This was posted 7 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Doom XB1/PS4 $15 @ Big W

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DOOM for $15 at Big W - Thats a Bargain

Xbox One:



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closed Comments

  • +11

    Been this price a few times now. Do yourself a favour and if you haven't picked it up, do so!

  • This game is a blast. I'm just about ready for playthrough #3

  • "Apologies for the inconvenience, but this item is out of stock online."

    I assume that you can still buy it in-store?

    • Home delivery seems to work for me, up until the final checkout stage.

      • Maybe it's just my area (4068)

    • Yeah definitely - my original photo for the post was taken in store (MacArthur square) but it put the picture of the link.

  • +1

    And I paid $18 at EB Games about 6 months ago for the UAC pack. I am feeling ripped off :(

    • That's sarcasm right?

      • Not on ozbargain ;)

  • +4

    For such a fast paced twitchy game, how does it play using a controller?

    For FPS I always prefer a Mouse + Keyboard and I don't have problems playing with FPS on consoles, just that I might not get that much fun with Doom on a console.

    • +5

      I used to talk this crap when i was 10.

      You get used to it pretty quickly.

      • +12

        Crap? I just gave my personal opinion that I prefer Mouse + KB over controller. I wasn't "anti-controller/pro keyboard mouse".
        I've played heaps of FPS on BOTH PC and Consoles but I was just asking a question how such a fast paced FPS plays with a controller.

        • +1

          I think using a controller may avoid "Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)".

        • -4

          us older guys are getting comments like this leading into gamer bashing and the whole "pc master race" crap that is offensive as hell so you can imagine us getting riled at people bashing keyboard and mouse over gamepad.

          We're at a point with tech at the moment that yes keyboard and mouse are more accurate but for gameplay wise your not going to lose out playing other people with controllers, it's not like the ps2 days where thumbsticks were twitchy as anything and needing heavy compensation and auto aim.

          I used to play competitive a long time ago and since steam have gone mainly to console especially for competition we've already seen several top overwatch players from console go to pc to prove a point to match it with the (not using the bs line from pc gamers) and go on to dominate on there as well.

          You wont find an issue with it, yes there is a slight disadvantage on accuracy but it wont hamper your enjoyment and you wont be dealing with wallhacks and aimbots.

      • +2

        That's because games help you out with auto aim.

        • -3

          not by much. The gap has been closed.

        • @typhoonadventure: The auto aim still helps, I have a PS4.

        • +2

          Another correct post downvoted? FabMan is correct. Console games where any sort of aiming is required, all have some form of aim assist and some games even have bullet magnetism (prime example is Halo-which Ive been playing for over a decade so I'd know) to compensate for the lack of accuracy and consistency with a controller.

          From personal experience:

          Ive been playing primarily console (playstaation and Xbox) for over 15 years now. Recently however, is when I noticed very clearly (same game, usually I play different shooters on PC) on gears 4 (which Ive been playing on Xbox since launch) once I switched to PC and played it on a Keyboard and mouse, and at 60 fps in horde (console does 60 in versus, 30 in horde) my aim was far superior from my very first match. Now, some may try to say that its because I play PC more, well again incorrect, I've played around 120 hours of Halo 5 with a controller, and played Gears 4 since its launch-until 2 weeks ago- on a controller.

          The "gap" has certainly not been closed, maybe for casual players, but not for the rest.

        • -1

          @Ahbal: its closed get over it.

          Thats why consoles dominate gaming, hell even competition, yes there is some aim assist but it's not much and as pointed out it's not like it used to be things have improved.

          Gap is deader than dead, trying to dig it again and widen it is all in your head from a competitive point of view and if you want to argue slight aim assist look at all of the transition players who have gone from competitive console to competition pc and still dominated.

          Arguing over the differences just hurts gaming as a whole and holds us back, when pc fanboys stop doing this whole "M/R" offensive crap and console players stop talking up scorpio like it's jesus version 3.0 we'll all be better off for it.

        • +1


          Again no. I will respond no matter the circumstance to prevent this constant spread of misinformation. Nothing you have said are facts, it is YOUR opinion. On the other hand, I stated the facts of game mechanics on consoles whilst contrasting with my experience to explain my stance- being a "fanboy" of neither. None of my posts have been "offensive" or follow a "PC master race" (which a joke btw, console gamers just get offended by it for some reason) theme as I never once stated that.

          If what you say is true, how has the gap been closed? If it were closed, games on console would not need aim assist and projectile/bullet magnetism (as stated previously) nor would the need for "pro" or "elite" controllers be present as well as custom competitve controllers (which the "pro" console players must use to remain competitive, such as scuf-you see this in all esports).

          Do any form of scientific accuracy testing using a Xbox One or PS4 controller (even the "pro" and "elite" one), and you will find an average mouse and keyboard set (that is cheaper than the console controllers and last far longer) you will find the average KBM be more accurate than the controllers, even if with controller usage aim assist is on. The gap is clearly still present. I have no idea why you keep carrying on as if my arguments are from some raving fanboy.

