This was posted 7 years 8 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Super Bomberman R £29.07 (~$49.80) Shipped @


Super Bomberman R for Nintendo Switch £27.38 + £1.69 shipping.

Shows as £32.85 but 20% VAT is removed for Australian addresses during checkout.

Also discounted on the Australian eShop for $53.97 was $89.95. Ends 8 July.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Also gives you the the full 60 gold coins on my Nintendo

  • +1

    Is the game nice?

    • Not really, it's extremely average. If you have 3 local friends, there's some fun to be had, everything else is not worth talking about.

    • Its great, BM games are always classic. Hope for more in the future.

  • +2

    Saw 29 and thought it was finally almost a reasonable price, but when I realized it was really 49, I was like bye.

    I (profanity) love Bomberman too.

    • Lol, its a great game. I get people dont have the cheddar, but damn, if you love it that much, Bruh!

      It well worth it at the current price, i always put a ton of hours into these games. Its a killer app as far as the current video game market is concerned. Nice boss battles. They charged what it was worth initially and people bought, cheap is always nice, but sometimes you gotta pay to play great games fam.

      Outside of some online issues i heard (which i havent tried) its tip top. Also free updates are welcome and the right way to go.

      Success of it will probably lead to a New Adventure Island, 2d Castlevania.

      • I got no problem with coughing up the dough, come July 6 I'll have 20 games for the portable I paid 480 for on launch day.

        But I ain't never paying that much for this little stuff. 20 is about the most it looks to be worth.

        And supporting it likely won't yeild anything let alone that. Adventure island? No time soon. 2d Castlevania? If, and that's a big if, that happens, it will be because of the interest in shit like bloodstained.

        On top of that, they only dumped Bomberman on the switch as a show of faith in Nintendo (emphasis on show), and because it's not something they think will sell a bunch. When it only sells a few, they get to say they tried with the switch and with the game and move on, however if it sold like hotcakes they still get to be supportive of Nintendo and then get to dump the game on the big boy consoles. It's a cheap way of testing the waters with little to no risk is what it is.

        • "Little stuff". Lol. It has a boss based campaign and its a classic series with entries that always hold up. I guess in the "gamer" world these types of games dont count, have no value i guess if a striking voice actor and cgi animation isn't included. Even when individuals apparently "love" a game or series. Nope. LOL! Damn, thats cold.

          This is why little risk is taken and these games go away. And then "gamer" types claim "there is no variety!"… Yet they'll complain about the "Big stuff" regardless. If it isn't a copy paste by the numbers with reused assets and visual tech demoing from big company, forget it! No game is worth it if it doesnt do that i guess. That is a cold attitude and some would say thats an idea planted by the "toxic gamer" internet culture stuff we see. Why alot of mid sized companies in industries went bye bye.

          Forget fun, unique game styles and replay-ability lol. Gimmie that same same with the mocap actors and visual tech demos we already see. Thats what us reel gamerz wwantt.

          Average joe game fans seem to enjoy outside of the internet "gamer" crowd. Dont see the point in spending alot on cheap games that folks dont like, over something they'd get alot of value out of because it isn't an "accepted" gamer type game. Bruh! Contradicts the point of having fun.

          It already sold well, from what i recall above 500,000 early on, possibly closer to a mill. Not that it actually matters.

          I judge a games worth based on how fun the gameplay is, how much replay i can get out of it too, whether its fun to go back too. These games are designed for replay and its a timeless game formula. Lol they already said they were looking at other games after releasing BM and it doing well.

          But we'll see, future looks bright.

        • @BNN: Okay, fine, since worded logic doesn't work, here's some number logic for you. This is why this game was never worth 90 dollars.

          Don't complain too me about people not trying different shit. On my Switch alone I've got a fighter in King of Fighters 98, a shoot 'em up in Metal Slug 3, a kart racer in Mario Kart, an open world in Zelda, a musical and fighter mashup thing in Rudymical, a touchbased puzzle/tower building thing in World of Goo, a Hotline Miami clone in Mr Shifty, a space shoot 'em up in Graceful Explosion Machine, an arcade sports title in NBA Playgrounds, a top down action RPG in Kamiko, and so on. I buy anything that looks fun, I'll take a chance on some smaller game if it looks fun too. I am not your enemy here.

