They decreased the price of 7GB data plan from $299 to $239, but increased the 5GB data plan from $199 to $239. I have no idea if it's an error.
Lebara Long Term, Unlimited Calls/SMS, 7GB, up to 250 International Minutes, $19.92/30 Days. $239.00 for 360 Days

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The thing i'm most surprised about is that they also offer the deal to existing customers…
Usually you have to port out/in to get a good deal from a telco
I do have a question though if anyone is able to help. Will this be for the life of the plan or is this price only available initially?
Thanks Harrison.
Looks like there is a timer on the recharge voucher too … might be worth see if I can purchase the sim and a recharge voucher to make it a 2 year deal. On the other hand, we should be seeing better plans come round in a years time.
They have a timer all the time.
Agree, I guess the plan will be much better this time next year, so no point to buy 2 years.
You can chat with them on their web site if they are not off yet.
Will this be for the life of the plan or is this price only available initially?
It's prepaid.
crazy pricing! i went with the recently concluded Aldi mobile $249 which only gives me 3.5gb. back then it was a pretty good offer but now its just going crazy for all these deals!
imo not sure if we see another drop and better deal 3 months later!
btw anyone has got a clue if this is purchased, how long can we keep them until we need to activate them?
I remember someone said it's 60 days.
IIRC Aldi is using Telstra which is usually a much better network (generally less congested & better network coverage - not everywhere).
As already mentioned, Aldi is on a network that may be better depending on where you live. I know where I am 7GB on Optus won't do much for me. Aldi much better here.
agree. i'm on aldi/ telstra, was from optus. i had better reception with optus where i live. aldi/ telstra isnt on the full telstra network too.
Same question…
Would this be better than the Kogan $23.01 / 10GB ($279.93 upfront, Was $399.90) [$270 with referral code]?
You get the international minutes here, which might be nice.
Is that offer still available though? They have replaced that with $4.90 for the first month on all plans have they not?
They only just took that deal down today actually.
lucky i placed the order yesterday
From Website
'Every 30 days receive:
Unlimited standard National Talk, Text and MMS plus 7GB Data;
$5 international call credit giving you up to 250 standard call minutes to selected countries.'$5 credit is not worth for most countries so not good for international calling but data of 7GB/month is generous.
250 minutes for USA. That's all I need.
Tried to get them to upgrade my $199 5GB plan I signed up for a few days ago (still waiting for the SIM), but just confirming that they're not willing to help or upgrade it
You can buy $2.00 SIM from coles or Woolworth and activate through your online code..
What do you mean?
Vodafone yuck
Don't get nostalgically circlejerky - it's much much better than it used to be
Not when comparing against Telstra it ain't. Ever try to load a page and it won't load? Gf can't even get WhatsApp messages in her office in Strathfield and after changing, it just works
Sure but in other areas it might be the opposite which is what I have experienced.
Also look at Telstra prices versus Vodafone.
@apptrack: is "you get what you pay for" a bargain? at what point do you pay less for inferior quality?
@holyland: No its the same 'quality' it just depends on your needs
You might have had a bad experience but 99% of people are happy.
I was with Vodafone for 2 years recently in metro and country WA and often had better data speeds and coverage than Optus and sometimes Telstra. Had zero problems.
Now that I live remote I have switched to Telstra as I have no choice. I'm happy with Telstra but wish I could have stayed with Vodafone as their deals and customer service are much better.
Please provide a valid argument or leave it.
Noob question. Can i buy this SIM and use it to port my current Optus number to Lebara?
Sure you can
We can all thank Mr.Kogan for starting this price war!
Enjoy Vodafone buying market share!
Vodafone owns Lebara.
Vodafone is the network supplier to KoganThis looks to me like Vodafone using these two brands as the way to acquire tech-savvy customers inexpensively
(I'm happy to play!)
Vodafone owns Lebara
Source? Lebara BV owns Lebara don't they?
From Vodafone website, they completed acquisition in November 2016.
Just received my sim card from Lebara.
The attached letter is signed off "Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Ltd T/A Lebara Mobile".
Pretty much confirms what Alan said.Thanks guys, I never knew about the buy out. Interesting.
Damn you lebara
Was with you for 3 yrs waiting and resisting moving across to kogan
And finally as soon as I change over you increase your plans to 5gb. Now 7gb. Plus a price reduction! !!!!!
Dam damn damn
Yeah that extra few dollars for the extra 2 gig per month :( I just got my recharge this monday
which network do they use?
thanks, that's an awesome yearly deal. I think I'd prefer Voda over Optus.
If currently on the 365day plan with 3 months remaining any way to stack this so it starts when current one ends ?
Not better than the old WW $26 for 45 days with 5GB (4G Optus)
I don't know about that. I'm still on that deal (Optus ported over WW customers and kept the deal going for them.) This is the first time I've even considered switching as the calls/sms are metered and capped on the old WW deal. Data allowance vs cost has always been the priority for me but the new offers with more GB combined with unlimited calls/sms are very tempting.
I tried to purchase the previous $199 deal with 5 hours left on the timer on the website, but the price had already reverted. Left them a message on Facebook with a screenshot and everything and they are refusing to honour the price, even though the website itself said it had not yet ended. They asked me if I had purchased it at the full $300 price and I said no because I don't have a spare $100 sitting in my account to purchase something I wasn't sure if they would honour. And they aren't. It's a load of BS.