        • -3

          @Ahbal: Again no. I will respond no matter the circumstance to prevent this constant spread of misinformation…

          So don't read any crap you've got to talk and keep spamming you to waste your time making you look a fool until you give up. Got it.

        • @typhoonadventure:

          Yes because writing out thought out points to explain you are completely wrong to ensure no one carries your misinformation is totally spamming.

        • -1

          @Ahbal: it was more along the levels of you completely missing the point and wanting to go to war over it.

          Again this is what is making gaming hostile and creating further problems, instead of coming together and breaking down barriers…… this crap.

        • +1


          Missing the point by explaining that the gap between controllers and KBM still exists, when you originally stated that it had been "closed"? Not at all, it is clear you are distancing yourself from the incorrect statement you tried to pass off as a fact, rather than admitting you were wrong. You talk of "breaking down barriers" yet when I took time to write out an elaborate explanation for you to show why and how they exist, you ignored the points and called it "spam". If you want to "come together" and "break down barriers" read and understand counter points instead of calling them spam just because you disagree with them.

        • -2

          @Ahbal: and now your resorting to neg all my posts..

          The gap is gone dude. Accept it.

    • +5

      Plays proper good, on both of them.

      Mind you the only shooter I ever really got into on PC was Quake 3 way back when, so comparatively I got nothing except old school shooters like Dark Forces and Duke 3D.

      • Thanks for letting me know. I've played FPS on both PC and console but maybe a little bit more on PC.

    • +4

      Why was this downvoted? Just because you disagree it does not mean this post is not constructive and deserves a downvote. I was thinking the exact same thing upon seeing this deal as I game on both Xbox and PC depending on the games (splitscreen- console for e.g.).

      Its a legitimate consideration when buying an FPS, especially one like doom. As for example, when I play MCC or any other Halo fps on console, I feel sickened by the FOV (especially Halo 3).

      • +4

        Yes, thanks for the support. I was merely just asking the question and then got downvoted as if I was making a anti-controller statement.

        FYI I never had any problems playing the Halo series.

    • I've got it for PS4 and I'm a PC gamer, I enjoy it, but it takes a little while to get use too. Put it on hard mode and learn quickly and it'll be alright.

  • +1

    Outstanding game. This and Inside, games of the year, 2016.

  • Has anyone here been able to play a multiplayer game on XBox One Doom (no pre-arrangement with friends)?

    I've tried several times and never once got a game on XBox Live. If so when were you playing? And what mode?

    I think Australia is in its own XBox region, and we just don't have the players to constantly serve up players in some of the less popular multiplayer titles.

    • +1

      The community died off pretty quickly - the multiplayer was average at best. Still probably my favourite single player experience of the last year, though.

  • Only gives me a option of click and collect

  • I haven't found a multiplayer game since buying this 6 months ago on Xbox 1…
    I'll just have to hang on to my Beta memories…
    Must have been very bad for the community to die off sooooo quick… or Battlefield 1 happened… shrug

  • Does anyone know for a fact why PS and Xbox versions of the games sell for such low prices so often? PC versions seem to be dearer in general.

  • This is a bargain at $15.
    What a surprisingly incredible game it was for me

  • pencil of doom

  • +2

    Bought this 6 months ago price matched at EB when Target had it for $15 before. I've put in several hours but I've yet to finish it because I just can't get into it. Usually, a game grows on me until I get into it and really start to enjoy it, but not this one. I love the original Doom and Doom II, but I don't get the same vibe from this one, despite what others say. I feel that the glory kills disrupt the flow of what is otherwise a shallow shooter on steroids and speed, and nothing else. I know it's Doom, but the level design and gameplay feel very repetitive. With so many people saying it's GOTY for them, I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing. I've tried playing on harder difficulties, but it doesn't make it more fun. Maybe it's just not my cup of tea. Advice? I bought it though, so I'll get around to finishing it…

    • +1

      Thank goodness. I've thought similar things but couldn't find anyone with the same opinion to support me. It it so weird to be an adult videogame-player and to see people lose their marbles over a singleplayer game that contains such contradictory design choices. I also read everywhere that it was hard, as in REALLY hard. I play Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, and console/PC shooting games regularly, and to be honest I found Doom to be a total walk in the park on the hard difficulty, to the point where I hadn't even died except to a couple clumsy pitfalls and I eventually turned it off due to lack of challenge.

      But then again I was on the sidelines when people were cracking each other's skulls about how Skyrim is the best game ever, so maybe I just have a different standard of singleplayer games. Doom is in no definition a 'bad game', but I can't see what others see in it.

      But again this game's existance seems like a strange contradiction! It's a reboot of a game series that only adults will remember, with violence and themes for adults, with giant button prompts meant for little kids and quite easy gameplay. I just don't get this industry sometimes. I understand that making your game too hard would alienate the casuals, but as we say over at Dark Souls and Monster Hunter, "Git gud".

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