1/2 price on vitamin / supplement brands including: swisse carusos natures way bio organics ccenovis wagner blackmoores naturepathica natures own bioglan thompsons
Chemist Warehouse 1/2 Price on Vitamins (Incl Swisse Blackmores Natures Own etc)

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More than 20%
Which ones?
Was there last night. IT IS 50% of rrp as above but only 10-20% cheaper than their usual price because I just bought some vitamins and not much cheaper
Isn't iherb.com far cheaper than even the half prices of Aussie stores?
I've used iherb for years but more recently I've noticed their prices to be a lot higher than they used to be. Not sure if it's just me but I've added a few things to the cart in the last week then ended up closing the tab and looking at things locally that are on sale.
That depends on what you're buying. Much cheaper to buy Krill Oil or Coconut Oil in Australia than iHerb.
I see Blackmores Limited stock down from $160 to 105 in the last 12 months. Perhaps people are waking up to this snake oil?
Maybe the Chinese have achieved a suitable "looking" knockoff copy in their factories now
Then keep paying RRP rather than blaming other countries.
Huh? Sheesh, people and their negs. I was implying that, like so many other branded products, if copy products were being sold that had packaging that "looked" like the genuine Blackmores item then their sales could be affected. What's wrong with that comment?
@Troposa snake oil? for which products, hopefully not all? I just bought their Vitamin C High Potency 1000mg due to people getting sick in the office.
Good luck to ANYONE trying to find ANY manufactured vitamin SUPPLEMENT sold in Australia that doesn't contain Vitamin C that has been manufactured in China and then used in the manufacuring/pressing of the end product by producers here.
@avenasat any reference or material that you can share would be greatly appreciated. I would not want to be doing more harm than good for my body…
Best consult with a suitably qualified naturopath or medical herbalist.If you start searching online for "who/which comapnies in the world make vitamin" and/or "import into Australia" you'll probably get a sniff as to where things exist.
For some intersting reading…. about triphala. (There's organic versions that can be obtained in Aus).
Another interesting read is "Twinkie Deconstructed". American sweet but still an eye opener into just what goes into making ONE small sweet!
This is a good deal there now fellas
Healthy Way Psyllium Husk 500g $7.49
You will not buy that product anywhere cheaper !
Coles normal price is pretty close. 450g for $8.00 http://shop.coles.com.au/online/mobile/national/coles-psylli…
Well one is $14.98 kg and the other is $17.82 Kg.
Not that close.
One is husk and the other is powder.
I hate the powder, I find it clumps up in balls in water and breakfast cereal.
OK but the husks stick in your throat and they both turn any liquid to what I can only describe as "gluggy".
I buy Benefibre 750g $16.95 from CW which is not gluggy. Be interested in any fibre supplement suggestions that are not gluggy and cheaper than Benefibre.
I find standard husks the best, great added to foods, no clumps. Can be put straight in water, stir and scull, then drink some more.
It is what it is.
@SamR: I used to put a spoonful of straight husks on my muesli but it'd absorb and thicken the milk in about 5 mins, quicker than I can eat it, making it turn gross!. Now I just use Metamucil. I just put it in a little bit of hot water and dissolve and top up with chilled water. Does the trick.
stored right next to air conditioner heat outlet at Coles Warringah Mall. Staff told years ago about this poor placement- to no avail.
I find "heather's tummy fibre" to be better than psyllium, it's gentler and doesn't absorb water and a $15 packet lasts most of the year. :)
I don't think husk isn't gentle though. It is natural and quite gentle. I just put spoonful in my mouth and swallow it quickly with glass of water before I even realise the taste. Easy and smooth. Good effect next day morning.
Fair enough, I've found it tends to clog me up (which is the opposite of what it's meant to do. :) ) so if anyone else doesn't have any luck with it they have options. :)
Any free shipping?
Yay! Discounted urine!
Glad to see some sense on this post!
"…we believe that the case is closed— supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful. These vitamins should not be used for chronic disease prevention. Enough is enough."
