatware. The price is still more than what it should be, but unfortunately Google have moved on from 'cheap' nexus's.
The pixel also offers unlimited storage of high quality photos…if you want android and cheap and vanilla android buy motorola …… the vanilla android on motorola was always one of their selling points and and their newer phones are one of the first to get new versions of android …… they even released android 7 for my 3 year old moto.
guess it depends how much you are willing to spend and if you are driven up frequent upgrades because you like gasser hardware or you are more concerned about software updates and are on a budget ( keep phone for 3-4 years).
i will look into this.
What model do you own?( keep phone for 3-4 years).
I wish it will last that long. Most old smartphones have batteries that doesnt last a day :(
To be fair, the reason for this is less these days. Updates are fewer and further between. Pixel going in 1 year and has received 1 new feature. Meanwhile Samsung galaxy has had a major version upgrade, a TouchWiz upgrade, app updates etc. Coming from a range of Nexus, HTC, LG, Sony, Samsung phones, it's hard to recommend a Nexus or pixel unless you love installing your own bloat and apps. Stock still is missing so many features that others have had for years. It's like other manufacturers are pushing android further while stock is just slowly catching up.
Pixel can't do many things other phones can do easily out of the box with quality software.
Also given most security updates are pushed to other brands withing a week or two of release, it's not that bad at all. And the argument of receiving the latest updates quicker is really worth less these days.
Have to agree to disagree.
Haven't used touchwiz before so I can't comment, but I've read Bixby isnt flash on Samsung phonws.
I did not miss anythng from the HTC phone.
I did note there is no notepad, however I use Evernote which syncs to my PC.And the argument of receiving the latest updates quicker is really worth less these days.…
If you want to wait 4/5months at least.@mmd: If you haven't used TouchWiz, then you can't really comment can you? Here's a copy paste from another comment I posted:
Google Pixel is a great introduction into the Android world and a great android phone. Compared to other phones, even the iPhone, it lacks many software features though, some of which people may not know of or choose to use (which some think of as bloat). Here are some things that are things you can get from an S8 over a Pixel (besides obvious hardware differences of bigger screen, waterproof, easier to hold etc etc):
* Knox - secure folders, secure information, secure apps, PCI compliant, block ads, turn sync off for certain folders.
* Sound - amazing audio processing with near zero latency, also comes with Samsung Pro Audio app which is amazing. Also handles volume management per app and per instance FAR better than stock's attempt at handling volume. By stock it even comes with a sound recorder app. Audio player is one of the best, offering many features that stock does not have, and even most paid apps do not have.…
* Bixby button - can be remapped for many tasks, such as tap to open google assistant, double tap to open application etc etc.
* S pay - Google pay is not available in many places, and SPay offers rewards and points which google pay does not.
* Gear VR with currently much better games and hardware.
* Bluetooth management through Samsung bluetooth connect is a dream, and far better than stock bluetooth settings.
* App tuner - intelligently (better than stock) applies performance and battery restrictions on apps, and disables apps that don't run etc.
* Desktop mode with dock
* Amazing video player with subtitle, nearly all codec, PIP
* Profile management based on location/wifi etc that can adjust phone settings (turn wifi/bluetooth off at work etc).
Many more but I'm too lazy.
Google Pixel UI is slightly more fluid, and is more consistently fluid than S8 currently, but keep in mind it does a lot less. Also Samsung will prob never release EVERY security patch right on time like Google Pixel/Nexus, and slightly worse would be the Major releases. Although keep in mind Note 7 was first phone available with android 7.0, and the Note 8 is coming out around 8.0 release too. So will see how they manage updates in the future.Also don't forget that there is nothing unique in the Google Pixel, that other phones can't do software feature wise. Literally the only thing that differs a Pixel/Nexus, is that it gets updates quicker - but don't think that these updates add features, because most do not. Once a year you will get a major version update, but everything in between is bug fixes and security patches. So for a whole year you get nothing new, unlike other phones.
iPhone 8 incoming!
VERY sharp pricing indeed.
Wow, very tempting but Pixel 2 is around the corner!!
Not worth it really when you can pick up a G6 for much less and an S8 for comparable. Pixel 2 will be interesting, as will the V30 be.
Agreed. I have had Nexus devices since the Nexus One but the Pixel price point put me off. I have upgraded to the G6 and after changing to the stock launcher I find it close enough to stock that I hardly notice the differences. Very happy with the phone for ~$500.
I've never had an LG (except the Nexus 4) so am interested in how their software is. I'm currently running an S6 and the phone has been slow for over a year now. Not a fan of the Sammy software, and want to move back to stock - but if LG is close enough to stock then it's a pretty big price saving for essentially the same hardware.
Well nexus 4 was made by LG but the software was pure Android, so that still would not have give u LG software experience.
LG software is OK to be honest, but with a few tweaks, specially by changing the launcher to something like Nova launcher will change the feel completely. The other bits like the notification bar and setting menu you can learn to live with it, it's not bad but not the most refined either. Over all I would recommend a LG G6 over a pixel at this price range. You can even get an HTC U11 at around this price point which I think def a better buy
The default launcher is rubbish IMO, trying to turn Android into IOS. But with the stock launcher installed it's a lot better, and some of the "smart" features are actually useful.
I enjoyed my first nexus, aside from one thing. One of my trade-offs for the lack of an SD card and a not quite as good camera was the rapidity of the vanilla android updates.
Silly me. It was the Samsung Nexus, a really nice phone, but the updates went from Google -> Samsung -> Provider ->Samsung -> Provider -> Samsung…
I don't know how any poor grey importers got on, I just remember that it got to Jelly bean a long time after everybody else, then was dropped from further updates due to "hardware limitations", limitations that didn't affect custom ROM builders, with MWisBest and Ziyan apparently getting it to Nougat.
I don't hold Google too much to blame tho, so am seriously considering the Pixel. They generally disappear when a new model comes out rather than being dropped, tho the Nexi 5X & 6 hung round for a while.
IMO SGS8 Plus is the bomb.
If I was gonna spend $700+ on a new phone.This or the XL?
That's what…..she said?
The only issue is the re-sale. Unfortunately iPhone are so much easier to flip as people are… influenced by mass marketing (to put it nicely). The whole Apple craze has made people go insane and not even consider a more superior product such as the Pixel. I mean what does the iPhone actually do so great. Yeah it has a nice screen, a high megapixel camera (great if I need to print a billboard size photo), and maybe some ease of use. But really all the apps you use aren't made by Apple and the ones they do make *cough apple maps kinda suck. If companies like Samsung and LG would keep their bloatware off their phones then you would see how great Android is. I'm not someone that is anti-apple having owned several of their phones, but this has what lead me to this opinion of them.
But there is no way a rational person is going to tell me that they will support a company who within all its power makes it harder for you to use your technology… I stopped looking at apple the day I asked where a HDMI port was on a Mac Book and they said you needed an adaptor… I'm just glad I can use my expensive headphones with ease and don't have to buy BASS by Dre.
But before you comment I understand full well the benefits business wise to their decisions because then I have to stick with etc… but to get back to my point I think re-selling a Pixel when you are ready to upgrade would be much hard. That is all haha.
Don't forfet with a pixel phone you get unlimited google photos storage.
Google Pixel 128GB Black/Silver $747 Delivered (HK) @ eGlobal FYI for those looking to purchase - Save $42/$52 on DWI's other site.
Do any of you guys know/guess how much the price will drop for the Pixel after the release of the Pixel 2? I'm tempted to buy it now but might regret it if theres a large price drop when the 2 is released.…
also very cheap