          500,000 units? Out of like 3 or so million Switches? Good. Then hopefully that's high enough sales that they'll release it on PS4/Xbone/PC as well and it will eventually hit a reasonable price.

          As do I, it's the reason I still play Spider-Man 2 regularly to this day. But what you're saying there, is the same generic positive PR bullshit every company puts out. Remember that time Nintendo said the DS was the "third pillar" to the Game Cube and GBA, and that it was never going to replace it? Same thing. It's covering themselves so if it fails they didn't (profanity) it up too bad, and if it succeeds they can go full steam ahead. It's basic marketing 101, dude.

        • -1

          @TheDukeOfNukem: Lol Chill lad, Not sure what the platform/c wars has to do with it, but okay. Game wasnt 90 exactly, it was between 60-70 a bunch of places, now as posted 49. Even then, its a killer app level, holy grail series!

          Yes companies do rely on PR sometimes and can be wishy washy, but who expected a new Bomberman game? Anythings possible!…
          Best to keep exclusive given it was advertised as such, plus adds a decent amount of value to the platform, only fair to those that bought it there. Keeps competition and variety between platforms, incentive to buy.

          How long to beat is irrelevant to a game like BM. That site is more for speedrunner/tech types, not very accurate of length/value. Its a unique arcade style game, with party elements and built in multiplayer for the system. Its gameplay is timeless and is a classic series with game fans, since the 80s. Which is why individuals "love" it, or so you claimed ya? You get countless hours of gameplay out of this, its that good, addictive. It also had a campaign (which they didn't need to include, but they did). Plus some free updates.

          Treating a hall of fame game/series like its 'just another indie' level title is undervaluing it significantly! Somewhat strange if you're that into it too. Not to say indies arent great, awesome or cheap, but comparing those ones to the BM series! Bruh! Sometimes devs gotta take the risk to keep that variety too. If it was digital maybe id understand more, but its physical too.

          If money is tight, better off putting some shekels aside for a few games you'd really enjoy sooner (like this), then spending a bunch on more cheaper stuff you'd probably enjoy far less right? Not saying it is, but it still sounds like the internet "gamer mentality" having some influence there on what your allowed to buy maybe.

          I just find the thought process fascinating with internet "gamer" crowd. You had folks paying top dollar for games with poor, dated repetitive design in Crash 1,2 and 3 (partly) in the HD trilogy. Despite it being much cheaper on Ps3/PSP. Even some trading 2 higher valued new games at EB just to play a fresh coat that they'd regret later seeing the game was empty nostalgia. But hey, some people really wanted to play it i guess, which was my sort of me point! Im sure gamers can work some trade trick to get what they want if they really want it. Cheers lad.

        • @BNN: Lol chill dude, not sure when the platform / console wars were mentioned but okay, go ahead and bring that into it then. Game was 90 exactly, being available cheaper elsewhere doesn't bring the RRP down, 49 is still a lot for this type of game. It's not killer app level, we all know that's Zelda or maybe Mario Kart at a stretch, no one is buying Switches for Bomberman.

          No one expected it, that's the point. This was a way for them to take a risk with minimal effort and no real loss. You get that's what I'm saying, right?
          It's not best to keep it exclusive. It's not luring people into the platform at all, and those who have the Switch and want it may feel pushed away from the ridiculous price and exclusivity, dumping it on all 3 ensures a larger potential install base and higher likelihood of purchasers.

          HLTB is never irrelevant. It's a good way to figure out how long you will get out of a game based on AVERAGES. There's different sections too, speedrunners are in their own section, normal plain jane playthroughs are always worth looking at the average times for, because generally they are pretty accurate.

          I do love Bomberman, as you weirdly seem to keep pointing out, and Bomberman is hot shit. But I'll be buying real Bomberman for 5/10 bucks on the Virtual Console when it drops, not paying 90 for some imitation.

