What to Do with Old Water from Hot Water Bottle?

Not sure if this is in the correct category.

i'm curious if anyone has a use for the old water from hot water bottles?


  • +5

    Put it in jerry cans and leave it in the car park of your apartment complex. When you have enough full jerry cans empty them into your washing machine.

    • Wonder if any jerry cans go missing.

    • Only useful for laundering wetsuits

  • Make clouds

  • +2

    Congratulations on making it onto the front page haha … the things you see on OzBargain…

  • +2

    Mine goes on plants. My left over veggie water goes on plants too once cooled.

  • +3

    Ive got a 10m^3 hot water bottle water storage tank built under my front garden. Put it in there and get it pumped twice a year.

  • +2

    I give mine to children in Africa as clean, boiled drinking water.

    • Everything's relative I guess.

  • Empty it into washing machine or put it in a bucket and save for watering plants/washing

  • +1

    I wash my face with it

  • +1

    Quality thread like this is expected from people on this site…

    • first world problems right

  • +1

    Dumbest thread ever

    • as compared to?

      what's wrong with asking legit questions?

      i see you posted asking about hotels in amsterdam.

      dont worry i wont lick your side of the window

      • -3

        Hotels in Amsterdam (travel advice) vs 'Water bottle contents' is the DUMBEST comparison ever.

        • +1

          well i was concerned that there could be a health issue drinking or reusing the water, as a homeowner i pay for water, so i'm always looking to save a few extra bucks here and there.

          travel advice, maybe a travel forum like tripadvisor. just saying.

          just because something isn't important to you doesn't mean it's not important to someone else……………….

          how would you feel if i posted dumbest thread ever on one of your posts?

          maybe next time you'll be a little more considerate to other forums users before making such targeted comments.

        • @myusername:

          I'm sorry but if you are contemplating drinking that water then I'm not sure how else I could frame it. The 'funny' responses on here should give you some indication of what others think about the question - perhaps not as blunt as I am .

          Great to see you want to save water BUT the amount you're potentially saving is less than $1/year. I'm sure you are wasting a lot more by turning the tap on/off 2ms slower than your max potential.

          You can always use a wheat bag and save a lot more on water and power.

  • +1

    Tip it down the drain

  • +1

    Use it as the flush for your first wee of the day.

    • +1

      And when the toilet is cleaned and bottle is empty… guess you can wee into the bottle and snuggle with its warmness.

      • +1

        Then you can use that to flush your next wee…


  • +3

    I had a good chuckle in this thread.

  • Car battery, top that sucker off

  • I use it in the toilet OR
    I pour it on the lawn OR
    next time I need to rinse something b4 it goes in dishwasher OR
    I rinse the bath out with it

  • +2

    I use it for mouth wash. Like a man

    • you must be hardcore

  • +3

    dry it and reuse it later

    • +2

      Use it to rehydrate dried instant water.

      • +2

        Instructions: Just add water.

  • I use it to water my kitchen sink.

    • +1

      does it grow much?

  • +1

    Pour it on windscreen in the morning to defrost before you drive.

  • Use it to wash my car

  • If you get yourself a spare dedicated kettle, you can reboil the water

    • +1

      Did some rough calculations
      Price of water $2.6097 per kilolitre
      Volume of hot water bottle 1/3 of a litre
      Price of kettle $10
      Used once a day, every day of the year

      It will take approximately 11495 days, a bit over 31 years, to pay off the price of a kettle in water savings

      • assumes the kettle will last 31 years
      • Also assuming you pay for water.

      • The maths can change a bit if,

        You use 1 litre instead of a 1/3. I use closer to one litre right now.

        Price of water has gone up in the past, no reason to assume it would do anything but.

        And you could pick up a gumtree kettle for less I reckon.

        Could change the maths to around 5 years.

        • +2

          Now we need a physicist to tell us how many times you can reboil 1 litre before its all lost to evaporation

  • On the phone is fine

  • Garden

  • +2

    Refill my Bong.

  • Reheat it and put back into hot water bottle.

  • +1

    Pour it down the sink, lol
    2L * 100 = 200L
    This equates to something like $0.50/year (assuming 100 days of use a year).

    If you're that worried about water usage, install a rainwater tank…

    • +2

      I do it because I worry about waste wastage. I erk at all waste in general. In vic, we paid some stupid billions of dollars to build a thing to create clean water, and we waste a lot down our toilet. So I find other water sources to put down mine.

      My place doesn't have enough space for rain water tank, or else I would install one too.

  • top up fish tank

    • will it harm the fishies?

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