Mid year sale over on the US PSN. Some things that caught my eye despite being in USD, listed below. All PS4 games listed but check the PS3 sales page as well if you are old skool.
Deeper discounts available if you have US PS Plus
*Shadow of Mordor GOTY - USD$6 / AUD$8
*Mad Max - USD$10 / AUS$13.50
*God of War III Remastered - USD$6 / AUD$8
*Rachet and Clank - USD$10 / AUS$13.50
Easy to set up a US account if you don't already have one (set up your address in Oregon due to lack of sales tax)
Amazon US is the best place for US PS credit - emailed instantly
On the Canadian store too, God of War III Remastered for CAD$5.99 which works out at AUD$5.99
maybe some more cheaper ones (Drift = CAD$4.99 etc.) but the other games listed above are priced proportionally higher.