This was posted 7 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Herald Sun Digital Subscription $1 for 28 Days, with a Minimum $20 Cashback (up to $31.50)


EDIT: Looks like it's been pulled from both cashback sites.

Important: Sign up to Digital subscription only as this gives the cashback.

To get the $1 for 28 day subscription, sign into either Cashrewards or Pricepal and click through to Herald Sun.

I have linked Cashrewards, as the cashback is $20.

With the varying levels of Pricepal cashback, it may be better going through them. They range from $17.50 to $31.50.

Going through either of the cashback sites will give you the $1 subscription offer, so cannot just link to Herald Sun site.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3770)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Herald Sun
Herald Sun

closed Comments

  • +43

    How do I wipe my arse with a digital edition?

    • +11

      Use the screen, then wash it and reuse.

      • +7

        That's recycling, Rupert Murdoch won't like that.

        • +13

          his columnists do that.

        • +1


          ^* colon'ists

      • +3

        In terms of entertainment ozbargain shits all over these newspapers.

  • +9

    This reminds me of the '$40 Rebel offer' in 2014.

    • +16
      • +2

        Haha.. i c.. thanks for both posts.

        so, do we need to the subscription active before receiving the cashrewards cashback(up to 90 days)? or just signed up and cancel at anytime before the renewal?

        • I think it is just limited to one Subscription per Member. No mention of time frame.
          From the Cashrewards site:
          Special Terms


          Cashback is only eligible for a 'Digital Membership' subscription. No Cashback will be paid on the 'Digital Membership & Weekend Delivery' or 'Digital Membership & 7 Day Delivery' options.

          Sales will appear as 'News Corp Australia' in your My Rewards.

          Cashback offer is limited to one Subscription per Member. Fair use policy applies.

          Please note that at the end of the initial 28 days, subscriptions will automatically renew to $28 to be billed 4 weekly.

        • Maybe TA can confirm?

        • I too ask that

          regardless, i ve signed up the $1,
          reverts back to $28 after,
          obviously really need to keep your eye on the ball to cancel before the date

        • @johnno1987: ref "No Cashback will be paid on the 'Digital Membership & Weekend Delivery' or 'Digital Membership & 7 Day Delivery' options." that makes this deal as clear as mud? so can one pay $1 and still use a referral and go via pricepal or cr and cancel payment in paypal straight away and expect to get cash back?

        • @coolsteps: Cashback is paid on digital only subscription. Do not purchase digital + weekend paper even though it's the same price. The $1 subscriptions are only accessible through the cashback site links at this stage, so I cannot imagine why the cashback would not work.

          Correct about PayPal, just deactivate the automatic payments in your PayPal settings.

        • @johnno1987: TA is so busy, having said that it would be great if he can confirm.

      • Well thank you again. I benefited from that deal :)

      • That Rebel deal was a post to remember; Thanks again!

  • +5

    Remember to cancel the recurring payments in Paypal after subscribing

    • How do I cancel my subscription, I signed up for the wrong one

      • +48

        You had one job and you stuffed it

        • +1

          Is that you mrs poormansfriedchicken?

    • How to do that? Never seen such an setting on my PayPal account

      • +12
        1. Click the Settings icon next to "Log out."
        2. Click the Payments tab, then click Manage pre-aproved payments under "Pre-approved payments."
        3. Select the payment you'd like to cancel, then click Cancel.
        • +2

          I wrote something about cancelling with Hello Fresh but it's the same process if you want visual instructions. Here. Ctrl-F If you’ve paid via Paypal, log into Paypal .

        • thanks, worth noting the setting is not available on phone app, i had to go to

        • -2

          @neil: Ctrl-F doesn't work on my Mac. What should I do?!

        • @theStinge: Scroll down the page!??!

        • @czd: It was meant to be a joke mate - it's Command+F on a Mac. Phew! Just as well I've got a day job eh?

  • How does the referral work?

  • When the cashback will be applied and paid? How long we have to keep the subscription open ?

  • -2

    Why hasn't TA posted this deal? (directed to TA)

    I'll believe it when TA says it.

    • +4

      O TA, TA! Wherefore art thou TA?

  • +2

    so is this like the AmaySIM deal where if you cancel before renewal you actually end up in profit?

    • In guessing yes! :)

    • Amaysim never paid out

      • I got mine approved :)

      • Just email them. If it's on your click history they'll pay it immediately

        • It might be a different Amaysim/CR cashback offer. The one I tried was from Dec 2015. I waited the 3 months (estimated approval date), then contacted CR, and was told no go.

  • Thanks I signed up easily, didn't realise it was only digital subscription and got stuck for a while, now to figure out how to cancel.

    Seems like you have to call them on 1300 696 397, pretty easy I guess.

    • +1

      Call them if you paid by card, or just stop the recurring payments in Paypal.

      • Too easy, I paid by card so I'll give them a call when I get the tracking receipt.

        • Make sure you don't cancel right before the subscription ends, pretty sure there's a cancellation clause in their terms and conditions.

        • +1


          It says that cashback won't be paid if the subscription is cancelled or returned, guessing this will be useless if we don't get paid before then?

        • +2

          "Your Subscription will continue until cancelled by either one of us. You may cancel your Subscription by calling Customer Support on 1300 MY NEWS (1300 69 63 97).

          You must provide a minimum of 7 business days’ notice, if you want to cancel your subscription. Cancellations will take effect at the end of the subscription period, which is current at the end of the 7 business day notice period."

          So more than one weeks notice to cancel since it says 7 business days' notice. Give yourself enough time for cancellation.

