How hot are these prices. As stated on IWTF, Air Canada hardly ever has sales and fares are usually in excess of $1500. Unfortunately these prices are only ex Sydney. Travel dates are Oct-Dec 2017. Some sample dates and fares are listed below. Safe travels :)
Sydney to Vancouver Return
09/Oct 23/Oct $939
16/Oct 30/Oct $939
06/Nov 20/Nov $939
13/Nov 27/Nov $939
27/Nov 11/Dec $939Sydney to Toronto Return
09/Oct 23/Oct $944
30/Oct 13/Nov $944
06/Nov 20/Nov $944
13/Nov 27/Nov $944
20/Nov 04/Dec $944Sydney to Montreal Return
09/Oct 23/Oct $985
16/Oct 30/Oct $985
23/Oct 06/Nov $985
30/Oct 13/Nov $985
06/Nov 20/Nov $985Sydney to Calgary Return
16/Oct 30/Oct $947
23/Oct 06/Nov $947
06/Nov 20/Nov $947
27/Nov 11/Dec $947
09/Oct 23/Oct $954
Eh ?