Biostime, a large nutrition firm in HONG KONG may have a major stake in the company but the vitamins are still made here and will continue to be so.
I hope you have enough evidence to back up your claim. False accusation in public comes with legal consequences.
Lol. Race contaminates vitamins? Quick let's hire some races with uncontaminated hands.
You racist.
Top deal. Kids enjoy the Swisse Ultravite & Probiotics and the wife & I take the Multi-V's too. Will stock up at that price. Cheers =)
As mentioned by many above, it isn't a top deal. You are much better off buying on iherb.com.
Seems like you are iHerb's rep.
I am not, but I buy regularly on iherb. You don't need to be a rep to identify price difference between iherb and local stores.
As mentioned by me, it is a top deal. iHerb don't sell Swisse.
Not gonna tell you what to do but can i suggest you do a little bit of research on the benefits of vitamin supplements before you drop your hard earned cash "stocking up"?
Understanding that will be the real bargain here.
"Not going to tell you what to do…" <Proceeds to tell me what to do.>
My favourite is "I'm not racist but…" <Says something racist>. Yours nearly tops it though.
Anyway, I have done the research. The jury is still out on whether they are beneficial or not. There's even a Harvard article about it. I'm not fussed with continuing to use them.
No need to be so literal. I think his meaning was clear: not telling you individually what to (not) buy.
After reading real science, you might decide that some vitamins (e.g. D) may be beneficial in your particular circumstances.Its good advice since most money spent by most people on vitamins is wasted. Not all by any means. Its just that buyers are ill-informed.
The Harvard article is good, thanks, but the link you gave goes to a paywall. Try google:
Again, the jury is still out on the benefits, or lack of. Clearly they are no substitute for vitamins obtained through proper meals. Given I have 3 kids with Autism and getting them to try and eat anything outside of their routine set of meals is next to impossible, I do find benefit in the kids having them, as did their pediatrician.
@Cyphar: With proper research, you'll find which supplements to use and where to buy quality products. Most products don't have enough to get the benefits, looking at studies, making sure it's not all synthetic and finding the right dosage.
Most people think everything is snake oil, sometimes most products are, but not all.
Welcome too Ozbargain op :D
Lol thank you!!
Im reading the comments and people are nasty..
Its a deal! May not be suited to you but may be suited to others - people are nasty :(
Haha yes some people are, there's been some discussion recently about courtesy and courtesy towards newbies, the mods have made a goal for 2017 too improve courtesy on Ozbargain, bluesky I believe it was who came up with a good idea.
People who are perfectly healthy absolutely nothing wrong with them, they won't benefit from vitamin supplements it'll just give them expensive urine, however people who do have a deficiency in vitamins will benefit, for instance I take a vitamin B when I have an ulcer in my mouth and in a few days it's gone :), however when I have an ulcer and I don't get around too taking a vitamin B it always lasts for weeks :(.
Like all the other great bargains posted here, it is a deal but only if you need it, for instance I don't need to buy that new phone because I already have an awesome one!
So I say well done for posting this deal op and keep those deals coming, and welcome to Ozbargain :DExactly!! I appreciate you taking time to say hi!
Half Price for Expensive Piss
The chinese are going to be all over this in basket loads.
Welcome to 2017 where there are no race quotas for vitamins. And where bigots are usually corrected.
It was a pointless comment, but be careful not to appear bigoted against him in your response.
intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.Nice one manic :)
Hey Joeno… Why can't one share what they see when it comes to what they see mmm?
Take your pointless comment somewhere else. No one cares.
I wish they sold some pills to remedy Vitamin $ deficiency, I would take this deal and maybe buy a bottle…
You can try "Placebo Plus" - it now works twice as fast and has the same benefit of the original "Placebo". Now twice as good for the same price.
Thanks, used my placebo money to purchase 2.
Anyone know which protein to get? So many on offer.
Ask your butcher.
Doubt it very much, it's probably 1/2 of what they claim to be the RRP, even though they never sell at that price…
Most likely they are about 10-20% off…