Udemy is giving a free Unity: Beginner to Advanced course that would cost $200!
Free Beginner's Course for Unity ~Udemy

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that would cost $200!
If they ever sold it for $200!
And who would be stupid enough to pay $200 for a course with only 7 hours of video content?
Friend, I've noticed "masterclass" has similar pricing for courses that give you only broad outlines of the subject. It seema to be an emerging trend of these online courses. I havent done this Unity course ywt but I do know my way around unreal and unity and im willing to be not a whole lot of substance is in a 7 hour course.
Maybe came with a alienware laptop and 5000 dollars of HECS debt?
Yeah Pluralsight sub is around $400 loads more content.
Yeah that is typical Udemy nonsense and just a gotcha if you're new to the site. Its usually 15-25 dollars for any course during their monthly sale.
Can someone confirm that the course is in 'understandable' English before I waste time watching it?
You won't be able to understand it, so you can continue to waste time with your comments here!
jv has a happy life writing comments
Thought unity had been abandoned for gnome?
Have an upvote for the Ubuntu reference.
Made me chuckle. Gnome is just as confusing as Unity now. Or maybe I'm just using it wrong. I'm liking xfce and Cinnamon these days.
?? Unity is a cross platform game development engine. Gnome is a Linux/bsd desktop environment. Cinnamon is another desktop based on Gnome….
Maybe this was meant as a joke, but it was a little obscure for me :-(
Ubuntu has a desktop environment called Unity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_(user_interface)
do u even ubuntu bruh?!
Humblebundle has Unity and Unreal engine book thing at the moment too, which may interest similar people.