This was posted 7 years 9 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 Slim 500GB + Extra Controller $319, PS4 Pro 1TB + Horizon Zero Dawn $499 @ Target


A couple of gaming deals at Target
PS4 Slim 500GB + Extra PlayStation 4 Dual Shock Controller $319
Black Controller
White Controller
Red Controller
Blue Controller
Camo Controller
Urban Camo Controller

PS4 Pro 1TB + Horizon Zero Dawn $499
Horizon Zero Dawn

The PS4 Slim 1TB is $291 but stock is incredibly scarce.
24/05: PS4 Slim 1TB is $459

Mass Effect Andromeda $55 was $79
PS4 Xbox One or $52.25 via eBay with C5OZ code

Related Stores

Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    I swear I love you so much. I've been waiting for this ever since I got my persona 5 limited premium bundle. And two controllers to boot!
    Too bad they don't have this deal for the white PS4 as I love that version, but welp!

    Time to go to Target! Or should I just buy it now.

    • +1

      I just ordered pro and local pickup is available.

      • I'm still contemplating on which one to buy.
        PS4 pro on $499 is very alluring, especially considering that I'm interested in playing Horizon Dawn as well,
        On the other hand though, I'm not too picky in regards to graphics, and I can just sell my second controller to a friend or something, and even if I were to buy a copy of Horizon dawn, I'd still have a $100 extra, and an extra controller.

        • If you using 2nd controller much and don't care about the image quality or frame rate, choose ps4 slim.

          People said that if you are a first buyer of ps4, buy pro. I recommend watch slim vs pro on youtube before buying.

        • Bought my first ps4 a month ago and im so glad i went with the pro especially for HZD

          30 fps would have given me a headache

        • @GossipGoat: Quite seriously, would be interesting to see how many users would actually be able to pick the difference between the two consoles in real life in a 'blind' test across four or five games.

          Frame-rate aside, if you've got a 4K tv there are othere benefits to be had as well though.

        • +2

          @fookos: actually many gamers can pick the different in real life.

        • @leealpha: Super - good to get insights from users who've had both.

        • +2


          You can see the difference with the PRO vs a slim on a 1080p TV with the pro enhanced games

        • @fookos: Yeah. I just don't think pro is worth it, especially when most of my games are on steam. I don't like gaming on my ps4 cause I'm used to having 3 monitors close to me, main one for gaming, one for FAQs and guides, and the other for chatting.

          I'll be using my PS4 for Persona 5, Star Ocean, HZD, and some other anime games.
          I still think Gtx1060 looks better than pro.

    • +1

      Hi ariacelesta? Where were you 4 weeks ago? JB HiFi was selling the White Ps4+extra controller+remote control for $299

      • +1

        Yeah that jb hi fi deal with an extra 10ish off for email subscription (which I promptly removed) has been my favourite deal of this year. This deal isn't too bad if you want one now

        • +1

          Yeah - I grabbed that one - was brilliant. Was much easier to decide slim v pro at that price too given I already have an XB1. Think it paid $285 for 500GB slim + extra controller + PS4 remote. Grabbed Uncharted 4 for $27 and I was set :)

      • I'm so sad that I missed this deal :(

      • I was uhm,
        Not looking for ps4 yet.
        I only decided to get a ps4 when I saw that Persona 5 premiums bundle being sold in supanova and I bought one. It was a sudden urge tbh.

  • +4

    It's Click Frenzy tomorrow.. I'll wait and see what's available, otherwise, The PS4 Slim 1TB is $291 is a really good deal.

    • +2


  • +1

    Thanks OP just purchased slim with extra camo controller, 9yr sons birthday all sorted. Now to source some 9yr old friendly games!!!

    • +2

      Rocket League is the only game he will ever need.

  • -2

    Does the $319 console come with a game?

    • +7

      Let me check…nope, just re-read the deal post and can confirm it does not.

  • -4

    I think PS4 Pro will be superseded in less than a year. Sony will release another version to combat Scorpio

  • Is this PS4 & Game deal doe $499 online only or instore too?

  • Do you think JBHIFI would price match?

    • when this sell out, probably not.

  • Nice find. I was about to by a 2nd PS4 for not much less.

  • +2

    At target currently. They also have 1tb (I assume slim not original) + 2nd controller + uncharted 4 for $369.

    Not bad, trying to see if they can sub the game.

    • Let us know if they do? (especially if sub for HZD)

      • Unfortunately they would not. Best jb hifi would do was give me the console in white.

        Target did not have stock of either 500gb or 1tb model. I was able to get jb to match my photo of the deal and they were mistaken about white model (only came in black).

    • Pretty sure I saw a story on the weekend that Sony had announced the 1TB slim in the US. Based on that, I'd say the 1TB you're referring to is the original.

      EDIT - looks like the 1TB was announced mid-April:…

    • Is this deal still valid? Do you have a link?

  • +2

    Just grabbed the last PS4 slim 1TB at the Vic Park store (WA).

    If anyone in WA is still chasing one try the City store. Although it no longer shows on their website, it said the City store had limited stock. Also make sure you ask them to check for stock out the back.

    Here's a copy of my receipt if anyone wants to try their luck and price match elsewhere -

  • How's Andromeda multiplayer? Is it like deathmatch and atuff? Is it populated?

  • +1

    I wonder if these PS4 deals are to secure as much customers as possible before Xbox unveils scorpio at E3 in a few weeks time.. Either way, I'm finally going to hop on to the Pro deal. There is a number of PS4 exclusives that make it worth the price.

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