First production unit has been completed…
Full reveal will now occur on a July 28th party when first customers take delivery.
Australia won't start getting it until at least mid-2018, probably late 2018, as Musk stated it will be the case for right hand drive countries.
Based on the price of the Model S, I reckon the driveway price will be $55 - $57K, so it is competing with Audi A4 & BMW 3
Of course have to factor in approx. $12K savings in fuel & servicing over 5 years (based on 20K km/year)
Then, if Tesla do get their autonomous ride sharing network truly up & running, then cost is irrelevant as the revenue will pay it off in 12 months.
Last I read the pre-order count was well over 400000…if you preorder now you'll be waiting until 2021 or something like that. Also, its a shame but they will be charging people like fuel at the pump if you want to use the SuperCharger Network.
Regardless, I'm excited to see the announcement.