Good price for Diablo, if you're curious PS4/XB1 Preowned versions are $24
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls PC $15
Good price for Diablo, if you're curious PS4/XB1 Preowned versions are $24
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls PC $15
Ultimate evil is the xbox/ps3 equivalent of standard game + reaper of souls xpack on pc. You can't buy just the standard game on consoles.
So if I buy this I don't have to buy diablo 3 standalone?
This is the expansion, it requires the base game
EB must be a bit slow or have old boxes because they've been selling d3 as a battlechest on the Blizzard store for the last couple of months. It's $50AU there but I'm sure you could get it cheaper on the Mexican store (see overwatch tbread).
You will need to buy the standard game separately if you purchase this from eb.
@Jazza2400: Or you can pick up the base game and RoS separately for a total of $30 from EB (I saw the base game for $15 the other day).
It also has splitscreen and a roll which the pc version doesnt have
Don't be confused with the PC version and consoles version for PS3, 4 or Xbox. PC Diablo 3 original is required to play PC Reaper of Souls. Consoles Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition consists of both Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls.
People still play this?
Lots do in seasons - plus the new necromancer pack should bring tons back .
That what I'm waiting for
What does the in seasons mean? also I think the necro pack is a paid DLC or did I misread that?
It means I'm the only one Globally who's completed the game in under an hour on XBox One
You completed D3 in under 1 Hour? HOW?? whats the secret, I am both really impressed and really curious?
Get a monk and dash until you kill Malthael.
It was impossible on the xbox before I posted a bug report on the blizzard forums, and the xbox got a patch 8 hours after.
The ps4 was slightly different, so they had a few complete the conquest already.
Then I had to find the cause for the Siege Weapon bug. If it manifests, it meant 56 minutes wasted. Because it was near the end and you need to restart the game.
Read more on the d3 forum.
I found the cause, which sort of guaranteed global first on xbox
My Neromancer will have cosmetic item enchant to make then look naked, and I'll have Liv Moore as my pet. My name is going to be Pedomancer
Honestly the launch of D3 was so bad with the real money Auction House and everything it totally killed that game for me, I put maybe 50 hours into the base game and never even tried Reaper of Souls due to the bad taste it left in my mouth.
I never got involved in D3 - I had already "wasted" too much of my life playing D1 and D2 …. Too many "holy shit, the sun is coming up and I have to be at work in 3 hours" mornings …. I just could not face D3. However, I have kinda regretted this at times …
And, seeing the prices stuff was for sale for on the RMAH was a real surprise. People too dumb and too lazy to play the game were prepared to spend $$$ … $250 US for a semi rare sword or piece of armor - if people were really buying stuff for these prices, it sure seemed like it would have been pretty easy to make a lot of money ….
Then again, maybe stuff was listed for $250 US and just wasn't selling ? Or maybe the lazy / dumb people finally caught on that they were, you know, supposed to actually invest some time and play the game ?
Lol i was reading that and recalling the times my xp bar was a pixle away from leveling up and it took me all night to do it and i realised they the new day dawned and i got up and went to work… severalred bulls later i was at home doing it again.
D1 was amazing but got to the point where it wasnt fun anymore with my legit diamond long bow of burning that kills diablo on nightmare in 1 shot.
Also when you have the destruction spell, which is hella fun.
D2 was and still is on my PC and i play it every now and then.
loved my level 100 necro, i had only 2 skeletal mages but there damage was insane then another build of curses which was pretty good but yeh man d2 was my fav.
When dick smith was closing down o pocked up d3 ros for 10 bucks and played it for the first time about 3 months ago, have a paragon 45 mage but its no fun with the other chars…. they def need a necro.
I raised a ticked ticket with blizzard when I couldn't post in the console section about bug and told what I thought… I avidly avoided the game for years because of always online single play and RMAH. There was no way I was going to buy this on PC just to post on the blizzard forums D3 section. I told them they were fascists when my posts in the Starcraft II section's support were removed too regarding inability to post in other sections.
Hell yeh, I loved my D2 Necro as well. I think I leveled up to the high 80's (got my saved games on backup drive somewhere).
LOL, yeah that last pixel of status bar would take ages. IIRC, I had about 10 skeleton mages - figured they would draw the heat so I could stand back and pop away with spells. But any higher level monster farts would take them out with one wiff.
I'm going to have to try just 2 skeleton mages and level them up as far as points allow ….
Then again, D3 is calling ……
Lot's more "holy shit, it's morning" times to come …..
Give it a go, the auction house is gone, item spawns are fixed and its now a fantastic game where all the launch issues are gone.
totally agree with this! give it a go.
I played on PC when it launched and never bother to play the RoS.
When i bought my PS4 Pro, i think i should give it a go on console and i am loving it. The control is so much different.
C'mon! As an Ozbargainer, you didn't get a kick out of buying underpriced items on the gold AH and selling back at $1-2 on the RMAH? I made over US$130 on that thing. Paid for my copy of Legacy of the Void DD and then some!
Bless ya! I was waiting for this to go on sale :D Diablo 3 is awesome!
Can confirm: D3 is a god-tier game now (ignoring a horrible first year). The console version is better (in this rare instance) but jump in OP, the loot is fine. Prepare to lose hours of your life or your wife. It's great.
Got Reaper of souls
Also picked up Legacy of the Void for $19 which was superb deal
Might have seen this for $5 before, like BigW?
Big w had it for $3 once but that was several years ago
Must be an inflation on price, even an old game, LOL.
Not as BS as $30 for DII battle chest
will i need this to play the new expac as well?
Yes. And it's not a new xpac… it's a new DLC.
It's funny you mention this, I wandered through EB Games just for fun yesterday while grabbing some Sushi Sushi, and spotted it there and snagged it for $15.
I used the product key and was able to do digital download through because I don't have a DVD drive on my notebook.
Once I finish XCom 2, I'll finally get around to seeing what D3 has to offer, better late than never :P
Lol sushi sushi
I'll finally get around to seeing what D3 has to offer,
better late than never :P
Have you got D3 ? If I understand correctly, this is just the expansion - you also need D3 to play this.
Otherwise, I'd be buying it and installing it today …
Oh I didn't realise this deal is for expansion, I bought the actual game D3 for $15. Haven't booted it yet but it's installed no worries, full game.
Prepare for your soul to be reaped!
Jay Wilson did enough of that in D3.
Do you have to play through the original Diablo 3 and then Play the Reaper of Souls expansion? Like is it a Fifth act?
Just going from the description, it says it's the fifth act so probably would come in after the first four in the base game! I'm not sure if any other content (apart from the new class category; crusader) come into effect before then.
It's like what Lord of Destruction did for D2.
If you have old characters, you can load them in, and continue. Otherwise you have to go through it all.
It doesn't take long. I did Act I to V on hard in 59 min 30 sec for a Season Conquest
Buy it, and join Season 10. Demon Hunter + Maruder set is pimpin' and rockin!
Does anyone know if it'll delete my Diablo 3 save when I install Reaper of souls? I'm playing a season character.
No, you have to approve the transfer to RoS for your character. Then you'll have the RoS tag like in D2 LoD and that character can only play RoS Act 1-5 and not the Vanilla Act 1-4…
Just searched on Diablo III on EB Games:
PC Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - $15.00
Was $29.95
PC Diablo III - $15.00
Was $29.95
PC Diablo III Battlechest - $24.97
Was $49.94
That's an excellent price each or for both.
Anyone know if the SC Remastered is out now?
What's the difference between this and the ultimate evil edition?