          "It also had a campaign (which they didn't need to include, but they did). Plus some free updates." wow. Okay. I'm not gonna bother with the rest of your stuff then, you're clearly blinded. Wow, thanks for going out of your way to include a campaign, that's so nice of you to put into your 90 dollar launch game. Oh, and FREE updates too, wow, thank you for fixing the shitass frame rate after release instead of waiting a bit longer to release the game with all the kinks ironed out, you sure are good people, thank you SO much for giving me the privilege of being able to give you nearly a hundred bucks for this.

          Bugger it, I'm near the end anyway. I didn't compare the game to an indie, and like half the stuff you're saying, that seems to have come from nowhere and you're just confusing the whole thing. That being said, I've never played a single indie game that had the balls to ask for 90 bucks.

          If money is tight I wouldn't be buying a Switch or a bunch of games for it like I said earlier. And no, not really. As I said earlier, I replay the shit out of my stuff, Spidey 2 being a great example. This Bomberman party game thing just looks like a small pile of what it should be, and all it does is make me want the real Bomberman, 90 bucks for a shitty nostalgia trip is ridiculous. The hell you talking about "internet gamer mentality"? I buy what I wanna buy, but nice try assuming…whatever you're assuming, not making a lot of sense and you're kind of all over the place to be honest.

          No idea what your point was, but the only one you got across was "Hi, I'm both a hypocrite, and completely oblivious to the fact I'm a hypocrite." … You support this dumpster fire of a game that banks solely on nostalgia going for NINETY DOLLARS, but you badmouth people who want to trade 2 pile of shit $5 Singstar games and pay 20 bucks for 3 completely remade absolute classic games? So you're telling me 30 bucks for 3 amazing games being remade from the ground up, at 10 bucks a piece, is a rip off deal and a sad state, but 90 dollars for (profanity) Bomberman in 2017 is a bargain? I've wasted too much time on the troll, but you're welcome for the entertainment, anyone else reading.

        • -1

          @TheDukeOfNukem: Actually i got Switch for it, 1-2 Switch and Zelda (WiiU one requires installs Boo!). I know others that got the system for this specifically, and 1-2 Switch and Zelda. Continued games and concepts of the thing is interesting….. I wasn't trashing indies either per se, just a bunch of those compared to legends like BM, well many dont really compare.

          I didn't really badmouth anyone, just attitudes which seem a little contradictory, especially for those that want a great game/series (Bomberman), but then convince themselves they dont want it despite opportunities to get something cheaper? Still early on too. While others went through hoops to trade higher quality games and 20 bucks for a few HD remakes of poor, dated Crash games (Yes they are poorly designed objectively, from level design, repetition etc). 3 was somewhat okayish almost. Just gave an honest take, Crash 1-3 were favs back then but they dont hold up well at all! : ) Whats wrong with Singstar? Last i checked they've had more new entries compared to Crash… Only salty console warriors are against games being exclusive, not saying thats you but thats generally a gamer type attitude online. I support platforms that secure great games to them or make them.

          I never said 90 was a bargain, not sure where that came from, seems you've read a chunk of that wrong lad. It may have been 89 some places, but it was between 60-70 others too. Some 70 something. Some 50+ recently. 49 for a physical copy is cheap for a games thats worth it. Especially when its still fun to play for years on end. On the go and at home with built in system multiplayer. Anyways, relax, video games not that important!
          Cheer up!

          Just thought the reasoning was odd given you seem to really want it and think its great, but for arbitrary reasons deem it not real or a fire? Strange. That game that i like for being a certain way, is that way that i like, but im not going to buy it, because its not the real one. Huh? Lol. I dunno.

          The difference betweens BMs nostalgia is that its warranted and still holds up gameplay wise. The game is a nice old meets new in a new game, feels like the 2d and 3d ones with the isometric feel to it. Classic and timeless.
          Crashs first 2 games and a portion of 3, dont hold up. People that go back and play them see how poorly designed they are and the nostalgia turns to sadness. : (

  • Anyone know approximately how long it will take for delivery?

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