They charged me $300. Spoke with customer service, balance $101 being refunded (received PayPal refund notification). Impressed with service. I guess, being with Vaya in the past has tempered down my service quality expectations.
Is this Vodafone with 4G?
Oh man, so many woolies S8 owners are gonna be pissed….
Yeah I just pulled the trigger on an LG G5 for $390 and planning to use this SIM deal when it arrives. Comparing to a 2year contract I'm paying $36/month (phone$/24+ $19 per month for the SIM) which is less than half what I'd be paying for even an S7 on the Woolworths deal…
I just got my simcard from the previous deal. They did not send me a voucher? How am I supposed to activate the 360day plan? Is it attached to the Simcard or something? Some help from anyone who bought the deal previously would be helpful.
Voucher should be sent separately via email.
Thanks mate, do you when that arrives? I still have not received it, only order confirmation emails :(
I got 2 emails 1 day after purchase, 1 for voucher 1 for shipment.
Does this include international texts?
$5 worth of international calls with a 29 cent flag fall. Sneaky.
29 cent flag fall won't be applied to this plan.
Thank you for proving my words.
Yeah, you're right, hopefully. I was looking at wrong plan.
Do you know if they charge per kb or mb on data? Can't find this info on their web.
Asked this question via email. Got this answer. Data is billed per kb and charged per mb.
Is this price for life?
Yes, until you die, then hand on the SIM to future generations. Obviously, no one else's prices will come down in that time.
Yeah, Obviously, the price for this plan is crazy. Maybe there is no one can beat it.
But I just want to know how much for the recharge after 360 days?
The TOS says special price applies to starter packs, subsequent recharges at current rates.
So what is this current rates means? Original price or promotion price?So what is this current rates means?
Just a wild guess, but I'd say current rates means the rates that are current at the time. I know, it's horribly complicated, isn't it?
Bit off the topic. Any suggestions on any good plans out there with unlimited national and mobile calls and some free international calls. 1GB of data will be more than enough
Amaysim deal on ozbargain for 9.9/month but only lasts for 6 months. Or, Vaya for $10/month
$4.43 a month more for 2GB, good deal if you need the extra GBs!
is this bloody 4G or 3G speeds? it doesnt state it on the page …..
I'd also like to confirm this.
I contacted them via online chat and they confirmed that is full Vodafone 4G network.
Woo thanks you're awesome!
What's the differences b/w and There are two websites for lebara from google search. Is there any fake one?
Haha, I don't think 'Nikola' wanted the cancelled customer in her stats for this month!!
How do I keep my current number? Do I need to buy the sim card pack first, then when activate, port my number over? Thanks for any help.
When you get your new Lebara Sim, activate it online here:
Enter your mobile number and current provider account details and Lebara will port the number for you. Keep current SIM card in your phone until porting is finished (you'll know because your current SIM will cut out) then put in the new SIM card. Done!
Check with your current provider though as some require porting to occur 7 days before the end of the billing cycle. This means if you port after this period, they'll charge you for the next billing cycle even though you'll be with Lebara by then!
VoLTE and Wifi-calling included??
No VoLTE on Lebara, as for wifi calling i'm not sure how this works -
Newbie question: if I buy the 365 days plan, and if I decide to go overseas for 2 months, can I postpone the service until I come back to Aus?
Why did they up the 5gb $199 plan? Just as much Kogan then puts theirs down to $205.58 :/
So, international minures of 250. That means you can make 250 1 minute calls to the country they listed. There is no flag fall, etc charges?
Anyone know if i port from tpg, they give me money back for remaining of the month?
Do they count 1GB as 1000MB or 1024MB like Kogan?
Hi There, thank you for this message. We were having some technical issues with our chat sessions. We have been working on this and it will be fixed shortly. If you need any assistance, please feel free to approach our customer care team on Facebook or call 1300126122 / 126122. Thank you for your understanding.
Can anyone comment on service, support, porting, activation etc for Lebara? They've been caned on but then not many survive that torture ground! I'm tossing up between this and the Kogan 5gb deal on at the moment. Any insights are greatly appreciated!
I ported within 10 minutes from Kogan, no issues in my $5 month… no difference with Kogan who I'll go back to any day for a $5 month…
I've ported a few numbers for customers at our store but we aren't really a phone store we just happen to sell Lebara and a few come back to us constantly to buy recharges and haven't had any issues that i'm aware of. I guess if you are lucky and nothing goes wrong it doesn't matter but being prepaid at least you don't have to worry about billing errors which is the main reason i've had to call Vaya who i'm with in the past.
Does anyone know if I can utilise Woolworths WISH eGift Cards to buy Lebara recharge cards at Woolies to pay for part of this deal?
Can I possibly purchased the $10 starter pack to use first and then purchase the 360 days recharge voucher to use later?
Would the voucher be expired soon?I think you can. You only need to activate your 360 days voucher in 60 days after purchase.
can you sms overseas and is it extra charge or part of the plan?
their website aint too clear on this
There seems to be a 7GB one for $239…