This was posted 7 years 7 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus July 2017 Games: [PS4] Until Dawn, GOT: A Telltale Series, That's You + More (Subscription Req'd)


Playstation Plus free games for July 2017

Until Dawn – PS4
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Series – PS4
That’s You – PS4 (4th July onwards)
Tokyo Jungle – PS3
Darkstalkers Resurrection – PS3
Don’t Die Mr Robot – PS Vita (cross-buy with PS4)
Element4l – PS Vita

Finally some good games for PS4. Enjoy

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closed Comments

  • Any feedback on the ps4 games - have not played or heard of any , just curious if i should active my ps plus bought int he recent sales or wait :)

    • +1

      Havenot played myself but from what i have heard, Until dawn and Game of thrones: telltale series are quite good

    • +11

      Until Dawn is awesome, it plays out like a horror story in the woods if you like that kind of thing

    • +6

      Until Dawn is a great story type game. You'll recognise one character, the dude that's in Mr Robot.

      • +4

        And cheerleader from heroes girl

        • oh yeah, Hayden Panettiere

      • Holy sheet you're right!!!

        • +1

          the game extras shows videos of the cgi modelling/acting. Pretty interesting.
          As soon as I saw the character I thought "I know him"

    • +1

      They are amazing. Best games I ever played!

  • Looking forward to playing until dawn and game of thrones, been loving the telltale games. Thanks OP

    • +1

      Same here

  • Game of Thrones will get you a platinum and it's a fairly enjoyable story too, plus it wont take long #winning

    • +4

      Telltale games for plats ftw 👍

    • Level: 12 - Bronze 726, Silver 132, Gold 15, Platinum 0

      • Life is strange is an easy platinum. If u can stand teenage angst and slow pacing lolz

        • I just finished that… no platinum

  • What happened to killzone shadow fall?

    • That was the Japan store.. there was no guarantee that AU would get the same lineup. However, at least Sony have given us a couple of decent games as well, rather than just some obscure indie titles

    • +2

      Was looking forward to kill zone but oh well maybe next month it's bound to eventually come out as kill zone is already on ps+ for vita

      • +2

        I bought it when it when it was on sale. IMO it's a horrible mess of a game.
        Really janky controls, annoying wayfinding (infinitely spawning enemies in sections) among other things. Really pretty in some sections but not enough redeeming features for me to finish it.

  • Only played the first episode of GoT. Keen for the season.

  • Good line-up for a change.

    • It's better than Xbox Games with Gold

  • +2

    Are there any ps+ deals still going?

    • I think its over. Prices back to RRP

  • +1

    A solid ps4 offering… Best in a long while.

  • Pretty happy with this offering. Until dawn has been on my list for some time and I have played the 1st ep of GoT.

  • That's a real good offering. Too bad I have both good ones already. Haha.

  • +5

    Until dawn soo glad I didn't buy it when it was $20 on psn great line up of games this month thanks OP

    • Hah. I purchased it last week, still havent even opened it yet. Do they ever give refunds in this case? I was obviously happy to pay for it last week….but free money is free money

      • Physical copy or digital? If it's digital from the ps store then your outta luck as it's happened to me where I bought a game then weeks later it went free, happened last month with life is strange

        • Digital. Did you try contacting Sony over LIS?

        • @bazz1000: yes tried calling they told me they couldn't credit it back , you could try calling and see try to be nice and see if you can charm them by saying you made an honest mistake

  • I just bought a PS4 for all the great exclusives, Unitil dawn come into my collection!

  • +3

    Tokyo Jungle is one awesome game, shame it cannot be played on PS4.

    • +2

      Finally I get to try it

    • Yes it looks interesting can't wait to play it

  • +1

    Am halfway through GoT (not great) and have Until Dawn unopened as a gift.

    Guess the JB HiFi code stays in reserve for another month.

