Not sure if this is in the correct category.
i'm curious if anyone has a use for the old water from hot water bottles?
Not sure if this is in the correct category.
i'm curious if anyone has a use for the old water from hot water bottles?
A good drink for rubber plants
had thought about this but wasnt sure if the water would have enough nutrients left in it after being boiled
I don't think boiling water will remove nutrients, it'd just kill bacteria and microbes, which you probably don't want.
Distilling water would remove nutrients, but according to Google, some people seem to think that distilled water is better for at least some plants.
What sort of nutrients do you think are in tap water and why do you think boiling will remove them?
Watering plants isn't about providing nutrients. Is to feed the photosynthesis process
Water + carbon dioxide + sunlight = oxygen + carbohydrates + energy
But there is more to a plant than photosynthesising. Minerals and nutrients are needed to store the carbohydrates as additional biomass. Outdoors these trace elements usually come from growth medium, but a lot of areas there just isn't enough there and it's economical to add it to watering schedules.
There's trace elements of calcium, magnesium and more in most water supplies that plants can take advantage of. An indoor plant has potential to be a lot healthier over a longer period if watered with tap water than it would if it was given reverse osmosis water or very soft rainwater.
You could use it to top up the cistern of your toilet, water savings.
@Scrooge McDuck: No, this would just make the next flush have a larger volume.
You would need to top up the cistern while it is refilling to achieve any water saving.
You've obviously never lived with a bodybuilder.
If it goes down in 2 flushes, you can count yourself lucky!
It's got electrolytes. Its what plants crave.
@LlamaOfDoom: Not if you turn off off the tap before flushing. Then empty bottles in, then turn tap back on.
@rover: All that effort to save 2L of water. Here in Melbourne they charge about $4/1000L for water including sewage disposal. A 10L bucket of water is worth 4c, 2L in a hot water bottle is less than 1c.
Sell it on eBay
got a few litres of the good stuff if you want to buy?
Free shipping?
Sure, I'll send it down the pipes…
Turn your tap on…
You can drink it but taste a bit rubbery
Add some coffee and have a drink.
Like as you go? make the coffee in the water bottle and have a sip every now and again? Unsure what you mean.
Yes, put in coffee, sugar and milk when making it.
Or drop in a teabag for a strong brew.
Thanks for that. I could not remember where I had seen it before.
You can use it to wash your condoms. It's less harsh on the latex than rubber-less water, so you'll get a bit more mileage outta them.
Frugal as ever.
I just reheat it again in the kettle
that's a great idea honestly
no its not, unless you have a separate kettle just for the water bottle that you dont then use for coffees or whatever, even if you make sure to never accidentally leave some water bottle water in there the rubbery smell and taste eventually starts making your coffees baaaaad and worse you might not even notice (for a while) because itll be a slow transition for you but when a guest comes and you serve them earl grey with a hint of rubber, you'll find out.
I keep wondering what are people talking about rubbery smell..
Then it hit me, cheap kettles are plastic!
I have used a stainless steel or glass one since I was small…
when a guest comes and you serve them earl grey with a hint of rubber
It could only improve the taste of Earl Grey.
I just poke holes in condoms (from all the condom offers) and use it as a filter. You get that rubbery taste but a much easier clean up.
I use an exclusive HW bottle kettle located in the laundry.
Yes. Reheat it again and again until there's nothing left but satisfaction in the bottle
I pour it on my dog
hmm i need to get a dog then
I drink it like a man.
Glad someone mentioned it. Nothing better than having your coin purse flushed out.
If you're flushing out your scrotum while having an enema, you're doing it wrong. I suggest you ease off on the water pressure.
Who are we to judge?
This website is so educational!
Resell it on gumtree as 'hardly used'
yeah but then someone would still ask for a better price
will you trade for the left over dregs in my pump bottle?
i seriously don't know what goes through some peoples minds when they offer trades on gumtree
"50c cash if u want it gone today mate"
Just make sure you bring a friend and meet in a public place.
"Unwanted gift"
When I was younger I used to pour it back into the kettle. My family wondered why their tea/coffee tasted like shiz for a while haha
Haha! Made me spit out my tea :'D
Oh, so you're a member of Heracles26's family?
Use it as toilet flush
i like to think, 5 upvotes = 5 people who just learnt thats how it works
Is ~1.5L even enough for this..?
You all have big got water bottles or small toilets……
We've placed a bucket near our bathroom toilet , collect water over 2 days is enough, or if it's for piss it doesn't matter a lot, next full flush cleans up.
Don't do it for poo, won't do the job.
I also collect the cold water pre-shower in the same bucket, waiting for water to warm up.
I dont like wasting water so i do this too..
Impressive frugality!
Not sure if this is in the correct category
Yeah, you should have posted it in the "What to do with used hot water bottle water" category.
It's a common mistake.
Yeap. Just sold mine to the antique store down the road. They paid good money for it.
i use it as petrol for my car
Congratulations on your return from the Penalty Box!
Thanks Babe <3 <3
Nice seeing your name under and above mine!
Ohhhh sexy time… Don't be cheap take your time.
Do you meet Bubba in the big house?
i use it as petrol for my car
I heard it has a RON of over 9000!
we do ron ron, we do ron ron
Great first post! Hard to top.
I have a $7 kettle just for hot water bottles. We have 4 hot water bottles needing reheating every night. Change water once a week and pour on pot plants
Put it in your car's wiper fluid reservoir.
Pour it in the sink. Radical I know.
This is the cringe-worthy equivalent of saying 'Taxxxi' when someone spills a drink
Wash shower or sink with it.
Freeze it for summer…
In a dildo mould
If you freeze it while it's still hot, you can defrost it and use it again the following night.
Ah, would that I had such a serene life that this was all I had to think about.
yeah such a third world problem i got going on here right
Rub it really fast to create friction, as a result, reheating the water again.
So… put it between ya Mum's thighs?
Purchase a bottle of water from Woolworths. Empty bottle and fill with hot water bottle water. Take back to Woolworths and threaten to sue.
bahahaha best answer right here
Better still:
The profits are limitless!!
Had to click on this post just to see if it's real…..WTF? maybe there should be an IQ test to qualify for ozbargain membership.
Another idea might be to have a competition to choose the most weird post for the month. Bird seed flour man would have been a champ that month.
maybe there should be an IQ test to qualify for ozbargain membership.
Agreed, know one over 50 aloud!!
A good drink for plants