        • +1

          @doweyy: Yeah I couldn't tell you with any certainty. I found this deal a month ago and did it. Cashrewards tells me the estimated approval date is 3 months after I claimed for it. No idea if I'll actually get it.

          Unsure if the cashback only requires you to subscribe for the $1 and then you're allowed to cancel the monthly subscription (what I hope happens) or if you have to continue. yolo worst case scenario is $1 lost

        • +1

          @jetjump: Yeah. If you pay with Paypal and cancel the recurring subscriptions, they will spam your email inbox a couple times saying your payment has been declined. After a while they will cancel it.

        • +2


          Too easy, thanks for helping out! I'll wait until I get a tracking receipt and then cancel and hope for the best. The 3 Month Tracking date is automatic and can be adjusted at any time btw.

  • +10

    I always said they'd have to pay me to read their crap - I guess today is the day

  • +18

    Hi all. Please note this deal is not restricted to the Herald Sun. You can choose from one of the four News Corp publications. CR links below…

    • +1

      How long until Cashback is Confirmed? Can we cancel before renewal and still get the cashback?

    • +4

      Is it possible to do it once for each publication?

      • +1

        "Cashback offer is limited to one Subscription per Member. Fair use policy applies."

        Kinda want confirmation too

    • +1

      how tight is the 90 day confirmation period enforced?

      • +1

        Dependz if theyve learnt from the rebel deal.

    • I paid $5 in total, how come so many only paid $4. Did I waste $1 ?

  • Signed up - but no email from CR yet? HELP TA!

    • +1

      Notification: 1 to 7 Days
      Rewards may take 7 days to be credited to your account. You will receive an email to advise your rewards are pending and awaiting confirmation.

  • Thanks :)

  • +1

    Can you sign up and then cancel straight away?

    • ^^THIS?

    • +1

      I'll cancel the moment CR sends me confirmation.

      • Ok, received confirmation. I've now cancelled on PayPal subscription to newslimited .

  • -6

    Digital news should be free!

    • +2

      "Despite bad media … #covfefe"

    • This is stupid, even for OB.

  • +10

    It's a +1 from me for costing Newcorp $19.

  • +2

    People who consume commercial news are worse off psychologically (addiction and psychological stress), from simply being misinformed about various topics such as what their gummints and leaders are doing and from being manipulated into spending money by the advertising - advertising which often poses as editorial with no sign that it is paid for.

    If you think I'm joking about addiction prove me wrong and spend 7 days consuming no news at all.

    • How about people who consume $19 profit? ;-)

      FWIW i agree with you re news.

    • Yup I agree, I used to be addicted my self.

      Ps are there any news sources that you use/recommend Diji1?

      • It's why critical thinking is important. Oddly in NSW the Telegraph website has a tonne of articles on local politics missing everywhere else.

  • OP making a note of this:

    Cashback Schedule

    Notification: 1 to 7 Days
    Rewards may take 7 days to be credited to your account. You will receive an email to advise your rewards are pending and awaiting confirmation.

    Confirmation: Up to 90 Days
    The return period of the goods has passed and the store has confirmed your cashback. Your rewards are now available for payment.

    • +1

      I'll take the risk. Potential return of $126 for an outlay of $4.

      • $28pm after the first month

        • +2

          I've cancelled the pre-approved payments via PayPal as per your instructions.

        • @Reveen: are you saying each paper is eligible for 1 CR?

        • +1


          From that comment TA says 'You can choose from one of the four News Corp publications.' so probably only one time payout

      • +1
         I'll take the risk. Potential return of $126 for an outlay of $4.

        Yeah, but what a bitter $4 it will be if none of it comes to fruition!

        • +1

          You have to spend money to make money.

        • +3


          I'm all for screwing newslimited ….. Fingers x'ed! ….. Just promise us you won't continue with any subscription outside of the promo period.

        • +1
        • @Reveen:

          Lol. Missed that commen!

  • +2

    For free if your local library has a subscription…

    • +11

      … but no cashback. We want to get paid, not to read it.

    • Or even just walk in?

  • +4

    Good deal about the cashback

    As for Newcorp's paywall.. .yeah, "Pay us money so you can view our ads and 'advertorials'!"

    • +3

      You would think if you were paying for their content you could get it ad free.

  • +1

    Small price to pay for them to expand their "journalism"

  • -2

    Good News, the Racism it will cause is also free ;)

  • +2

    easy just transfer $1 to a dud card and after reaches 28 days u should get the cashback without worrying about cancel

  • Got mail from CR
    Retailer: Herald Sun
    Date of sale: 21 Jul 2017
    Sale value: AUD 0.00 *
    Expected cashback: AUD 20.00
    Estimated approval: 19 Oct 2017

    which means I have to shell out 28*3 month i think its no deal.. am i right or I am just jumping to conclusion.

    • I hope you're wrong

    • +4

      I was wondering the same. It will certainly be a terrible misallocation of $1 if that Is the case.

      I already feel "dirty" having an email headed "News Limited Subscription Confirmation" in my inbox.

    • Hope TA confirms soon

  • +3

    News Corp.
    Dumbing down Australia & oversimplifying complex issues since the 1980s

    • +4

      As it's frequently said, the only thing you can trust printed in a News Limited newspaper is the "date" and "price".

    • -1

      You must prefer getting your Fake News from FewFacts then.

  • -1

    (profanity) the Herald Sun, (profanity) the journalists who spew hate in it and most of all (profanity) Rupert Murdoch.

  • If you can get access to a university email address and student ID,it becomes worthwhile having a subscription.

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