  • Awesome offerings! Already gone GoT but I enjoyed it when I played it :)

  • (profanity) yeah. Telltale games make for an easy plat. Just finish the eps and you got it. Until dawn as well a good line up

  • Tokyo jungle is fantastic, well worth plugging the PS3 back in for. Until Dawn also brilliant

  • Damn was hoping for some multiplayer games, last few months have been good

  • Good selection! My PS+ sub for $19 is already worth it haha.

  • Until Dawn is basically one of the best games for PS4 for free. Game of Thrones, Tokyo Jungle and Darkstalkers all Massive titles. Until Dawn is incredible.

  • Offering these story based game like Telltale games and Until Dawn is a awesome move by Sony Australia.

    They still have a good preceived value while practically no one will buy them now, as people who interested in the story but not the gameplay already watch them in youtube.

    Should cost Sony next to nothing while seemingly offers a good deal to PSN members.

  • Don't Die Mr Robot is a great, addictive little game. I almost dismissed it out of hand after a couple of minutes. Then, several hours later… ;)

  • Until Dawn is a really fun game. I binge played it throughout the night and squealed like a little girl…

  • +3

    I've been on an unlucky streak lately of PS+ games being ones I already own. Already have Until Dawn and Game Of Thrones, Life Is Strange from June, Tales Of The Borderlands from May and Littlebigplanet 3 from February, plus a few others from late last year.

    But from an unselfish perspective, I'm glad that other people will get these games (particularly Life Is Strange and Until Dawn), because they're great, and I want the developers to do well.

    • Same.

  • -6

    you actually call these good games when they are not even AA titles….After looking at this list there's no hope I will subscribe to PSN ever…

    • -1

      Jeez, tough crowd. I've been annoyed myself on the months when they've given us a twin-stick shooter and indie sidescroller, but Until Dawn is a full length retail game that's really good, and while Game Of Thrones isn't Telltale's best work, it's still a decent offering.

      Were you expecting to be given Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare?

      • At least once a while every 3 months you know. Not the constant indie then fill you in this kind of titles…

        • I think it's cost prohibitive, unfortunately. Sony is probably unwilling to pay however much the major publishers want for tens of millions of licenses for their game.

          But try not to conflate the size of the developer/publisher with how good a game is. There have been some really mediocre AAA games this generation and some awesome and fresh stuff from smaller devs. I guess that's part of what I like about PS+ sometimes is that it will throw up something that people might not have risked buying, but will enjoy when it's available for 'free'.

  • +1

    DARKSTALKERS!!! My PS3 is still hooked up for games like this.

    • Yeah a bit late though. The player base on PS3 is pretty much dead I reckon

      • Yeah the player base is definitely dead. I just want to play through the single player game again. So nostalgic!

  • +1

    I've been holding out on Until Dawn for a while now. It's always been on PS Store sales. So glad I did so now :)

  • Yay darkstalkers!!! Where is our morrigan!!!!

  • Do you get to keep these after the subscription ends - or do you have to have PS+ to play them?

    • You can download and play these as long as the subscriptuon is active. Not sure if u be able to play already downloaded one when subscription is finished and u dont connect to the internet.

    • As long as you add them to your library, you'll always have them attached to your account (regardless of whether your subscription stops), but you'll only be able to play them with an active PS+ subscription.

  • +1

    Im sooooooooooooo happy the i havent purchase Until Down :P 3 or 4 times i was about to do it but then i remember i have too many games i haven't play yet hahahaha now i can just download the fu@#$ and play it later :P hehehehe

  • Cheapest plus sub?

    • You missed the 30% off sale last month.

  • Great game collection finally after so many months. Looking forward to play them.

  • GoT Easy platinum

  • When do these become available? It's 2 July today but I'll still seeing last month's games.

    • I think first tuesday or wednesday of the month

    • +1

      4th of July in the evening.

  • Until Dawn is worth playing. Really well done interactive movie with great graphics and good acting.

  • Until Dawn is great. Nearly a working simulator but extremely well done. The mo-cap and graphics are superb. The writing is a little cheesy but suits the slasher/horror movie vibe.

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